Uzique wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
Between a good $150 set and a $1500 set theres barely going to be a fraction of a percentage difference.
If people want to spent 10 times as much for that imperceptible fraction which is lost in subjectivity then good luck to them.
The vast bulk of music is recorded and mastered so badly it barely warrants worrying about.
what are you talking about? barely a fraction of a percentage of difference between $150's worth (i.e. mid-range sennies) and $1500?!? (i.e. full hi-fi set-up with actual audio monitors/hi-fi headphones)? are you kidding? "imperceptible fraction which is lost in subjectivity"? dilbert, what the fuck are you talking about... seriously. and as for "the vast bulk of music is recorded and mastered so badly"... substantiate this? it's 2011, everyone downloads lossless quality music nowadays... and as for recording, the means and methods of mastering music is now so cheap and accessible that the 'drip down' democratisation of quality means people can produce 1990's-era studio albums in their BEDROOMS. i really have abso-fucking-lutely no idea what you're talking about. we're not all listening to youtube rips and myspace recordings in 96kbps ripped audio...
I was talking about the difference between $150 headphones and $1500 headphones, like for like.
Obviously if you run $150 headphones on an ipod and $1500 headphones on a $5k hi-fi there'll be a difference
Run both on the same system and there won't be
that much to choose, just as there's not much difference between $500 speakers and $5k speakers.
I'd say studio recording quality has declined a lot over the years, the gains in lossless technology are lost in shitty setups and simply bad mixing.