Before this game dies i would like to know your opinion on what is your Favorite Weapon for the MEC?(This is part of a 3 poll series one has also been made for USMC and PLA)
Being a pretty big Assault class player myself i would choose the AK101 with GP-30, Except well it's not my favorite weapon for the MEC. I'd have to go with the RPK-74, most accurate support gun and most deadly. Only thing i wish it had was a semi-auto mode.
Being a pretty big Assault class player myself i would choose the AK101 with GP-30, Except well it's not my favorite weapon for the MEC. I'd have to go with the RPK-74, most accurate support gun and most deadly. Only thing i wish it had was a semi-auto mode.
Last edited by David.P (2008-04-27 22:04:59)