All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

lowing wrote:

The point has been made folks, this bills opens the door for the govt. to dictate to us what we eat. It is another step in the direction of govt. control over our lives.
Goverment only gives a shit about your wellbeing so you are able taxpayers.  Apart from that it couldn't give a fuck.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+233|6104|Dublin, Ohio
you only live once you twats.  enjoy life.  my god.  drink, eat, fornicate, drink, enjoy.
+877|6274|Washington DC

usmarine2 wrote:

you only live once you twats.  enjoy life.  my god.  drink, eat, fornicate, drink, enjoy.
i can enjoy life without eating crappy food... that is to say, i eat real burgers instead of mickey d's
+233|6104|Dublin, Ohio

HurricaИe wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

you only live once you twats.  enjoy life.  my god.  drink, eat, fornicate, drink, enjoy.
i can enjoy life without eating crappy food... that is to say, i eat real burgers instead of mickey d's
you dont eat wings?  pizza?

also, you live at home.  wait until you work 10 hours or more and see how much you feel like cooking.
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon
I thought fat people weren't allowed into California?

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

usmarine2 wrote:

you only live once you twats.  enjoy life.  my god.  drink, eat, fornicate, drink, enjoy.
I'd rather enjoy it for twenty years, not two.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Reciprocity wrote:

I thought fat people weren't allowed into California?

http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q82/ … s_2281.jpg
Only if that were true.
But the beach is where they are rarely any of them.
+877|6274|Washington DC

usmarine2 wrote:

HurricaИe wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

you only live once you twats.  enjoy life.  my god.  drink, eat, fornicate, drink, enjoy.
i can enjoy life without eating crappy food... that is to say, i eat real burgers instead of mickey d's
you dont eat wings?  pizza?

also, you live at home.  wait until you work 10 hours or more and see how much you feel like cooking.
eh, only boneless wings (i'm picky). I fucking love pizza.

And ya I know I'll probably dread cooking - but if I'm frugal in other aspects of my finances I can afford better quality food when eating out. There are a few burger joints in DC (Five Guys being the most awesome of them all) that aren't much more expensive than mcdonald's but have way better quality burgers.

believe me I'm all for enjoying life when it comes to food... i just prefer tasty food that isn't loaded with artificial shit
I am all that is MOD!


Smithereener wrote:

I was referring to the part where it says the individual should be free to live as they wish. I always believed that the concept of social contract involves relinquishing some of our rights in order to enjoy the benefits of a society or structure. Why should the government prevent its citizens from taking narcotics like heroine or PCP; would you consider that a breach of rights? Perhaps it is, but would you rather have the government be apathetic or unwilling to legislate against these kinds of things that can potentially bring down any sense of social order?

Would you rather the government not give a shit about its citizens when they need help? An apathetic government isn't something I'd want to live under. Sure, they did butcher the relief effort with Katrina, but really, would you rather that the government just sit back because it doesn't really involve our rights? I don't believe regulation is entirely a bad thing. The negative externalities of certain behaviours, whether it be pollution from a factory, second hand smoke from smokers, or drunk driving from some drinkers are far more harmful to others than a simple overweight person - at this point, something should have to step in to reduce the negative effects of those behaviours. What about my right to be able to breathe the air outside without having to hold my breath when walking by someone who's got a cigarette in his mouth? If the action affects someone else in a harmful way, the government has every right to step in and protect the rights of the other people who don't want to be harmfully affected.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not too stoked about the idea of having the government tell me what to do or what to eat. I too think that whether or not to allow certain types of fat should be left to the restaurant itself. I mean, I want to eat some fattening stuff once in a while too. But with obesity as it is right now in the US, I can see why people might want to see some kind of change in the way that we eat. Still, I'd rather have this issue be left to the individual restaurant. A lot of them are going the healthier route in the first place, and getting fat doesn't quite adversely affect other people like smoking and drinking might.
You say social contract like it is some sort of universally accepted theory. From from it! The idea of the government having power over you for your own good is a fundamental argument that many do not agree with, including myself. I firmly believe in the teachings of Thomas Jefferson, Milton Friedman, George Washingon, John Stuart Mill, and Adam Smith that "The power to do good is also the power to do harm." Thomas Jefferson said, "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." This is an important point. You cannot have freedom without responsibility, they go hand in hand. Do you believe that the role of government is to control the people and decide what is best for them. Or do you believe that it is the role of government to protect the inherent rights of people as they choose for themselves how to live and what is best for them?

Adam Smith said in his famous book, The Wealth of Nations, that an individual who "intends only his own gain" is " led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good". Milton Friedman takes this anaylsis and applies it to those seeking to aid the public through government, "In the government sphere, as in the market, these seems to be an invisible hand, but it operate in precisely the opposite direction from Adam Smith's: an individual who intends only to serve the public interest by fostering government intervention is "led by an invisible hand to promote" private interests, "which was no part of his intention."

I believe this wholeheartedly. I believe that the only role which the government has is to protect the rights of the individual through a court system, a military, and a local (non federal) police force. The government is not effective as, nor should have the right to, determining and enforcing what it believes to be the best for you. As John Stuart Mill put it, "The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. . . ." and "The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."

Please consider these ideas.

HurricaИe wrote:

But what if 'the consumers' demanded that the government impose a regulation (included in the health code for the restaurants) that restricted the use of trans fats?
The government cannot strip away someone's rights. It does not have that right. The government is not all powerful, its only rightful power it to protect the rights of the individual, not to serve their interests. As I said above, "The power to do good is also the power to do harm".
+877|6274|Washington DC
Jesus christ people they aren't telling you that if you eat trans fats you get put on death row!! Time to copy/paste comments from Digg since I'm too tired to write my own shit:

THEY ARE NOT SUSPENDING YOUR RIGHTS TO EAT TRANS FATS. They are making it so that you can't SELL trans fats to people can label it as food. IT IS NOT FOOD. Trans fats have absolutely no nutritional value, and it's been proven that it harms you.

Regulating trade is DIFFERENT than infringing on individual liberty. Regulating trade is perfectly legal, and is provided for in the constitution. This is not an invasion on your individual liberty. Go ahead - eat shit, just don't label it as food and try to sell it to the public.
I don't understand what everyone is complaining about. They are not restricting the foods that you as an individual can eat, they are restricting restaurants from putting unsafe additives in food. You can still eat your burgers and donuts and what not. The problem here is that restaurants were not informing customers that they used trans-fats.

Like the article mentioned, did you know that trans-fats were used in hot chocolate and many cake mixes that restaurants use? If you did than I am impressed. If restaurants had made more of an effort to provide information to their consumers and didn't have to be forced this bill probably never would have been put on the table. Hopefully, once more evidence is accumulated, other additives like aspartame and MSG will face similar bans in the future.

This situation reminds me a lot of California's controversal banning of the MTBE additive in gasoline, which everyone applauded because they were 'sticking it to the oil companies'. Funny how people switch sides so easily.
This one made me laugh cause of the last couple sentences:

I'm not so sure about a statewide ban, being the libertarian guy that I am. It is my principle to oppose this ban, but deep down I am really happy about the ban. Transfats are the worst things in processed foods today, and they are worse by several orders of magnetitude than all the other unhealthy things in foods today: refined carbs, sugar, MSG, sodium, cholesterol, saturated fats, vegetable oils, and all the other various chemicals they puts into foods. Transfats are far worse than all of those. Look up transfats in pubmed or google scholor, transfats are serious business.

In situations like this, I ask WWRP do (what would Ron Paul do), and Ron Paul would oppose the ban. So in the end, I oppose this ban too. Transfats are already being eliminated in foods by the industry.
See you all in the (late) morning

Last edited by HurricaИe (2008-07-26 23:44:42)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

paul386 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Banning trans fats is fine, provided it's not a blanket ban and is applied with a little common sense. You get trans fats in milk and banning that would just be stupid. Banning artificial trans fats that occur in nasty hydrogenated crap is a good idea. Non-hydrogenated oils are available for everything hydrogenated oils can do and having your food prepared in a healthier and tastier way can only be a good thing.

Other more direct and explicit bans that have gone on in the US regarding food (like this) have outraged me, but this is obviously a good thing. Regulation of what goes into what we eat and drink is not anything resembling a big brother state - it is a good thing which means we get better quality products.
It doesn't matter if trans fats are good or bad for you. It the fact that government has no right in doing it. Business appeal to their customers, and if their customers demand trans fat free products, then they will get it. A government mandate is illegal and morally wrong.
That's like saying regulations concerning stuff like lead in drinking water are wrong, because you should be allowed to have as much lead in your tap water as you like. Regulation on unnecessary toxins in food and drink can only be a good thing.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

lowing wrote:

paul386 wrote:

ATG wrote:

I say we have bigger problems;

If you don't understand the severity of this than you are a bit naive. It starts with things like smoking bans and then these kind of bans and it will eventually tumble into the government telling you when you can take a shit.
I have no problem with smoking bans, I do have a problem with this. Smoking affects the individual and all forced into breathing their smoke. Trans fat affects only the people eating it.

I do agree however, that this bill can have far reaching ramifications toward personal privacy intrusions....What is next, a ban on sugar?
I'm sure this ban only affects artificial trans fats, since having no trans fats at all is just silly. The main purpose of it is to stop restaurants frying in hydrogenated oils which lead to serious health issues. It is better in every way to use non-hydrogenated oils for this and nothing is being lost by the ban (except a lot of trans fats in a lot of peoples diets). Banning sugar is an altogether different scenario.

I'd like to see a similar ban imposed in the UK - like they already have in Denmark.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2008-07-27 03:01:41)

+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon
if california has to pay the healthcare costs for a bunch of fat fucks it's understandable that they want to reduce the use of this fat fuck causing substance.
+233|6104|Dublin, Ohio

Spark wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

you only live once you twats.  enjoy life.  my god.  drink, eat, fornicate, drink, enjoy.
I'd rather enjoy it for twenty years, not two.
where did you come up with that math equation?
I think the point is that most people are ignorant and don't even know what a transfat is. So in the general interest of the public, they ban it from restaurants. You can point out that people who don't know what a transfat is deserve to die from eating it, but that's just being ignorant yourself.
Dropped on request
The thing I find interesting about this is that I figured the more liberal posters would be against this and the conservatives would be for it.

I guess it anybody is capable of the "taking away my freedom" argument. It just depends on what the issue is. It's alot easier than coming up with a real argument.
+3,936|6813|so randum

stopping people making food with this shit in infringes upon your rights.

go complain to the water board, and tell em to stop filtering your water - that's infringing your rights too.

much ado about nothing
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
. . .

FatherTed wrote:


stopping people making food with this shit in infringes upon your rights.

go complain to the water board, and tell em to stop filtering your water - that's infringing your rights too.

much ado about nothing
+233|6104|Dublin, Ohio

FatherTed wrote:


stopping people making food with this shit in infringes upon your rights.

go complain to the water board, and tell em to stop filtering your water - that's infringing your rights too.

much ado about nothing
stop smoking.  ban smoking.  kthx.

anyone see a problem with that?  no, good.
+233|6104|Dublin, Ohio
ban everything.  motorcycles, paintball guns, video games, etc.   all can either injure or are not healthy for you.
+877|6274|Washington DC

usmarine2 wrote:

FatherTed wrote:


stopping people making food with this shit in infringes upon your rights.

go complain to the water board, and tell em to stop filtering your water - that's infringing your rights too.

much ado about nothing
stop smoking.  ban smoking.  kthx.

anyone see a problem with that?  no, good.
A smoking ban would kind of make sense given we've banned other shit like heroin and crack (I really don't see why cigarettes are legal yet marijuana is not). That said, I think the tobacco lobby is far more powerful than the uh, trans-fat lobby.
+3,936|6813|so randum

usmarine2 wrote:

FatherTed wrote:


stopping people making food with this shit in infringes upon your rights.

go complain to the water board, and tell em to stop filtering your water - that's infringing your rights too.

much ado about nothing
stop smoking.  ban smoking.  kthx.

anyone see a problem with that?  no, good.
same could be said about booze, but neither of our governments would totally ban it just on health reasons atm.

Why? - tax.

transfats do nothing for the food, nothing for the government, and are bad for your health, hence the ban.

i still don't understand why this is such an issue, you're not going to miss it, it's better for you, and it isn't going to cost you.

Everyone can take off their tin-foil hats and drop the ideas the governments out to destroy your liberties - that's just plain bollocks.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+233|6104|Dublin, Ohio
ban cars, they emit pollutants.  ban people from going to the beach, skin cancer.
. . .
OOh can I play!

Uhh we try to ban (at least we're trying to reduce) the emissions on cars. And you don't ban the beach - you ban the cancer causing agent - the sun.

OK, I hereby BAN THE SUN. Did it work? Will my ban on the sun be as effective as a ban on an unnecessary, you wouldn't miss it unless someone told you it was gone and gone for the better, fat?

Last edited by topal63 (2008-07-27 08:22:00)

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