Hunter/Jumper wrote:
Braddock wrote:
Using the statistics Cam quoted...
Gun homicides per 100,000:
South Africa - 125.97
USA - 7.52
Ireland - 1.33 would appear our weapons control measures seem to be working a bit better, ohnoes!
we could bombard you with statistics were just the opposite has happend, not to mention the ultimate in Gun Control Experiments
Nazi Germany
You be pressed to top their murder rates . . . .
" ohnoes ! "
Interesting choice there, During the period 1919-1928 there was a complete ban on civillian gun ownership in Germany. The Nazis failed to take power.
Between 1928 - 1938 these gun laws were relaxed and civilians were able once again to own guns, during this period the Nazis took power.
In 1938, under Nazi rule, rifles and shotguns plus ammunition ownership were completely deregualted. Hunters, Government workers and Nazi party members were exept from all gun laws. In fact, the reforms carried out by the Nazis are amongst the most pro-gun carried out (unless you were a Jew that is). They even relaxed laws on gun registration. Next year they invaded Poland.
Logically it appears from this example that the Nazi's were very much pro-civillian gun ownership. A great example of gun control experiments, the result being - don't relax gun controls.
Or, taking a leaf from the pro-gun groups, "anti-weapon legislation doesn't kill people, people kill people."