lowing: "It is the attitude that if you succeed, and actually build a life for yourself, you are an Uncle Tom, who sold out to the white man......It is the hero worship of hoodlums and gang bangers and hip hop killa cop rap artists, instead of successful roll models, like black astronauts, doctors, judges, cops, firemen, entrapenures...etc...........All of these people sold out to whitey in their eyes and are shunned.... It is better to be victim of the white man's oppression so you have an excuse to be a failure, rather than get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself........Just like all of those "Uncle Tom's""
I just want to get a majority view here. Comments from black people especially welcome.
I just want to get a majority view here. Comments from black people especially welcome.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-06-24 01:08:15)