He's refering to Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome. UK stats are 500 people a year die from it. We have a population of 60mil.topal63 wrote:
Source. And, please make it specific. Please demonstrate how many young healthy people who failed to check the restaurant menu for trans-fat dropped dead on the spot of a heart attack.S.Lythberg wrote:
Do you know how many athletes or otherwise healthy young people have dropped dead from massive heart attacks?topal63 wrote:
There is a ZERO point ZERO chance I'd do that (check). I don't even care if they do serve me trans-fat. I am not at risk - I am thin and exercise regularly. I wouldn't even know the difference - and my health wouldn't be affected either.
PS: I am 45.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/ … ult1.shtml
(you prob already know the above!)
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.