Don't be that guy
I have a prom story for the ages (it kind of sucks but kind of doesn't)

Well to begin the story I liked this girl Erin and i was flirting with her for about a month. Well during this time i thought of this pretty nasty idea on how to ask her, i was going to go to build a bear and make her a bear that says "will you go to prom with me", i was going to take her out to dinner and put it on her chair . It took me a long time to get this bear; so literally the day before i was going to ask her (we already had dinner plans) a friend of mine asked her; now its not his fault in anyway he had no clue i was going to ask her. At the time, I was so pissed off i didn't eat for 2 days cuz i was so depressed (no joke).

So now i had to find a new one, i decided to ask this girl Kristina we have been friends for so long and she is so fun to be with. Well i went simple and did it pretty quick. One day i decide to put a dozen flowers with a note that says, "Kristina will you go to prom with me" in her tree right outside her house, i knew she was going to come out soon because we both have track practice. Well after i do that i drive back to the school for practice, and I see her there, she got to practice early that day. So I drive back to her house get the flowers and put them on a route that i knew we would run that day. After a little jogging she see them and is like of course i will go to prom with you, we hug and finish the run.

You think I'm done with this epic tale, nope.

Now fast forward about a month and a half, it today the day BEFORE prom. I'm going about my day taking about how blasted I'm going to get tomorrow. I im Kristina telling her what time I'm going to pick her up, she doesn't doesn't respond, I'm like w/e she is afk. Then i go away and she im's me to call her at XXX-XXXX, and says its serious. Now I'm like wow she isn't going to be able to go. I call her she says she got ground because because of a stupid reason (it really is stupid but I'm not going to tell you guys, it wasn't her fault) and can't go. I'm like aw shit, but then her being a good friend says that she has a person to take her place, it another friend of ours Maria (who i kind of like). So now I'm going with her.

O and the girl Erin, I found out she is actually a bitch, she messed up one of my friends and got them really mad and pissed off. So basically I'm going with a girl i kind of like because a friend couldn't go, who was my second choice to a person who is a bitch.

Do i have bad luck or good luck with prom dates? lol

Last edited by TeamOrange (2008-05-21 19:16:05)

+1,106|6436|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

i found out that a girl i was too chicken to ask would have said yes

i g

pics or it didnt happen
+877|6107|Washington DC

cowami wrote:

i found out that a girl i was too chicken to ask would have said yes


cowami wrote:


cowami wrote:

it's only natural for COWami to have COWardice amirite
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6111|London, England

Get a girlfriend, she'll say yes when you ask her to the prom, yay me
did you get any
i was waiting for , "then we got home drunk and we had a orgy"

Mutantsteak wrote:

Get a girlfriend, she'll say yes when you ask her to the prom, yay me
she has a huge schnoz

dont be mean to me
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6111|London, England

haffeysucks wrote:

Mutantsteak wrote:

Get a girlfriend, she'll say yes when you ask her to the prom, yay me

Mutantsteak wrote:

haffeysucks wrote:

Mutantsteak wrote:

Get a girlfriend, she'll say yes when you ask her to the prom, yay me
stop editing my posts, you get lil, i get lal
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
I'm waiting for the part where you tell us how you locked all three of them in your Cell-Air.
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

HurricaИe wrote:

cowami wrote:

i found out that a girl i was too chicken to ask would have said yes


cowami wrote:


cowami wrote:

it's only natural for COWami to have COWardice amirite
you read my mind
+1,106|6436|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

i hate you all
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6111|London, England

cowami wrote:

i hate you all
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

cowami wrote:

i found out that a girl i was too chicken to ask would have said yes

Next time use the power of OOOODIIIIIN. Let his ravens give you the POOWWWEEEERR!
My prom date didn't like to dance. It was kinda boring. Then we made out on the prom bus. That was less boring.
+1,106|6436|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Superior Mind wrote:

cowami wrote:

i found out that a girl i was too chicken to ask would have said yes

Next time use the power of OOOODIIIIIN. Let his ravens give you the POOWWWEEEERR!
My prom date didn't like to dance. It was kinda boring. Then we made out on the prom bus. That was less boring.
Knights of Columbus, that hurt!
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6111|London, England

cowami wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

cowami wrote:

i found out that a girl i was too chicken to ask would have said yes

Next time use the power of OOOODIIIIIN. Let his ravens give you the POOWWWEEEERR!
My prom date didn't like to dance. It was kinda boring. Then we made out on the prom bus. That was less boring.
Knights of Columbus, that hurt!
by the beard of Zeus!
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

cowami wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

cowami wrote:

i found out that a girl i was too chicken to ask would have said yes

Next time use the power of OOOODIIIIIN. Let his ravens give you the POOWWWEEEERR!
My prom date didn't like to dance. It was kinda boring. Then we made out on the prom bus. That was less boring.
Knights of Columbus, that hurt!
My father in law is in the Knights of Columbus.... DUN DUN DUN.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6621|Foothills of S. Carolina

Superior Mind wrote:

cowami wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

Next time use the power of OOOODIIIIIN. Let his ravens give you the POOWWWEEEERR!
My prom date didn't like to dance. It was kinda boring. Then we made out on the prom bus. That was less boring.
Knights of Columbus, that hurt!
My father in law is in the Knights of Columbus.... DUN DUN DUN.
I am in the Knights of Columbus..... DUN DUN DUN...
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

Canin wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

cowami wrote:

Knights of Columbus, that hurt!
My father in law is in the Knights of Columbus.... DUN DUN DUN.
I am in the Knights of Columbus..... DUN DUN DUN...
What do y'all do in there?

Last edited by Superior Mind (2008-05-21 20:15:33)

Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6621|Foothills of S. Carolina

Superior Mind wrote:

Canin wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

My father in law is in the Knights of Columbus.... DUN DUN DUN.
I am in the Knights of Columbus..... DUN DUN DUN...
What do y'all do in there?
Cant tell ya, its a secret...  Secrets out.
Don't be that guy

SealXo wrote:

i was waiting for , "then we got home drunk and we had a orgy"
Thats tomorrow /the day after tomorrow

Last edited by TeamOrange (2008-05-21 20:20:58)


btw...those were two very sweet and creative ways to ask...
+1,106|6436|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

tuckergustav wrote:

btw...those were two very sweet and creative ways to ask...
Vela Incident
+1,652|6714|NYC / Hamburg

we didn't even have prom
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.

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