You just proved in your statement that it's the PERSON that matters, not the drug. Therefore cannabis does not lead to more drugs, a personality does.Metal-Eater-GR wrote:
Cannabis may lead to heavier stuff.Yes,cannabis does not kill,but in some cases it may take things to another level.You never know how each person handles it.DonFck wrote:
The only ways I can think of are either indirect and caused primarily by stupidity (stupidity exists nonetheless), or as a result of a chain of events. E.g. being arrested in a zero tolerance state, being locked up, confined, gangraped in prison, getting HIV, and dying of that 10 years later. (You just watched another episode of "Worst case scenario")argo4 wrote:
I can see so many ways...
So please, enlighten me. How did this person die of cannabis?
Marijuana is NOT responsible for even ONE recorded death. It is easier to overdose on water than it is to overdose on THC. His friend did NOT die from pot.