+8|6983|Grammar Land

YouWantFriesWithThat wrote:

Uh hum....

Christian Servers huh, should be against EA policy, as it is a form of discrimination having a religious server.
That last thing we want in this game/community is racial/religious tension building between different servers.

They probably called it a Christian Server cos they thought no one would play and that way they could stat pad to their hearts content (sounds like it, cos they ban and kick "real players.

And in response to some comments.....
Christians....NON VIOLENT??????

Errr Crusades ring a bell?

The Spanish inquisition?
Salem Witch trials?
I believe the KKK is christian aint it????

Pacifists all Im sure...
What point are you arguing exactly?
Very quickly, the above statement was not in any meant to be judgemental against christians. I know lots of very lovely christians. I merely wished to point out that just because someone is religious does not automatically imply one set of behaviours or history.

I simply fear that allowing a game like BF2 to become segregated by religion instead of skill and attitudes could be detrimental to the whole BF2 and gaming community.  Ie the noobs, the newbs, the used to be newbs, and the l33t.

"I have a dream, in which der is a little black girl and a little white girl....
and dey is both playing with each other...." Ali
PKM Whore
+16|6949|Prolly on wake.
People pay money for those servers right?
So dont they then also have the right to run them as they see fit (providing they follow EA's rules)?
You also have the right NOT to play the servers that you find you dont like right?

I dont see what the big deal is really. If I dont like a server I dont play it. I'm not paying any money for the server and therefore have no say in how it is run.

I have played in a few "christian servers" and never had a single problem. I think that might be because when I'm logged in I tend to STFU and play -mostly- if something is going on that I dont like I find another server *shrug*
+271|7069|United States of America
IF, notice its caps, IF Christians such as I like games, then go for it.  I believe war is a good AND bad thing.  While helping people to get what everyone wants, it also hurts others.  War isn't fun and all, but playing a game about it isn't hypocritical.  I enjoy blasting people away, I want to join, hear that? Join! The AIR FORCE, for the fun of knowing that in most cases of bombings, I AM killing someone.  Killing to make better!  It's natural, so get over it. FYI, I am Conservative, HARD CORE! And I am friends with some +CGO+ admin.  If you want to come on my server, don't expect ANY slack.  I have banned 3 people in one game before, just for saying fuck, I kept warning, damn has been punished too.  I have my rights for my morals.  Get on with your life, I would like to get on with mine. There is also a limit to what you can put onto your server message.  I know, because if you put too much, it dissappears.  And their server name is +Christian Gamers Online+ get it right noob.

Last edited by Miller (2006-03-01 21:32:20)

Aslan the Creator
Welcome to duty
i really think that this thread should be closed. too many people are being offended. i know i have.

Miller wrote:

IF, notice its caps, IF Christians such as I like games, then go for it.  I believe war is a good AND bad thing.  While helping people to get what everyone wants, it also hurts others.  War isn't fun and all, but playing a game about it isn't hypocritical.  I enjoy blasting people away, I want to join, hear that? Join! The AIR FORCE, for the fun of knowing that in most cases of bombings, I AM killing someone.  Killing to make better!  It's natural, so get over it. FYI, I am Conservative, HARD CORE! And I am friends with some +CGO+ admin.  If you want to come on my server, don't expect ANY slack.  I have banned 3 people in one game before, just for saying fuck, I kept warning, damn has been punished too.  I have my rights for my morals.  Get on with your life, I would like to get on with mine. There is also a limit to what you can put onto your server message.  I know, because if you put too much, it dissappears.  And their server name is +Christian Gamers Online+ get it right noob.
You ban for saying the word FUCK, yet you come into the forums and say the word Fuck and Damn in your statement.

Now I support all servers of any backgroud, because otherwise NONE of us would have a place to play.  It is just a game and at least in the United States, you have the right to own property and publicly practice  your religous beliefs.  Both are being practiced here and we should all move on.

But you Miller, you do not sound very qualified to ban anyone when you use the same language in your post.  Just a tad hypocritical to say the least.

Christians have fought in many wars and will continue to fight in wars, because most of our countries and our histories no matter where you are from have been formed in the name of Religous freedoms and practices.

Dont be silly and not think both are connected.  I have to give BF2 some props because at least they do not have blood and guts all over the place and the bodies dissapear rather quickly. 

Exploiting war for profit or fun has some issues to be dealt with, but that does not establish nor does it define who you are as a person, or the beliefs you were instilled growing up or as an adult.

Just play and if you do NOT like the servers rules or the name or the creed or the color or the smell.

I'm a Christian, not afraid to admit that. I have never seen such ignorance in my life as I have seen on this thread. Bad Admin does not mean Christians are bad. That has got to be one of the dumbest arguments I have heard in my life. I didn't realize that we had an 11th commandment " Thou shalt be a good admin on BF2".

I mean seriously, if you want to say Christians are bad because ONE of us can't run a server then fine, that's your opinion. Just seems to me like you need a life outside the internet.

Dynasty(KIP) wrote:

I'm a Christian, not afraid to admit that. I have never seen such ignorance in my life as I have seen on this thread. Bad Admin does not mean Christians are bad. That has got to be one of the dumbest arguments I have heard in my life. I didn't realize that we had an 11th commandment " Thou shalt be a good admin on BF2".

I mean seriously, if you want to say Christians are bad because ONE of us can't run a server then fine, that's your opinion. Just seems to me like you need a life outside the internet.
Im not christian but i have to agree. Their are plenty of really bad servers out their (mostly clan servers) that ban for the same reason the Christian server does if not more. Their are a ton of servers ive been in where i get banned for "taking a clan vehicle". Just because one admin is an anal POS doesnt make every christian an anal POS.

AuSFinN wrote:

Kamikaze17 wrote:

thats why you play on christian free servers. there used be one that was actually called christian free server. and in the server rules it said "seriously if you are a conservative christian then get out. this server is for normal people" loll
ffs sake mate, what do you have against Christians? Christ died for you don't give a damn. Yes! I said damn and I AM A CHRISTIAN!!! You have to get this, some Christians are screwed up, yes, they are. They take things too seriously, claiming that hell awaits all who swear. We're not all like that!

Normail people? What exactly makes us strange? We have a connection with our creator and we are proud of that. Never judge a Christian or anyone else without being them for a while. We feel everything you feel. Hurt, shame, guilt, the whole works. But todays society revolves around bitching and judging the very minute someone wrongs you.

Love the person,
but hate the sin.

God will judge you in the same way you judge others. So don't go pointing the finger all the time unless you want God to point the figer at you.

Many of you have never been in a Christian community, specifically a youth group. We swear. Although not as much as others .

Christ did not die for anyone, I do not doubt that a fiqure by that name exsisted in history but come on Get rid of the superstition.  All religion is inherently bad, it has killed more people in history than any secular war.
People cling to religion to give their life meaning, but it is really sad that they need imaginary gods to cope with life.
Religion breeds intolerance, I am right and you are wrong.  LOOK AT THE WORLD TODAY.

PS I spent my entire childhood at a catholic school, in the last 10 years 2 priests and 3 teachers were charged and imprisoned for sex offences.  Luckly I was not a victim ( or have I just blotted it out ).

Give God a chance. Never shut him out, or at the end of your life, he'll give you what you want and shut you out.

Aslan the Creator wrote:

i really think that this thread should be closed. too many people are being offended. i know i have.
Welcome to the real world.

AuSFinN wrote:

Kamikaze17 wrote:

thats why you play on christian free servers. there used be one that was actually called christian free server. and in the server rules it said "seriously if you are a conservative christian then get out. this server is for normal people" loll
ffs sake mate, what do you have against Christians? Christ died for you don't give a damn. Yes! I said damn and I AM A CHRISTIAN!!! You have to get this, some Christians are screwed up, yes, they are. They take things too seriously, claiming that hell awaits all who swear. We're not all like that!

Normail people? What exactly makes us strange? We have a connection with our creator and we are proud of that. Never judge a Christian or anyone else without being them for a while. We feel everything you feel. Hurt, shame, guilt, the whole works. But todays society revolves around bitching and judging the very minute someone wrongs you.

Love the person,
but hate the sin.

God will judge you in the same way you judge others. So don't go pointing the finger all the time unless you want God to point the figer at you.

Many of you have never been in a Christian community, specifically a youth group. We swear. Although not as much as others .

Give God a chance. Never shut him out, or at the end of your life, he'll give you what you want and shut you out.
burn in hell dumb ass Christians
God's Little Squirt
+50|7008|Southern California
i went into one of those ridiculous christian servers full of ridiculous people who want to simulate genocide without "potty talk" mucking it all up... just for fun as the round was whining down i said "suck my weewee" BOOM, kicked.

best thing ever.
I was kicked from this server for saying omg.  Just omg.

YouWantFriesWithThat wrote:

Uh hum....

Christian Servers huh, should be against EA policy, as it is a form of discrimination having a religious server.
That last thing we want in this game/community is racial/religious tension building between different servers.

While the rest of this thread has been vaguely interesting, this point really made me sit up.

If I log onto that server, and declare myself to be a worshipper of Allah, Buddah, Satan, Whoever, I'm likely to get kicked, right?  If in my beliefs the use of language like 'damn' is fine, and they kick me for it, surely that's discriminatory?

Now, I'm not saying I'm actually a satanist, but I'm all for free speech.  I should be allowed to say what I like.  Now, if it's a private server, then they'd be entitled to enforce whatever rules they like, but it's not, it's a public server ranked by EA.    Would EA allow a server to continue if it had rules like "No Gays", "Whites Only" or something similar?  I'd like to think not.  But they're allowing a ranked server to enforce what are in effect sectarian rules.

On a slightly seperate note, I still don't see why a Christian (or any other religious person) should get so upset about words like "fuck" or "shit".  Yes, they're vulgar, but vulgar is not the same thing as blasphemous.  Unless your personal god happens to be named "Fuck" (unlikely, but possible...), then to ask someone what the fuck they're at when they punish you for a blatantly accidental TK or something is at worst impolite, but there's nothing in any good book I've read that says its a sin.
I think just because Christian Gamers sucks does not mean the entire Christian faith sucks.  There are people in every religion that take things too far. 

I have played at Christian Gamers many times, got kicked for saying "OMG," "CRAP," and even "BOOBY-TRAP."  I am a Christian myself, but being too anal-retentive with language kick filters is rediculous.  The real insult was when I returned, told an admin, very politely mind you, that I thought their language filter was, and I quote, "absurd."  WHAM, kicked again.  I wonder if this server is ran by one of those David Koresh wannabees who believes they are "Punishing those heathenous potty-mouths of Battlefield 2." 

Since Christian Gamers pays for their own server, they pretty much have the right to decide how they do business, even if it is a load of crap.  If you don't like it, don't play there.  I will probably return just to do a little ownage on their admins for a little payback.
EA needs some guidelines as to the reasons for kicking on a server.  If the server is private or unranked, sure, let them do whatever they want with it.  However, the server is ranked by EA and there should be a norm as to who gets kicked.  Admins shouldn't just be able to ban anyone and everyone for ANY reason at any time on a ranked server.

  Getting kicked for saying "omg" is just rediculous.  "OMG" can be many things; "oh my god," or "oh my gosh."

NeoCloud wrote:

EA needs some guidelines as to the reasons for kicking on a server.  If the server is private or unranked, sure, let them do whatever they want with it.  However, the server is ranked by EA and there should be a norm as to who gets kicked.  Admins shouldn't just be able to ban anyone and everyone for ANY reason at any time on a ranked server.

  Getting kicked for saying "omg" is just rediculous.  "OMG" can be many things; "oh my god," or "oh my gosh."
I'm with you on that idea, NeoCloud.  Keeping the rules even across the board would make for better gameplay.  Since EA holds us accountable for fair play, they should also hold admins acountable.
I wonder if they would get angry if you cried "FOR JESUS!" everytime you got a kill.
Damn, sounds like alot of douchebaggary to me. I need to get drunk one night and go teamkilling on that server. Whos up for it?
I hopped that server not too long ago.  I was kicked for saying "ass"... whats up with that?  I told some guy he's an ass for TKing me for a helo and I get kicked?  Kick the little fuck that TKed me!

Christians... on a FirstPersonShooter?  Tell me- what sounds wrong about this?

I think its funny that they're killing themselves

(note: I'm not hostile towards Christians... I'm sure if it was any other religion I'd be just as much of an asshole )
is drunk and crazy
I hate christians.

but not as much as iraqis.
The Photographer.
+81|7018|Central Valley,California

E7IX3R wrote:

I hate christians.

but not as much as iraqis.
Most of all Iraiqies are nice people. They are not all terroists. Please.

Last edited by Fuzzball_the_Shooter (2006-04-02 17:51:23)

is drunk and crazy

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

E7IX3R wrote:

I hate christians.

but not as much as iraqis.
Most of all Iraiqies are nice people. They are not all terroists. Please.
Okay, I'll rephrase that.

I hate christians.

but not as much as iraqi terrorists.

Actually. I hate christians just as much now

"god will save you"
"god will forgive your sins"

god can kiss my ass. when are these little fairy people going to realise they are living in a fantasy world where flowers grow out of people's asses and the bible is bullshit.

Christians murdered Indians.
a christian bf2 group is abit sick to be honest. cant you see what your doing in that game? maybe at sunday school you could all gather round a good wholesome game of grand theft auto too? it is very hypocritical. its the fact that theres a designated server that annoys me otherwise i wouldnt care. Obviuosly not a whole lot of forethought into that.

but honestly, anything that implies a religious connection to this kind of game is sick, even if its just a group of christians to gather to play it. in fact - thats worse

being a christian because your family always was and you go to church, but you dont have the good sense to understand what its all about, that pisses me off - get some moral fibre in ya diet,

damn? ass?

thats hysterical

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