
Israel had been Established Elsewhere would Arabs still Be Terrorist?

Yes52%52% - 49
No47%47% - 44
Total: 93
Aussie Outlaw

tspike wrote:

Historically, those that have messed with the Jews have all fallen.

just my $0.02
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6993|Cologne, Germany

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

tspike wrote:

Historically, those that have messed with the Jews have all fallen.

just my $0.02
lol....sorry, just had to laugh at that...
I don't think the US help them back in the B.C. days..........

Yeah, I think Hitler was defeted too
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6993|Cologne, Germany

tspike wrote:

I don't think the US help them back in the B.C. days..........

Yeah, I think Hitler was defeted too
not by the jews though...
Horseman 77

B.Schuss wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

tspike wrote:

Historically, those that have messed with the Jews have all fallen.

just my $0.02
lol....sorry, just had to laugh at that...
I think he means

Hitler.... 6000000

jews.... 1

or something to that effect , and really he gave himself the " permanant Jammie co-ordinates "

when you think about it.
+156|6780|space command ur anus

tspike wrote:

Historically, those that have messed with the Jews have all fallen.

just my $0.02
yea right
I am all that is MOD!

It wasn't Hitler's plan to send the jews to Madagascar.  In fact, Hitler delegated the task of finding a home for the jews to one of his confidants (i believe it was Rienhard Heydrich?) who in turn brought up an idea by another jew (Theodore Herzl i think) that they should be sent to Madagascar.  Furthermore, although the state of Israel was created in 1947, it was being settled by jews since at least 1917.  If anyone is familiar with the Balfour Declaration they would know this.  Wealthy jews had been buying land in the middle east around Jerusalem since the late 1800's/early 1900's for jews to settle on.  Now, for the question of whether or not there would be Arab terrorists, that question is a little misleading.  I think a more appropriate question would be, "Would there be Islamic terrorists,"  because without a doubt, there are Arabs that are Jewish, Christian, and many more denominations.  I think that the US has played a bigger part in fomenting terrorist acts lately than Israel has.  I think a very relevant question to ask is why are the terrorists doing what they are doing?  What would motivate you to strap a bomb to your chest and be willing to die?  How distraught are these people?  Yes, there are people that are brainwashing these people to become soldiers of death, but many are making informed decisions to become terrorists.  Ask people in Israel and neighboring Arab countries what they think about this, and they will tell you:  It is not a hatred of Religion or culture that is driving terrorism.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Fuck Isreal
It's grey, squidgy, and stuck between your ears.

Ever used it?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
the one thing id like to know is why Israel why pick on tham ????
&@herrr_smity ==> Although Israel's independence on May 14, 1948, triggered the first full-scale war, armed conflicts between Jews and Arabs

1956 as Israel became convinced that the Arabs were preparing for war   Israel 1  Arabs 0

The 1967 War (The Six-Day War)   Israel 1  Arabs 0

The 1973–74 War (The Yom Kippur War)   Israel 1  Arabs 0

1978 Palestinian guerrillas, from their base in Lebanon, launched an air raid on Israel; in retaliation, Israel sent troops into S Lebanon to occupy a strip 4–6 mi (6–10 km) deep and thus protect Israel's border
  Israel 1  Arabs 0

so if you look if you fu*k with  Israel ur fuckup

Last edited by UKBLAZERO1TD (2006-04-02 10:08:55)

+156|6780|space command ur anus


the one thing id like to know is why Israel why pick on tham ???
they are braking international law on a daily basis.
plus they are the only country in the middle east  that has nuclear weapons. And they don't support the non proliferation treaty. forget about Iran go for Israel bomb the shit out of them
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6817|NT, like Mick Dundee

This is just my two cents but somebody said the jews are a race...

So can I convert to being a Negro then? I can become a jew via joining their church.

Hey, lets all convert to being American Indians! Free land for all us Aussies in the States.

For the record, the race was known as the Hebrew people... Just because the all happened to be of the Jewish faith does NOT make the Jewish faith a race of people...

Thats like saying the Arabs are a religion... Or saying people of the Catholic church are a race...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Horseman 77


It wasn't Hitler's plan to send the jews to Madagascar.  In fact, Hitler delegated the task of finding a home for the jews to one of his confidants (i believe it was Rienhard Heydrich?) who in turn brought up an idea by another jew (Theodore Herzl i think) that they should be sent to Madagascar.  Furthermore, although the state of Israel was created in 1947, it was being settled by jews since at least 1917.  If anyone is familiar with the Balfour Declaration they would know this.  Wealthy jews had been buying land in the middle east around Jerusalem since the late 1800's/early 1900's for jews to settle on.  .
I was referring to the British / UN plan to place them their after the war. I never heard of the former. ty 4 new info.


Now, for the question of whether or not there would be Arab terrorists, that question is a little misleading.  I think a more appropriate question would be, "Would there be Islamic terrorists,"  because without a doubt, there are Arabs that are Jewish, Christian, and many more denominations.  I think that the US has played a bigger part in fomenting terrorist acts lately than Israel has.  I think a very relevant question to ask is why are the terrorists doing what they are doing?  What would motivate you to strap a bomb to your chest and be willing to die?  How distraught are these people?  Yes, there are people that are brainwashing these people to become soldiers of death, but many are making informed decisions to become terrorists.  Ask people in Israel and neighboring Arab countries what they think about this, and they will tell you:  It is not a hatred of Religion or culture that is driving terrorism.
It is only over the United State's pledge of support, militarily

(meaning Guns, planes, helicopters, missiles, bullets and bombs that wind up aimed at Arabs)

and finical
(meaning Money to buy Guns, planes, helicopters, missiles, bullets and bombs that wind up aimed at Arabs)

that makes the U.S. create terrorist now. To say without israel, we would be reading about arabs in National Geographic Magazine ( and then only when we wanted to )  would be 100 percent correct.

But my information is based solely on What Bin Laden said were his reasons for the 911 attack.

ps why does marconiuos love your name so much?
Junglist Massive

Horseman 77 wrote:

But my information is based solely on What Bin Laden said were his reasons for the 911 attack.
Bin Laden denied involvement in the 911 attack.  He said it was done by individuals with their own personal motives.
+27|6923|Atlanta, GA USA

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

But my information is based solely on What Bin Laden said were his reasons for the 911 attack.
Bin Laden denied involvement in the 911 attack.  He said it was done by individuals with their own personal motives.
I'd like to see where you got that information.
Horseman 77

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

But my information is based solely on What Bin Laden said were his reasons for the 911 attack.
Bin Laden denied involvement in the 911 attack.  He said it was done by individuals with their own personal motives.
there is also tape of him telling the world ( pre 911 )he was going to suprise the US and soon.

Tape of him appluading the attack and telling why they attack took place.

Latter he back peddled and released that statement.
I am all that is MOD!

I agree that our continued financial and military support does perhaps leave a bitter taste in the mouth of many Muslims, leading them to persue terrorist activities.  But I think it is somewhat of a cop-out to say that they are becoming terrorists for that reason or because they are jealous of our freedoms.  People don't blow themselves up over jealousy.  Furthermore, Bin Ladin does not control all terrorists, he loosely controls one group.  Sure, his words might carry some weight within the international terrorist community, but he is far from their leader.  Bin Ladin is mad at the US for a number of reasons.  One being that we (US) still have a heavy military presence in his adopted home, Saudi Arabia (and all over the middle-east).  Another being that the Saudis rebuffed his offer of using Muslim fighters for the 1991 war in the Middle-East.  I am sure there are financial reasons for this as well (let us not forget that many prominent US figures are business partners with the Bin Ladin Group, from which Osama gets a lot of his $$$).

@Horseman77: My name might be amusing to some because it is the name of the Morman guy who won 70-something straight days on Jeopardy (my favorite show).
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6817|NT, like Mick Dundee

For a rather accurate backstory on Bin Laden since about the 1980s check out this book...

Ghost Wars by Steve Coll... It's been around for about 2 years. Good book, covers the CIA's involvement in Afghanistan "from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to 10th September 2001" and gives some backstory on the CIA's involvement with Osama Bin Laden and Bin Laden's history within the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Queda.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.  You gotta look at it through both points of view.
I am all that is MOD!

freedom fighters don't attack civilians
+27|6923|Atlanta, GA USA
or wage attacks in a foreign country
Horseman 77
Today israel ran airstrikes into the most crowded spot on earth in the name of police work.
Glad I aint a palisitian guy. Woof.
I am all that is MOD!

I want to honestly hear a regular Israeli/Palestinian view on this topic.  I think it would be interesting to hear from someone this actually impacts daily

Yes, but can Pat Robertson defeat Chuck Norris in a no-holds-barred duel?
Horseman 77


I want to honestly hear a regular Israeli/Palestinian view on this topic.  I think it would be interesting to hear from someone this actually impacts daily
Did you read the question?
Junglist Massive

atlvolunteer wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

But my information is based solely on What Bin Laden said were his reasons for the 911 attack.
Bin Laden denied involvement in the 911 attack.  He said it was done by individuals with their own personal motives.
I'd like to see where you got that information.
He blamed US Secret Service or Jews (see sources on):


There have been a few videos which do not appear to be Bin Laden where he claims responsibility, I discount these as unconfirmed and possibly faked.


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