prince of insufficient light
I know the l96 will be in EF, but I'm 99% sure it won't be in vanillaa BF. My reasoning is that EA has said tehy will add AT and sniper unlocks to the patch that everyone will be able to use, not to a booster pack that people would have to buy. EF doesn't have much relation to SF, becuase SF was an expansion pack where they added new material, but EF is a booster pack where no new material will be added, just maps and weapons.
they havent said that at all
what they said is that there will be new unlocks for the sniper and at classes - the unlocks that were missing from special forces
so the logical (but obviously not yet confirmed) assumption is that these unlocks will be available to special forces owners first if not totally
secondly EF weapons will more than likely be 4th tier unlocks in CORE BF2
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
no way man.. god what were bf2 thinkin puttin a awp in bf2.. after how much its recked cs.. if its 1 hit kills im quiting... i cant play ... imagine it.. u walk out an bang ur dead everyone would be sniping.. :S
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
i guess itle be ok if its just in euro force... but still shit... if it gets transfered to vanilla all is lost.. im gonna kill myself!
+8|7017|South Australia
The AWP! woohoo!!

Best unlock eva.
I cheat.
+-6|7115|Sydney, Australia

CRIMS0N_W0LF wrote:

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

It will be same shit like M95..
No it is not. M95 is a large caliber rifle while the L96A1 is a Standard Caliber rifle (like m24)
well the M95 is a .50CALIBRE rifle wots the L96 and also wots gonna b better and wil it shoot thru cockpit windows like m95??
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|7025|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
The L96A1 uses a 7.62 round the same as the M24 so in theory it should do the same damage as the M24 in game. Saying that, the M95 uses a .50 round and also does the same damage as the M24, i've never understood this because although the M95 certainly shouldn't be a 1 hit kill it should do more damage than the M24. The AWP which all of the CS fans are raving about uses the .338 Lapua Magnum round (hence it also being known as the AWM - for Arctic Warfare Magnum) and is the favoured rifle of police marksmen and the SAS, it is also used by the British Army as a 'Special Purpose' sniper rifle and is designated L115A1. Both the L96A1 and L115A1 are capable of sub minute of angle accuracy (possibly below .5 MOA) with the L115 having slightly better effective range with only a little extra weight (its also considerably lighter than a Barrett rifle) The Barrett rifles are capable of 1 MOA accuracy (yes all you Barrett lovers, thats HALF as accurate as the standard rifle of the British Army) For the record, i have trained with the L96 and the L115 and they are both awesome, i would be happy with either as the EF sniper rifle but i think the L96 is a better choice as it is a lot closer to the M24 than the L115. I also wish that EA would pull their thumbs out of their arses and change the USMC SR to the M40A3, the Devil Dogs wouldn't go near an M24 when they have their own custom made M40's that they have been tweaking for 40 years!!!
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
aslong as its not 1 hit kill ill be happy.. im hoping for it to be like this.. the accurecy of the m24 with the ability to shoot through cockpit windows like the m95 and the same damage
prince of insufficient light
First of all, it appears that the l96, along with the P90, will definitely be the sniper and AT unlocks according to...

http://planetbattlefield.gamespy.com/fu … p?id=22127

Also, if that information is correct, I think the L96 will act just like the M24. It has the same damage ratings in BFHQ, (high damage, very high accuracy) and that makes sense. No matter what army you are, you have the choice of an exteremely accurate anti-personnel rifle or a slightly less accurate glass-piercing rifle.
+59|7050|The land of Hookers and pod
I played Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising, there they also had the  L96A1 with his lapua bullets, it was a fine sniper rifle, and I will surely choose it above the M95, even when it hasn't glass-penetrating(or however you spell it) bullets.
+41|7049|200m out and smiling at you.
I doubt it'll be glass-penetrating, really because if it's another bolt-action we all know it's gonna do the same damage as the M95 and M24, but if it's accuracy is going to be the same as the M24 and penetrate glass then the M95 is an obsolete rifle and there would be no point in getting it as an unlock but only to unlock the AWP. So if they were going to be smart then they wouldn't make it glass penetrating but, I woulda preferred a nice semi-auto rifle like the Type 88....
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Um... why don't we wait until Feb 8th to have this discussion, then we'll decide what it is, how it does and so on. A lot of if's and I would like's and wishes and I bet's , right now though.
prince of insufficient light
Is Feb 8th the official release date of the patch?
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX
I would like, I wish, and I bet it's Feb 8th.

(sorry imdead, I couldn't resist)

-I4nI- Jaiden
+0|7048|Las Vegas
the m24 and the m95 due the have same damage numerically, but what the m95 has over the m24 is armor penetratoin. i know you might be thinking "duh, we know this already" but i'm not talking about the glass penetration of the rifle. i'm talking the body armor on the assault, support, and AT kits. this body armour reduces all damage by 35%, thus for all the other guns in the game it takes 1-2 more shots to kill this class compared to a medic or SF. the m24 and m95 would bring a medic down to 2 bars of health all the same, but when i comes down to an AT guy, the m24 will only bring him down to just less than half, while the m95 sill still bring him down to 2 bars, making it easier to kill any enemy soldier you find with one well placed sniper shot and a finishing pistol round if that's what you are trying to accomplish. i find the m95 to be better at medium snipeing such as in strike at karkand, so you can do just that with a shot from it and a pistol finish. the m24 is better for long range sniping, as it is slightly more accurate and the sights are easier to use, much thinner. Plus even know it does less damage to armor'ed personel it still kills them in 2 shots. what i mean by long range sniping is distances higher than 200m in the game, such as across the map in wake.

Last edited by -I4nI- Jaiden (2006-01-20 11:40:52)

+0|7037|Maryland, USA


I wish that the AT class could get a carbine sometimes. Long range power, but not as good as an AR.
Now thats a good idea i ahte the shitty default AT guns and the DAO-12 cant do shit form long range.
-I4nI- Jaiden
+0|7048|Las Vegas
then you would have a super soldier. a guy that could be a very effective anti-personnel and anti-tank. the whole point of the weak SMG's and the close range only dao is the fact that they are designed for self-defense not for anti-personnel. if people worked as a team then you should have a spec ops, assault, medic, support gunnner, or whatever with you that that are designed for anti-personnel. as an AT class you should be worried about enemy armor and light vehicles more than soldiers.

Last edited by -I4nI- Jaiden (2006-01-20 11:58:20)

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