bit like yourself there, eh Mek?
this thread's about the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE! ya, fuck the bears. da bears!
Last edited by ICCULUS (2009-09-30 08:07:40)
I think we're going to beat the Lions. Even if Cutler throws two interceptions, we'll still easily beat them.
Last edited by HaiBai (2009-10-01 20:23:24)
bold prediction there
I think the Lions will put up some points too. Their defense is rusty but offensively, Calvin Johnson will put up some points for them.HaiBai wrote:
I think we're going to beat the Lions. Even if Cutler throws two interceptions, we'll still easily beat them.
da bears
24 to 48. Good job Bears.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
anyone else gonna watch Pittsburgh - San Diego?
too bad for the Titans. They can't get it together. They should give the reigns to Vince Young, they'll gonna sink anyways, give him a chance to win at least a game.
The Rams are a joke. The Lions well, they put up the first half. I guess they forgot the game is 4 quarters. They need to learn to finish games.
The Rams are a joke. The Lions well, they put up the first half. I guess they forgot the game is 4 quarters. They need to learn to finish games.
Sanchez has a typical rookie game against a team that's a force to be reckoned with so far - not disappointed at all.
We still have 12 more games to play.
We still have 12 more games to play.
Go Broncos
Go Pittsburgh Steelers
Dauntless wrote:
no one gives a flying fuck dauntless
fix'tGooners wrote:
no one gives a flying fuck like dauntless
slam goonersburnzz wrote:
fix'tGooners wrote:
no one gives a flying fuck like dauntless
i fucking hate all of you
Fuck, why is it, every goddam Sunday night they have this match up, and the game turns out one-sided?
chargers' D is on the field too much
Dauntless wrote:
Too little too late you san diego dickheads
fuck, what was the over/under on this game?