Hard Case
+11|6944|S.E. United States
trying to succeed in recieving my basic knife is and has been near impossible to say the least.
and today when I gave it another go only to fail with only 2 knife kills before the round of frustration was over.that didnt frustrate me as bad as when I went to check my stats, before the attempt I had only been killed 3 times by a knife.I find Id been killed 10 more(13 now) and hadnt even been stabbed in the round.all deaths came from arty or wtf is that all about,if your running around with a knife looking crazed and stupid and die the other guy gets a knife kill credit? trust me I always look up to see how Id been killed and that round I had not been knifed!! this really pisses me off...
now I "hope" someone can pass on a tactic or two to get this badge, as you know w/o it you cant advance to first sergeant.
this last attempt, I had read going into a 16 plyr server at karkand may be the ticket,but for me it was not only an ass kickin' but somehow I was killed 10 times with a knife and never a blade touched my body...

*frustrated and baffled
+1|6962|Milton Keynes, England
That sounds strange, dont really know what's going on there. Might be like the shock paddles death statistic on your stats, where everytime you're revived it registers as a death!?!!

Dont give up though, believe me when I say that the idea of the knife badge is a lot harder than actually getting it. For a start, I think Karkand is the way forward (as MEC). I would recommend at least a full 32 player server, as this way there is more chance of finding someone to stab. Lastly, be assault, as this way you are wearing armour and so you can take more gunfire from your intended victim.

I think the main barrier to this badge is psychological because I felt for a while that badge was just possible, as I said, it's the idea of 7 kills in 1 round that is difficult at first. For me I psyched myself up for my first attempt and hid round corners waiting for USMC, then run at them and stab or jump at them and stab, or if they're on the floor, jump towards them, then press z to lay down, then stab them. The first time I ended up getting 4 in 5 mins and 2 later on. I missed 2 guys laying down facing away from me by rushing in and stabbing too early, they heard me and killed me.

The 2nd round, I tried it again and got 5 kills. I didnt try again and left it for a while. But then I realised that my only two attempts both came pretty close, and that a lot of it is just down to luck and being in the right place.

On my 3rd attempt, a while later, I was really up for it. After about 5 minutes of nothing, I got like 4 in 30 seconds or something and my heart was going crazy. Caught another two at the hotel spawnpoint trying to capture it, stabbed them somehow (jumping towards them and lying down), defended the flag, died, re-spawned behind a USMC shooting someone else and bam that was it. I just stopped and breathed lots. This was all within the first 7 minutes or so of my 3rd proper attempt.

I learnt from this that only 2 of the 7 kills were actually from behind, the rest were from facing the enemy combined with a bit of luck. Remeber to jump towards the enemy and dive at their feet, because normally as they see you they tend to dive to the ground as well, so by the time you've jumped towards them, you're clear to stab them. I think it also helps to really know the map well, especially the hotel control point and all the buildings around it. Try getting high, listening for an enemy to go past and drop behind him. The traintracks are also a nice place to find enemies lying down, if the battle ends up in that direction.

Plus, your rank is a long way off from 1st Sergeant anyway, you've got time! My only concern would be the issue of finally getting the badge when you've already got over 50 knife kills, whereupon you're supposed to get the veteran one at the same time and so not get 1st Sergeant when the time comes. But I've also heard that EA have fixed this, so who knows, just go for it.

I'm no knife expert whatsoever but I sympathize with you cos I felt exactly the same before I got my badge. Better than some really high rank turning around and saying you're too much of a noob to get it or some shit.

Good luck Fella!
+1,230|7105|Alberta, Canada

I got 6 kills, i needed one more, then the round ended. i dont see how people cant get veteran, even expert.
Being a person who non-statspadding-ly got the experts knife badge, I'll provide some tips.

1) Unless you feel like Superman, dont charge directly at someone with any sort of weapon. Always attack from the back, you need the element of suprise. Sometimes this can be over run, though, if there is a huge pack of people in one location, and if you do it quick enough, you can get them all without them knowing what hit them. Never take chances though.

2) Imagine its a sniper rifle. It is very precise, so it doesnt have much area damage or reach. Always do it quick and close. It may take a bit practice, but practice may come easy.

3) What to do in a knife vs. knife ? Depends. If they are bunny hoppers, be careful, always try to evade and be faster than him. If he is a noob knifer, do the quick "I'm running at you to make you think that I'm about to kill you from the front but I'm really gonna shift to your side and stab you up the ass" trick.

4) Look for snipers and support guys. They are the easiest " meat " if you know what I mean. Many of them camp, so they usually are focused ahead of them. *Slice*

5) Make sure you save your run energy. You may be caught in a "dead-zone" with your run energy at low, that is ALWAYS bad.

IkoShinra264 is right in many of his tips. I got my experts knife badge in the last 3 tickets of a game, and not to be corny, but I was like " OMFG YEEEEEEEEES I DID IT !!!!!! " , I say knifing takes 25 % suprise, 25 % skill, 25 % stealth and 25 % pure luck.

Good luck !

Last edited by boomshagalaga (2006-01-13 17:20:44)

prince of insufficient light
Hey, I got my expert knife non-statpadding-ly while charging people like superman!

Seriously though, those are some good tips boomshagalaga. I would add that if you are going to charge someone that has gun, don't run straight at him. Not neccesarily bunny hop unless that is your thing, but move a little. You'd be suprised how many people can't hold a bead when their target moves more than a few feet.

I reccommend being medic whenever you do this. It has high stamina, which I can't stree enoguh. Always save your stamina as much as possbile, you never know when you are going to need it. Also though, you can heal yourself. This may be obvious, but it can be extremely useful. Not only can you heal yourself after you knifed somebody CQC style, but you can heal yourself while fighting someone. Your knife is a one hit kill weapon; no matter what health they are at. So whenever I see someone a long ways a way, I charge, and they will often see me and start shooting right? So they hit me a few times, but I almost always get in close before they kill me. Once you get in close, don't focus on knifeing them yet, just stay as close as possible and start spamming medic bags for yourself. It will heal you, and you don't care whether he's at full health or not. I credit at least 5 kills of my expert toward this tactic.

Lastly, many people complain of time running out. I have found that the best time to get these badges is on a 64 player karkand server with only 16-32 people on it. The people may be few and far between, but the rounds last forever.

Good luck!
Hard Case
+11|6944|S.E. United States
thanks to all of you guys...
very encouraging info and its funny the rush I had going into that round knowing my full intent was to get the badge.Im going to just do normal battle this evening,sleep on it and give it another go at a later time with this info in mind when I do.
again thanks and I felt by joining this forum that it would have its benifits...

*much appreciated
*more confident soldier

Last edited by KillerYaNk (2006-01-13 17:31:09)

Got His War On
+37|7036|Golden, CO

KillerYaNk wrote:

trying to succeed in recieving my basic knife is and has been near impossible to say the least.
and today when I gave it another go only to fail with only 2 knife kills before the round of frustration was over.that didnt frustrate me as bad as when I went to check my stats, before the attempt I had only been killed 3 times by a knife.I find Id been killed 10 more(13 now) and hadnt even been stabbed in the round.all deaths came from arty or wtf is that all about,if your running around with a knife looking crazed and stupid and die the other guy gets a knife kill credit? trust me I always look up to see how Id been killed and that round I had not been knifed!! this really pisses me off...
now I "hope" someone can pass on a tactic or two to get this badge, as you know w/o it you cant advance to first sergeant.
this last attempt, I had read going into a 16 plyr server at karkand may be the ticket,but for me it was not only an ass kickin' but somehow I was killed 10 times with a knife and never a blade touched my body...

*frustrated and baffled
About your knife deaths, that means you got killed with your knife out 10 more times, not killed by a knife 10 times.  This is why my knife deaths are so low, because I almost never have it out.
I believe the death stat in general is not how many times you've been killed by that weapon... but how many times you've been killed while holding that weapon... I'm sure if you went back over your score for the round you'd find that 10 of your deaths came while holding the knife.
+12|7025|Gloucester - UK
I got another tip for ya. Learn the "obvious" places where peeps go and hide while they cap/defend a flag. I got my expert knife badge earlier today on Mashtur, and about 12 of the kills came from camping in the "obvious" spots and stabbing the enemy when they came to hide there, lol. some good places on mashtur are between the skip and the fence by the backyard flag, and in the little hut on the corner at the hill flag. I also agree with the going medic thing, especially for my "camp and wait" tactic, just bung a bunch of kits on the floor at your feet. This serves 2 purposes, 1) when you get shot you get insta full health again. 2) the kits actually attract enemy dudes to your position for you to stab in the face when they run round the corner :-)

Good luck!
dolphin diving is the key. Go to karkand with lots of people, dolphin dive and aim for the legs but dont go too close or you will miss. ONLY ATTACK IF YOU HAVE STAMINA OR YOU WILL GET SHOT TO QUICK. Hot spots like points being captured is best to catch people proned and ungaurded or too focused at one point. When you see a dead enemy watch for medics, when you see one trying to revive dive when he does and that is 2 knife kills or you can let the medic live and see if he revives hi again or kills u first. Either way its a free knife kill.

Last edited by Rofl_My_Waffle (2006-01-13 19:25:34)

Angry Engy

SGT_Squirtle wrote:

I believe the death stat in general is not how many times you've been killed by that weapon... but how many times you've been killed while holding that weapon... I'm sure if you went back over your score for the round you'd find that 10 of your deaths came while holding the knife.
This is the correct way to read that stat.
Horseman 77
I got the Knife and the pistol in the same Round in Karkland. *

24 player map.
I was USMC medic.
They were spawn kamping in foward spawn points. That helped. You want the meat to be rite near by.
I got a few at the hotel porch and in ally.
Throw down a couple medic bags While you hide in nooks and ally corners.
The start of the game is best becuase the commander deploys the UAV at the 1st flag alot.
Also have knife allways out, so you are not tempted to shoot by reflex.
Walk every where so you sprint energy stays max'd out and you can sprint when you need to.
Turn flags but don't cap them so the come to re-cap.
When they do don't interfere with flag recap so he thinks he's alone. Sprint in and knife.
If you curse at them they will come to you Come looking for you specifcally, and that really helps.
when I got my 6th kill the Badge came up.
I switched to pistol and got that to.
I also got the Purple Heart. lol

ryan_14 wrote:

I got 6 kills, i needed one more, then the round ended. i dont see how people cant get veteran, even expert.
Check my stats muahahah hahahaha.

Just kidding its not hard its easy just gotta go on a 64 player karkland level choose USMC side and pick sniper choose the knife then go to the metal fenced square area by hotel and let er rip
There was a "pistol and knife ONLY" server that existed for a while but I haven't seen it recently. I admit that is where I got my basic badges for both.
+5|7003|Clinton, MD, USA
I get alot of knife kills without even trying. Most of the time it's because people like to stay in awkward places or they just don't notice me. I got 3 in a row once because this group of MEC guys didn't know I was running with them.

ST19AG_WGreymon wrote:

I get alot of knife kills without even trying. Most of the time it's because people like to stay in awkward places or they just don't notice me. I got 3 in a row once because this group of MEC guys didn't know I was running with them.
Try 9 in a row.
Hard Case
+11|6944|S.E. United States
ya know it doesnt seem right that it counts as a knife death,and your killed w/a carbine just because you have your knife out...does it?
anyhow Im glad to see this thread take off like this,again I appreciate all the tips/advice.

*thankful soldier
The pistal badge was EASY for me, but the Knife one is so frustrating for me in that I have gotten 6 kills like 2 times now.
Hi Dude,

I feel your pain... it took me ages to get my basic badge, but the I found the "sneaky" skills you learn are very useful.  Today I got my Veteran badge on Mashtuur  : ^)

Here's a tip that no-one seems to have mentioned:

Use Ladders: Go up a ladder (such as the one on the building next to the Hotel spawn on Karkand), and then go prone facing the top of the ladder. When an enemy climbs up you have about 3 seconds to stab him, when he gets off the top and unholsters his weapon. (Pre-patch 1.2 you should also be able to jump and stab someone on the bottom of a ladder, as he climbs up...)

Also for some reason, the game seems to flash a picture of the enemy at the top of the ladder, when he starts climbing from the bottom... this tells you that someone is coming up. Anyone else noticed this ???

Horseman 77
I did it again !
On Karkland I got my basic knife and pistol Badge in the same round.
I also got the purple heart,
I always thought I was a sucky player but I never got the purple heart till I took a knife to a gun battle.
Later in a fit of rage I got explosives badge.
Well today on Karkland I got the Veteran Knife and pistol in one round.
Thats it. When i get home tonight im gonna get my basic knife goddammit
there seem two be two kind of players in BF2.  Those who get expert knife and explosive and those who cannot get either one of them. I'm the later type
Official Hell Bound Turbo Action Club Member
+17|6972|Gütersloh, Germany
My Basic Knife was a walk in the park but my Veteran was a pain in the ass.

- MEC on Karkand
- 10 players on a 64 players map (filling constantly during the round)
- one USMC Sniper who tried to repeatedly put claymores in the alley near hotel; stabbed him a few times
- some Assault and Support I could sneak up to from behind near hotel

- USMC on Karkand
- 10 players on a 64 players map (filling constantly during the round)
- not a real victim like the sniper for basic

Playing USMC was a big mistake. It's easier for MEC sneaking up to someone from behind who is attacking. They don't check their back this often because they think they know where the enemy is. And you can wait for enemies to come to you as MEC. And I promise they will come
got mine on SF map devils perch as mec, spawn camping! well it was their fault to not attack us
+0|7026|Givataim, Israel

ryan_14 wrote:

I got 6 kills, i needed one more, then the round ended. i dont see how people cant get veteran, even expert.
I got it on a full 64 players servers of Wake Island 2007.
The terrain is very easy to manuever the enemy, you can flank him easily.
But if you're having difficulties go to Wake Island 2007 server with very little players (but minimum 10 , so that the game would start).
Be USMC and you can come behind the enemy while they defending their closest flags to US ship.

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