Prophet of Certain Certainties
An 11-year-old girl died after her parents prayed for healing rather than seek medical help for a treatable form of diabetes, police said Tuesday.

An autopsy determined the girl died from diabetic ketoacidosis, an ailment that left her with too little insulin in her body, and she had probably been ill for about 30 days, suffering symptoms like nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness.

The girl's parents, Dale and Leilani Neumann, attributed the death to "apparently they didn't have enough faith."

They believed the key to healing "was it was better to keep praying. Call more people to help pray," he said.

The mother believes the girl could still be resurrected, the police chief said.
Stories like these are the reason I keep about as far from religion as I can. Too much is hung on belief when action is necessary. This girl died needlessly, and it frustrates the hell out of me.

However, who I truly feel sorry for is the the rest of the population who has both faith as well as a sane and stable sense of reality. It is those people that take the biggest hit when idiotic, fantasy driven fanatics like these come to the surface, usually at the expense of someone else.

Should the parents be charged with anything? And should they be able to keep the other children?

Edit: Link

Last edited by Protecus (2008-03-26 19:01:52)

O Canada
+1,596|6693|North Carolina
Time to call social services....
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6889|132 and Bush

Protecus wrote:

1. Should the parents be charged with anything?

2. And should they be able to keep the other children?
1. Neglect/Child endangerment.

2. No.

Very sad.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Prophet of Certain Certainties

Turquoise wrote:

Time to call social services....
I agree.
The parents have the right to pray to whoever or whatever they want to, but when their faith endangers their children, all bets are off.

Face it, their inaction killed their daughter.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6889|132 and Bush

The mother believes the girl could still be resurrected, the police chief said.
Let's see if the Mother can be resurrected.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+2,382|6966|The North, beyond the wall.
This happens hundreds of times in Asia and Africa a year.
Phorum Phantom

jord wrote:

This happens hundreds of times in Asia and Africa a year.
pics or it didnt happen
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6928|Your moms bedroom
Social services took the other kids, now they are debating on whether the parents will get them back

all signs are pointing to that they will retain custody of their other children

from what i hear, the little girl went through a very painful ordeal/life when it could have been avoided

these people have nothing to do with religion, they have to do with ignorance.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Those parents (especially the mother) clearly have some mental health issues that need to be resolved.

Yes, the parents should be charged and convicted for neglect and manslaughter at a minimum.

If they have other children, those children need to be placed in a loving home elsewhere. If they don't, any new kids go elsewhere ASAP.

Then the parents can pray to get out of jail.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
+5,233|6817|Global Command
The whole wide world is full of idiots.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6928|Your moms bedroom

jsnipy wrote:

these people have nothing to do with religion, they have to do with ignorance.
heh, hah,

the do go hand in hand
Germans did 911
+427|6969|Disaster Free Zone
+5,233|6817|Global Command

DrunkFace wrote:

Negligent homicide.
+53|6202|Glendale, CA
Fundamentalists should be sterilized.  In all seriousness though, I think it's sick.  People say it's a matter of opinion and yada yada, but this is an example that fundamentalists and conservatives are complete idiots.  Liberals and atheists are intelligent.

Last edited by FallenMorgan (2008-03-26 20:13:58)

Veritas et Scientia
+444|6418|North Tonawanda, NY

FallenMorgan wrote:

Fundamentalists should be sterilized.  In all seriousness though, I think it's sick.  People say it's a matter of opinion and yada yada, but this is an example that fundamentalists and conservatives are complete idiots.  Liberals and atheists are intelligent.
I think you just defeated your own statement.  Smooth.
+385|6779|Northern California
I've seen stories like this before, but with Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse life-saving blood transfusions.  Some couple a while ago let their child die after the child lost allot of blood, but because Genesis 9 talks about how the consumption (drinking) of blood from sacrificed animals is not pleasing before the Lord...that means you let your children bleed to death or die from not having a life-saving blood transfusion.  Yeah, and these are the guys that boast that their studies of the bible are the most accurate, most close to "Jehovah God's" official word.  Num nums, eh?
+429|6735|Chicago, IL

FallenMorgan wrote:

Liberals and atheists are intelligent.


I've seen stories like this before, but with Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse life-saving blood transfusions.  Some couple a while ago let their child die after the child lost allot of blood, but because Genesis 9 talks about how the consumption (drinking) of blood from sacrificed animals is not pleasing before the Lord...that means you let your children bleed to death or die from not having a life-saving blood transfusion.  Yeah, and these are the guys that boast that their studies of the bible are the most accurate, most close to "Jehovah God's" official word.  Num nums, eh?
'Jehovah' itself is an example of awful grammar.
Mass Media Casualty

My neighbors did the exact same thing. They have three kids, two boys and a girl. They had a baby for a while too, it died of pneumonia. Instead of seeking medical help once it became clear that the baby was unwell they prayed for a cure. Obviously they had never heard "God helps those who help themselves" as much as it is a religious cop-out. They were charged with criminal negligence, granted name supression and fined.

As truly stupid as these people were I have to say why the Hell did no-one do anything? They called on their friends to help pray for the girl too, did not one of them have enough sense to become a bit curious or concerned? They can't have all been as braindead/devout as this family surely.

Yes they should be charged and made examples of. Freedom of religion only goes so far, this includes people blowing themselves and others up in accordance with their beliefs and it includes people who are too bloody daft to use their God-given common sense.

A farmer is on his roof during a flood. The water is surrounding the farmer's home up to his front porch. As he is standing there, a boat comes up, The man in the boat says "Jump in, I'll take you to safety."
The farmer crosses his arms and says stubbornly, "No, I put my trust in God. He will save me."
The boat goes away. The water rises to the second floor. Another boat comes up, the man says to the farmer, "Jump in, I'll save you."
The farmer again says, "No, I put my trust in God. He will save me."
The boat goes away. Now the water is up to the roof. A helicopter comes over, and drops a ladder. The pilot yells down to the farmer "I'll save you, climb the ladder."
The farmer says "No, I put my trust in God. He will save me."
The helicopter goes away. The water comtinues to rise and sweeps the farmer off the roof. He drowns.
The farmer goes to heaven and meets God. He says, "Lord, why did you not save me?"
God says, "I sent you two boats and a Helicopter."
If one was to so believe in God wouldn't one also believe that God has given us cures for a reason?
The lunacy of some people...
[Blinking eyes thing]
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

What is "name suppression"?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
+1,352|6781|N. Ireland
The idea behiond proper Christianity and religion in that form is that you should let God enter your life. To those who know their "stories", you'll all have heard of when the devil taunted Jesus to jump off a building and his angels will catch him. The situation applies here - you shouldn't test God, and the facilities are here on earth to cure the child.

I like to think of that as over-religion, aka extremism in my opinion.
+151|6517|NSW, Australia

jord wrote:

This happens hundreds of times in Asia and Africa a year.
they often dont have anything else to do though
mostly afk
+480|6838|CH/BR - in UK

Something like this in modern times? I was expecting at least something like a Jehova's witness story, where they don't want a blood transfusion or something, but this?

Sadly I've heard and experienced tragedies such as this one being six years as a cop. My heartfelt pity to the deceased and the other innocent children under such parents wings. Inallilah.

Religion have got to do with some cases whilst some are straight forward lunacy.

And yes, we send them to the penitentiary for negligent manslaughter and sent the rest to social services.

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