Raiders of the Lost Bear

mikeshw wrote:

He is not impersonating one. He is one.
Not for much longer *hipthrusts* woohoo. 10 more months!
Member 5307
10 more months of NS eh?
Raiders of the Lost Bear

tthf wrote:

10 more months of NS eh?
*hipthrusts* Hellyeah.

Shouldn't you two oldies be at work Btw?
Statistical Round-Up
27.05 KLS P/H
23.37 TWK P/H

22.83 KLS P/H
12.15 TWK P/H

81.49 KLS P/H
40.07 TWK P/H

Kills per hour are based on time spent and total kills as an infantryman. Teamwork points per hour are based on total time played and total teamwork points. Personally, I think you both suck, and that were polarbearz to still play with his stats in mind the difference would be minor (compared to his current "fucking around"). A proper analysis of stats can yield fairly telling information, as discrepancies only arise due to the lax attitudes some have towards actual competition for "number one". Regardless, seeing as there isn't a performance specificity surrounding each level, these certain values can not be compared per circumstance. But, aside from that, these numbers alone do in fact show quite a bit when such a large gap is as visible as it is. From this, we could easily conject that my handle on the aspects of infantry warfare and teamwork are superior to the former two competitors. Despairing enough as that may be, it's (lmao - almost) worse that not a single person made a meaningful response to my first reply (page 4) in this thread.


(P.S. It appears to me that the only reason polarbearz has outclassed JeeSqwat ATM is due to him commanding for a longer period of time [123 hrs. 41 mins. compared to 49 hours 6 mins]. Were polarbearz not spending as large a duration as he has been under the commander position, his SPM would likely drop. Ironic that polarbearz berates the accuracy and relativity of degrading another based on ones "stats" when he himself takes part in this purported debauchery.)

Last edited by Kniero (2006-01-15 19:45:21)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7009|Toronto, ON
Analyze me now.
Alpha as fuck.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7027|AUS, Canberra

Kniero wrote:

Statistical Round-Up
27.05 KLS P/H
23.37 TWK P/H

22.83 KLS P/H
12.15 TWK P/H

81.49 KLS P/H
40.07 TWK P/H

Kills per hour are based on time spent and total kills as an infantryman. Teamwork points per hour are based on total time played and total teamwork points. Personally, I think you both suck, and that were polarbearz to still play with his stats in mind the difference would be minor (compared to his current "fucking around"). A proper analysis of stats can yield fairly telling information, as discrepancies only arise due to the lax attitudes some have towards actual competition for "number one". Regardless, seeing as there isn't a performance specificity surrounding each level, these certain values can not be compared per circumstance. But, aside from that, these numbers alone do in fact show quite a bit when such a large gap is as visible as it is. From this, we could easily conject that my handle on the aspects of infantry warfare and teamwork are superior to the former two competitors. Despairing enough as that may be, it's (lmao - almost) worse that not a single person made a meaningful response to my first reply (page 4) in this thread.

id say no one could be fucking reading it, if they want to read self promotion they would get transcripts from an Ali interview, atleast that would show some humor and wit.
lmao - the_heart_attack, do you ever contribute anything when you post? Seriously, all of your insinuations (of inference) provide no addition to the community. At least in my responses, actual logicality can be seen and connections made. Really, anything you think you've done that could actually provide an "enriching" experience, I could formulate ten times better.

* * * * EDIT * * * *
Still, the fact remains that my posts are not self promotion, but an avenue of appropriate retrospect. If you can't understand that for what it is, then you'll most likely remain the bumbling annoyance that you are.

Last edited by Kniero (2006-01-15 19:46:57)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7027|AUS, Canberra
there you go again,

silly me forgot that all your posts are the best posts here and no one else comes close.

but lucky for me you were here to tell us all again.
Uh, when did your being mentioned translate to "everyone"? Truthfully, not everyone is as pathetic as you when it comes to making responses that actually chip in in one way or another. To me, it seems as though you hold an ego, one of which you don't deserve. Face the facts, you're retarded. Until you can actually construct something that shows anything other than your ignorance and undeserved ideas of self-worth, it would be awesome if you just stopped posting.

(P.S. You're turning this thread into a flame war - IMO, this is exactly the type of support that evidences the stance I have towards you. So please, stop being so pitiful and go become a disgruntled, middle-aged man already. Obviously enough, your replies have merely been petty attempts to stir up shit [subconciously or not, I suppose this type of behavior may have become engrained within you when truth turns negative].)

Last edited by Kniero (2006-01-15 19:55:31)

just nothing

Kniero wrote:

Uh, when did your being mentioned translate to "everyone"? Truthfully, not everyone is as pathetic as you when it comes to making responses that actually chip in in one way or another. To me, it seems as though you hold an ego, one of which you don't deserve. Face the facts, you're retarded. Until you can actually construct something that shows anything other than your ignorance and undeserved ideas of self-worth, it would be awesome if you just stopped posting.

(P.S. You're turning this thread into a flame war - IMO, this is exactly the type of support that evidences the stance I have towards you. So please, stop being so pitiful and go become a disgruntled, middle-aged man already. Obviously enough, your replies have merely been petty attempts to stir up shit [subconciously or not, I suppose this type of behavior may have become engrained within you when truth turns negative].)
Hahaha, way to shift the blame off yourself. Just when I thought you couldn't get any worse. I guess you didn't learn a damn thing by losing your privaledge to post.

I think this thread should be renamed "Judging people by their posts"
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7027|AUS, Canberra

Kniero wrote:

Uh, when did your being mentioned translate to "everyone"? Truthfully, not everyone is as pathetic as you when it comes to making responses that actually chip in in one way or another.
Wrong, you think yours help, but all they help is you get you rocks off by thinking you have displayed your super powers. When all you have done is make people laugh at you and your complex.

And belive me they are laughing at you.

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Kniero wrote:

Uh, when did your being mentioned translate to "everyone"? Truthfully, not everyone is as pathetic as you when it comes to making responses that actually chip in in one way or another. To me, it seems as though you hold an ego, one of which you don't deserve. Face the facts, you're retarded. Until you can actually construct something that shows anything other than your ignorance and undeserved ideas of self-worth, it would be awesome if you just stopped posting.

(P.S. You're turning this thread into a flame war - IMO, this is exactly the type of support that evidences the stance I have towards you. So please, stop being so pitiful and go become a disgruntled, middle-aged man already. Obviously enough, your replies have merely been petty attempts to stir up shit [subconciously or not, I suppose this type of behavior may have become engrained within you when truth turns negative].)
Hahaha, way to shift the blame off yourself. Just when I thought you couldn't get any worse. I guess you didn't learn a damn thing by losing your privaledge to post.

I think this thread should be renamed "Judging people by their posts"
Way to shift the blame off of myself? You think it proper to shove off some dimwit's conniving comment as if he actually deserved the preservation of any dignified reputation? Typical, seeing as the both of you share such shrewd personality traits, lacking all that is integrity.

(P.S. And heart_attack, your last response just shows how correct I was [in my post preceding Trigger's].)

Last edited by Kniero (2006-01-15 20:09:21)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

*laughs* wait wait: its MY turn to analyse you:

#1: Can't fly for fuck (And I do think it takes better reflexes, coordination
#2: Only can play karkand = Explains the high SPM/TWP
#3: You're a Jackass!. Fucking around is fun Mike and I spent a round on EA K last night TK-ing each other I was seeing how close I could shave him with a TOW
#4: You Seriously need a life. You ROCK so hard in BF2, now you need to spend some of that time getting a life. Really Kneiro. All I see is you answering to threads with the 'Oh-Fuck-Off-I'm-So-Good-@-Bf2' Attitude, I NEVER see you participating in any of the community threads where everyone gathers for a laugh. You Really, REALLY need a life.

Kniero wrote:

From this, we could easily conject that my handle on the aspects of infantry warfare and teamwork are superior to the former two competitors.
I would first request you fuck off and sit in one corner . Next. Its already purported knowledge that playing in CQC, conversationally karkand/mashtuur/sharqi allows you a far higher SPM etc etc than wide open maps i.e. Zatar, Cleansweep - UNLESS you're an Aerial Whore (Even then, only when you get your vehicle of choice). If you're going to contest this I can only conclude that you're a fucking idiot since this is just about common knowledge. You want to see 1337 infantry skills? Check out Greenie (Heh i know, I make a LOT of reference to him, but his stats are really really impressive).

http://bf2s.com/compare.php?pid1=495132 … polarbearz

Take a look. Now suck on our ratios. And give me a rimjob.

Kniero wrote:

(P.S. It appears to me that the only reason polarbearz has outclassed JeeSqwat ATM is due to him commanding for a longer period of time [123 hrs. 41 mins. compared to 49 hours 6 mins]. Were polarbearz not spending as large a duration as he has been under the commander position, his SPM would likely drop. Ironic that polarbearz berates the accuracy and relativity of degrading another based on ones "stats" when he himself takes part in this purported debauchery.)
NEENER NEENER TOOKIE TOOKIE. Sigh. I sometimes regret taking up the commander's seat. I'll go hunt for a screenie of what i took on Wake a few days back. Took commander for fun and subsequently got 17 kills in a jet in the next 5 min. I wanted to slap myself so bad.

And how am I participating in this purported debauchery you pompous self absorbed, ass licking, rimjob giving jackass? May I once again remind you that, the main IDEA of this fucking rant was people quoting stats when it has NOTHING to do whatsoever with the topic on hand. Not comparing stats on the overall. So if you can't fucking read Kneiro, I suggest you stop cutting class, go back to school, stop masturbating under the table about your 40 year old English teacher and start paying attention..
Aussie Outlaw
Fuck up Kniero
Member 5307
this thread has becoming a bon fire of sorts.
why do certain jerkoffs have to spoil a decent thread.

polarbearz: took the morning off to get a couple hours in-game. kinda regret it now cos i have been dumped a new pile of stuff to do...... i have a non-bf2 sympathetic boss. lol
yeah this post is now like 6 pages...shit

anywayz, the reason i liked this game (this is my first ever online game) is that it's one battle at a time, and generally if you've played more, it doesn't necessarily mean you're a better player.  in RPG style games and Dungeons and Dragons kinda shit (and i'm not writing this off either, i like that stuff but for a different reason..), it's mostly (to my knowledge) based on how long you've been playing for, and how many levels you've progressed and stuff.  the only thing to say a player would be better if they've played for more in this is the unlockable weapons. 

so there's no reason some dude with quick reflexes and good with a mouse and who is good at these kinda games wont go out and buy it and be a private, and kick everyones asses.  or some 2nd luitenant give his grandma a go, or (as i like to do sometimes ) play after a big night out on the piss before passing out - what a laugh!  hahaha.  fun.

if i find myself getting owned a lot i'll go dang that was unlucky to be artied, and then bombed just as i spawn, and then spawn in front of somebodies knife or some shit, i don't shit myself cos i know my stats are going to show a few deaths!

it's FUN!
+2|6942|Lappeenranta, Finland
I'm not aware whats going on the on the thread right now so I'll just respond to the first post:

Polarbearz is right, this IS a game and its meant to be played for fun. People don't seem to see the forest from the trees with all the stats/awards/ranks etc. that are meant to add a competitve element for MORE FUN. If the end result is people becoming stressed out and starting fights over their stats then = NO FUN = YOU FAIL !!!!1
someone before said who cares if someone tk's someone else for a chopper or something...  MAN!  that's fucked!  this is a community game where you play with other people.  people who compare stats out of context and do stupid in-game shit are annoying, but to fucking team kill??  that's actively reducing the fun for the person in question!  that's selfishness beyond reason!  jaesqewt or whatever i think said "oh yeah i like to TK, so stfu".  man, can anyone get more fucked up that that?  malicious, actively ruining the experience for their peers!

and kniero - stop being so self-obsessed.  "it's (lmao - almost) worse that not a single person made a meaningful response to my first reply (page 4) in this thread"

yeah man - probably cos no one gives a fuck...get over yourself!  and don't whinge if no one wants to take you on in a big word battle.

i'm 22, i'm married, i'm an engineer, i love hitting the piss, i live in brisbane, australia, i'm not brilliant at bf2, but have all the basic awards, a few veterans and a kd of 0.99 (fucking 1.0 - it's elusive!).  BUT I PLAY THIS GAME FOR FUN, AND TRY MY HARDEST NOT TO RUIN IT FOR OTHER PEOPLE!  now you can write me off without making any assumptions.

Last edited by domus_inc (2006-01-15 23:03:44)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Mmmm *Hipthrusts my thread*. GO MY BITCHES GO!

Matiandos: Some people will NEVER get it.

tthf: Raze his ass in Bf2 And get retrenched.

domus_inc: Well. Some people NEVER learn too!
Member 5307

domus_inc wrote:

someone before said who cares if someone tk's someone else for a chopper or something...  MAN!  that's fucked!  this is a community game where you play with other people.  people who compare stats out of context and do stupid in-game shit are annoying, but to fucking team kill??  that's actively reducing the fun for the person in question!  that's selfishness beyond reason!  jaesqewt or whatever i think said "oh yeah i like to TK, so stfu".  man, can anyone get more fucked up that that?  malicious, actively ruining the experience for their peers!

and kniero - stop being so self-obsessed.  "it's (lmao - almost) worse that not a single person made a meaningful response to my first reply (page 4) in this thread"

yeah man - probably cos no one gives a fuck...get over yourself!  and don't whinge if no one wants to take you on in a big word battle.

i'm 22, i'm married, i'm an engineer, i love hitting the piss, i live in brisbane, australia, i'm not brilliant at bf2, but have all the basic awards, a few veterans and a kd of 0.99 (fucking 1.0 - it's elusive!).  BUT I PLAY THIS GAME FOR FUN, AND TRY MY HARDEST NOT TO RUIN IT FOR OTHER PEOPLE!  now you can write me off without making any assumptions.
which part of brizzy do you live?
i used to study there for 3 years.
stayed at orleigh st, west end (near the city cat)
loved the place, beautiful weather and great people.
oh, the treasury was fun too!
can we nominate Kniero as the largest BF2S rectum?
Some posters really didn't get the spirit of the original post so as a consequence, we are now treated to 'you this and you that'. Shame really, I thought the original post was well deserved. But I suppose we can't expect too much considering some people still hold up their stats as if they actually mean something.

Your stats are yours, and although they are pretty impressive (or not, in my case ), they are for you, they're not meant to be used as a big stick to beat others down. They do not create a 'standing' outside of Bf2, I have never yet seen a name or rank tag float above someone's head while I'm outside going about my business.

I still appreciate the original post and poster for what the majority of us actually think about this game, and that it is a 'game'.

To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6995|Great Wall

Kniero wrote:

Statistical Round-Up
27.05 KLS P/H
23.37 TWK P/H

22.83 KLS P/H
12.15 TWK P/H

81.49 KLS P/H
40.07 TWK P/H

Kills per hour are based on time spent and total kills as an infantryman. Teamwork points per hour are based on total time played and total teamwork points. Personally, I think you both suck, and that were polarbearz to still play with his stats in mind the difference would be minor (compared to his current "fucking around"). A proper analysis of stats can yield fairly telling information, as discrepancies only arise due to the lax attitudes some have towards actual competition for "number one".
Kniero.. when I look at ur infantry stats I can only say that they suck.. Ok.. u say as infantry u kill over 80 enemies per hour.. cool... But when I look at ur KD ratio as infantry which is 1.04 then that means u die 80 times per hour.. and that is very sad

But nvm.. more important is to have fun with the game

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2006-01-16 00:56:17)


That was the most eloquent, well thought out, and precisely written "rant" I've read in a goog long while. If people put that much effort into their "omfg, hax on the server enemies blue, friends fsking red bugs, noob toob wAAAAAAAAAAA!" posts...  well if that happened, I'd cry.

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