
Do you agree with the gay marriage approval in California?

Yes67%67% - 112
No27%27% - 45
I don't know0%0% - 0
Plead the fifth3%3% - 5
Other? (Please State)1%1% - 3
Total: 165
What I said in the last gay marriage thread:

1. The government should provide the same rights for gay couples as straight couples.

2. The government should not recognize any bond between any couple as anything other than a civil union. Marriage is religious, religious things should not have a place in government, nor should government have a place in religious things.

3. What couples call their civil union is up to them. If a gay couple wishes to be married, let them call themselves married, nobody is forcing Christians to recognize their union as marriage.

Basically, the only thing the government needs to be involved with is making sure that all couples receive the same benefit from their unions. What the union is defined as is not a government issue.

Ataronchronon wrote:

What I said in the last gay marriage thread:

1. The government should provide the same rights for gay couples as straight couples.

2. The government should not recognize any bond between any couple as anything other than a civil union. Marriage is religious, religious things should not have a place in government, nor should government have a place in religious things.

3. What couples call their civil union is up to them. If a gay couple wishes to be married, let them call themselves married, nobody is forcing Christians to recognize their union as marriage.

Basically, the only thing the government needs to be involved with is making sure that all couples receive the same benefit from their unions. What the union is defined as is not a government issue.
+244|7006|arica harbour
well if you are asking if gay marriage is okey? ask a 6 year old kid how he feels about having 2 dads ( in a personal level)? youll find the answer real quick.
Grow up, or die

specialistx2324 wrote:

well if you are asking if gay marriage is okey? ask a 6 year old kid how he feels about having 2 dads ( in a personal level)? youll find the answer real quick.
He'll say he thinks its perfectly normal. That's how he was raised. Just like all the christian dumbass's were raised to think that it's not normal.
Aspiring Objectivist
The only problem I have with it is they get the benifits. If my taxes don't have to pay for it then fine, do what you want but don't bring my money in it.
Yes, by all means.

I don't understand why people have such a problem with gay marriage.  Or right, the whole God thing...
People need to step out of their damn 1000 year old tradition caves and realize what year it is.

TrollmeaT wrote:

The only problem I have with it is they get the benifits. If my taxes don't have to pay for it then fine, do what you want but don't bring my money in it.
Your money is most likely being wasted elsewhere.  Ponder that for awhile.
We don't exactly have 0% corruption in the US government.

Last edited by Icleos (2008-08-24 21:17:08)

I am all that is MOD!

TrollmeaT wrote:

The only problem I have with it is they get the benifits. If my taxes don't have to pay for it then fine, do what you want but don't bring my money in it.
You get tax money if you get married?  For what?

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

Spearhead wrote:


What else is there to say?
Exactly, the people who make this complicated are religous people trying to combine church and state which is clearly causing problems.
You make littel sense.  People are allowed to have opinions.  It doesn't matter where their values come from.  Some people don't like the idea of guys pounding each others ass or girls fisting each other.  Frankly, I get sick to my stomach when I see two guys tongue kissing and would hate to have shit like that be normalized so I would have to endure seeing it on TV, in the Movies, or in real life.  I don't think my kids should have to grow up around such scummy people with little values. 

I would rather be surrounded by religious people than gays.  Too many gays are just perverts that would fuck a monkey if they could catch one and quite a few lesbians aren't lesbians by choice.  The fact of the matter is that many of them have mental disorders and hormone issues.  Don't believe me, go to a gay pride parade and talk to some of them.  Leave your little boy alone with a few random queers and I would bet he gets molested.  Lord knows it isn't women abducting, raping, and killing all the little boys every year.  For gay men being only ~ 5% of the population there is a lot of ass rape in the world.

Now with that being said I judge people individually and groups collectively.  This is my opinion on gays from the 4 or 5 guys I have known that suck cock.  Them guys were real cocksuckers.
Once again proof of how awesomely intelligent you are...
Grow up, or die


TrollmeaT wrote:

The only problem I have with it is they get the benifits. If my taxes don't have to pay for it then fine, do what you want but don't bring my money in it.
You get tax money if you get married?  For what?
I am all that is MOD!

xBlackPantherx wrote:


TrollmeaT wrote:

The only problem I have with it is they get the benifits. If my taxes don't have to pay for it then fine, do what you want but don't bring my money in it.
You get tax money if you get married?  For what?
I think he's referring to possible tax benefits, but that would have nothing to do with his tax money.  The anti-gay marriage argument regarding taxes is that they (same-sex couples) get benefits supposedly intended for couples having kids (future tax contributors). 

Perhaps we should outlaw marriage unless you have an arbitrary number of children .
God Save the Queen
+628|6661|tropical regions of london
make sure they arent inter racial too.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I would rather be surrounded by religious people than gays.  Too many gays are just perverts that would fuck a monkey if they could catch one and quite a few lesbians aren't lesbians by choice.  The fact of the matter is that many of them have mental disorders and hormone issues.  Don't believe me, go to a gay pride parade and talk to some of them.  Leave your little boy alone with a few random queers and I would bet he gets molested.  Lord knows it isn't women abducting, raping, and killing all the little boys every year.  For gay men being only ~ 5% of the population there is a lot of ass rape in the world.
Last time I checked, priests were the ones molesting little boys, not homosexuals.
Grow up, or die


xBlackPantherx wrote:


You get tax money if you get married?  For what?
I think he's referring to possible tax benefits, but that would have nothing to do with his tax money.  The anti-gay marriage argument regarding taxes is that they (same-sex couples) get benefits supposedly intended for couples having kids (future tax contributors). 

Perhaps we should outlaw marriage unless you have an arbitrary number of children .
That's what I meant. Hahaha.

Ataronchronon wrote:

Last time I checked, priests were the ones molesting little boys, not homosexuals.
Mmmmm, quite....

EDIT: Don't forget our Christian Senators in our Airport bathrooms...

Last edited by xBlackPantherx (2008-08-24 23:17:00)

Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Turquoise wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

There is a big difference between employing religious values in your judgment and actually having things like "In God We Trust" on currency.  The latter really is a violation of the separation of church and state.
No, it's not. Otherwise, it wouldn't be there, as it would have been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Separation of church and state guarantees primacy of no single religion, not the absence of any religion.
It hasn't been ruled unconstitutional because it's not in the Constitution.  There is no clause for the separation of church and state -- it only covers the freedom of religion.  The separation of church and state is simply a principle that the founding fathers supported.  This is why I support it.

As you said, there is no law barring religion from playing a part in our government.  I'm just saying that we would function better as a society if government was more secular.
Well, if it's not in the Constitution, then we can't really say that it is a requirement. The concept that was supported by the founding fathers is what was put in the Constitution. Jefferson did write about a "wall between church and state", and the SC did uphold the concept in various rulings. However, there are two clauses: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause.

From wiki:

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the establishment of a national religion by the Congress or the preference of one religion over another, or religion over non-religion. Originally, the First Amendment only applied to the federal government. Subsequently, under the incorporation doctrine, certain selected provisions were applied to states. It was not, however, until the middle and later years of the twentieth century that the Supreme Court began to interpret the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses in such a manner as to restrict the promotion of religion by state governments. For example, in the Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet, 512 U.S. 687 (1994), Justice David Souter, writing for the majority, concluded that "government should not prefer one religion to another, or religion to irreligion".
The Free Exercise Clause is the accompanying clause with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

The Warren Court adopted the "compelling interest" doctrine regarding the clause, holding that a state must show a compelling interest in restricting religion-related activities. Later court decisions retreated from this standard, permitting governmental actions that were neutral to interfere with religion. The Congress attempted to restore this standard by passing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In City of Boerne v. Flores, 521 U.S. 507 (1997), the Supreme Court held that such an attempt was unconstitutional regarding state and local government actions (though permissible regarding federal actions).
The use of the phrase "In God We Trust" is vague enough so as not to infringe upon the Establishment Clause, as it does not "prefer one religion to another" nor does it really "prefer religion to irreligion". To say it does would be the same as saying that because an atheist uses the term "Goddammit" when they curse, they are actually acknowledging the existence of a God. If the term used was "In Jesus Christ We Trust" then that would certainly violate both clauses, as it is specific to Christianity.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
+1,352|6811|N. Ireland

FEOS wrote:

The use of the phrase "In God We Trust" is vague enough so as not to infringe upon the Establishment Clause, as it does not "prefer one religion to another" nor does it really "prefer religion to irreligion". To say it does would be the same as saying that because an atheist uses the term "Goddammit" when they curse, they are actually acknowledging the existence of a God. If the term used was "In Jesus Christ We Trust" then that would certainly violate both clauses, as it is specific to Christianity.
Despite having read the phrase "In God We Trust" at least a couple of hundred times, I never actually thought about it like that. You've opened my mind up in that respect
Grow up, or die

FEOS wrote:

The use of the phrase "In God We Trust" is vague enough so as not to infringe upon the Establishment Clause, as it does not "prefer one religion to another" nor does it really "prefer religion to irreligion". To say it does would be the same as saying that because an atheist uses the term "Goddammit" when they curse, they are actually acknowledging the existence of a God. If the term used was "In Jesus Christ We Trust" then that would certainly violate both clauses, as it is specific to Christianity.
That's actually quite true.
prince of insufficient light

FEOS wrote:

The use of the phrase "In God We Trust" is vague enough so as not to infringe upon the Establishment Clause, as it does not "prefer one religion to another" nor does it really "prefer religion to irreligion". To say it does would be the same as saying that because an atheist uses the term "Goddammit" when they curse, they are actually acknowledging the existence of a God. If the term used was "In Jesus Christ We Trust" then that would certainly violate both clauses, as it is specific to Christianity.
Don't buy it at all.

How is is God vague at all? It eliminates all religions that are not monotheistic, including atheists and agnostics. Does that phrase really make sense to a Hindu? What about a Muslim, shouldn't at the very least that word be written in the holy tongue, Arabic? The idea of God, though it holds basically true across many religions, is still a very specific idea. Then for the government, by the extension that they printed the money, to place all their trust in that supernatural being...well that could be disturbing even to Christians and Jews.

I don't see how goddammit isn't acknowledging the existence of God. The people that say it might not mean it in that sense, but then when people say "fuck you" I don't see very many people dropping their pants...

What if it was "In the Gods We Trust"? "In the Spirits We Trust"? "In Humanity We Trust"?
O Canada
+1,596|6722|North Carolina
Flaming's right.  I don't buy it either.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

FEOS wrote:

The use of the phrase "In God We Trust" is vague enough so as not to infringe upon the Establishment Clause, as it does not "prefer one religion to another" nor does it really "prefer religion to irreligion". To say it does would be the same as saying that because an atheist uses the term "Goddammit" when they curse, they are actually acknowledging the existence of a God. If the term used was "In Jesus Christ We Trust" then that would certainly violate both clauses, as it is specific to Christianity.
Don't buy it at all.

How is is God vague at all? It eliminates all religions that are not monotheistic, including atheists and agnostics. Does that phrase really make sense to a Hindu? What about a Muslim, shouldn't at the very least that word be written in the holy tongue, Arabic? The idea of God, though it holds basically true across many religions, is still a very specific idea. Then for the government, by the extension that they printed the money, to place all their trust in that supernatural being...well that could be disturbing even to Christians and Jews.

I don't see how goddammit isn't acknowledging the existence of God. The people that say it might not mean it in that sense, but then when people say "fuck you" I don't see very many people dropping their pants...

What if it was "In the Gods We Trust"? "In the Spirits We Trust"? "In Humanity We Trust"?
It doesn't eliminate multitheistic traditions in any way. It doesn't call out a specific god of those traditions, so it by default includes whichever deity those following a multitheistic religion choose.

So you can pick and choose when and where you will apply the argument? To say "In God We Trust" is acknowledging a specific religion, while using that same deity's (you're the one who said the implication is there) name in vain is NOT acknowledging that deity/religion? How about if someone who is atheistic says "Oh God" or "By God" or invokes that word in any other way? You can't have your cake and eat it to. The logic applies to either situation, whether you like it or not.

Last edited by FEOS (2008-08-25 16:09:24)

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
prince of insufficient light

FEOS wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

FEOS wrote:

The use of the phrase "In God We Trust" is vague enough so as not to infringe upon the Establishment Clause, as it does not "prefer one religion to another" nor does it really "prefer religion to irreligion". To say it does would be the same as saying that because an atheist uses the term "Goddammit" when they curse, they are actually acknowledging the existence of a God. If the term used was "In Jesus Christ We Trust" then that would certainly violate both clauses, as it is specific to Christianity.
Don't buy it at all.

How is is God vague at all? It eliminates all religions that are not monotheistic, including atheists and agnostics. Does that phrase really make sense to a Hindu? What about a Muslim, shouldn't at the very least that word be written in the holy tongue, Arabic? The idea of God, though it holds basically true across many religions, is still a very specific idea. Then for the government, by the extension that they printed the money, to place all their trust in that supernatural being...well that could be disturbing even to Christians and Jews.

I don't see how goddammit isn't acknowledging the existence of God. The people that say it might not mean it in that sense, but then when people say "fuck you" I don't see very many people dropping their pants...

What if it was "In the Gods We Trust"? "In the Spirits We Trust"? "In Humanity We Trust"?
It doesn't eliminate multitheistic traditions in any way. It doesn't call out a specific god of those traditions, so it by default includes whichever deity those following a multitheistic religion choose.

So you can pick and choose when and where you will apply the argument? To say "In God We Trust" is acknowledging a specific religion, while using that same deity's (you're the one who said the implication is there) name in vain is NOT acknowledging that deity/religion? How about if someone who is atheistic says "Oh God" or "By God" or invokes that word in any other way? You can't have your cake and eat it to. The logic applies to either situation, whether you like it or not.
To the first, as you said it refers to certain sets of religions while not referring to others. God does not translate to Gods or Spirits or There is No Creator in the mind of the beholder, God is a specific word that has a definite meaning. That meaning might be interpreted correctly in many different ways, but it cannot cover all the bases.

I never went back on my own argument. When someone says goddamnit, they are implying the existence of god by taking his name in vain. The point of the rest of the paragraph is that an atheist may say that without truly believing in god because the word has become a common swear word, just as someone may say fuck you. Fuck doesn't lose its meaning "to have intercourse with" because the speaker doesn't immediately drop his or her pants, it is only said in a different context. It would be similar to an atheist saying he believed in God. Because he didn't mean it doesn't change how those words are used to other people, but it also doesn't mean he actually believes in God.

lowing wrote:

Yes I agree with gay marriage. Gay marriage does nothing to hinder everyone else's rights to life liberty and happiness. It also can not tarnish an institution that has a 70% failure rate already. I say more power to them, as long as special privileges and "rights" do not go along with it that is not afforded to everyone else.

Not to mention the fact that it is none of anyone elses business
uh...I...agree...like you took the words right out of my brain.  Stop that!
Should have ducked
+394|6804|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
I went with other, because I could care fucking less.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

To the first, as you said it refers to certain sets of religions while not referring to others.
That's actually not at all what I said.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

God does not translate to Gods or Spirits or There is No Creator in the mind of the beholder, God is a specific word that has a definite meaning. That meaning might be interpreted correctly in many different ways, but it cannot cover all the bases.
Maybe not to you. It may have started that way, but that's not the way it is now.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

I never went back on my own argument. When someone says goddamnit, they are implying the existence of god by taking his name in vain. The point of the rest of the paragraph is that an atheist may say that without truly believing in god because the word has become a common swear word, just as someone may say fuck you. Fuck doesn't lose its meaning "to have intercourse with" because the speaker doesn't immediately drop his or her pants, it is only said in a different context. It would be similar to an atheist saying he believed in God. Because he didn't mean it doesn't change how those words are used to other people, but it also doesn't mean he actually believes in God.
It would appear that the SCOTUS disagrees with you.

wikipedia wrote:

However, the Supreme Court has upheld the motto because it has lost "through rote repitition ... any significant religious content"[9]; so-called acts of "ceremonial deism" that have lost their "history, character, and context".[10]

9. Lynch v. Donnelly, 465 U.S. 668
10. Elk Grove Unified School District et al v. Newdow, 542 U.S. 1
Emphasis added. It is no different than an atheist using the word "god" in any form of conversation. Its use does not in any way imply recognition or endorsement of a specific deity.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
I don't see the big deal.
If people want to live together they are free to do so - if they are married is irrelevant.

For me the idea of marriage is to make a commitment to stay together and raise children - and thats what most of the tax breaks are aligned with.

Frankly I don't see why my taxes should go to subsidise someone else's lifestyle when it doesn't result in fresh little taxpayers.
Fuck Israel
+385|6808|Northern California
Without being religious, I am upset by the ruling as it goes against the will of the people who voted on that subject already..passing with 61%.  Having courts rule California is not something I support.  We now will have "prop 8" on our ballot, (even though the AG reworded it like a dick), and the people of CA will yet again vote on gay marriage..this time, it will be with an amendment to the state constitution.  We'll see how that goes.

And yet...with my disdain for the gay lobby and the state supreme court usurping power over a lawful vote..and IMHO, a completely acceptable law (to not recognize gay marriage), I am also in "near" complete agreement with post #101 above:

What I said in the last gay marriage thread:

1. The government should provide the same rights for gay couples as straight couples.

2. The government should not recognize any bond between any couple as anything other than a civil union. Marriage is religious, religious things should not have a place in government, nor should government have a place in religious things.

3. What couples call their civil union is up to them. If a gay couple wishes to be married, let them call themselves married, nobody is forcing Christians to recognize their union as marriage.

Basically, the only thing the government needs to be involved with is making sure that all couples receive the same benefit from their unions. What the union is defined as is not a government issue.
Rather than make gay marriage ok, I believe "marriage" (in verbiage only) should be removed as a civil ordinance.  "Unions" should replace such a thing.  Churches alone should offer "marriage" since it is a religious principle and the church can then debate and argue over who should get it.  And then the LGBT groups should have their non-religious or religious version of marriage if they want.

Where I disagree with #101 quoted above is that, because I am religious and know the role of the family and what constitutes many life-long and eternal purposes, I DON'T want gay couples adopting or raising children.  Am I somehow a bigot or now accused as being "intolerant?"  Sure, why not!  Do I care?  No, because I have NOTHING wrong with gays or their personal decisions...only if it effects children who "I believe" require male and female parents.  And I'm sure it wouldn't matter if I explained religiously why, even if the OP allowed it.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-08-26 14:59:48)

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