UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6675|Texas - Bigger than France
Just in case your dense, it goes something like this (close enough anyway):

If you die fighting Allah's war, you are rewarded with 40 virgins in heaven.

So questions:
1) Do they really believe that?

2) Where did this idea come from?

3) Where do all the virgins come from?

4) Why virgins?  Why not something else...like, dunno a Lamborgini.

5) Is it more important to be virgins that be in love?

6) Are they the same 40 virgins?

6) Generally speaking this concept is not feminism-friendly.  Is this typical of Islam?

Anyway, didn't want another "muslims suck, no they don't thread", but I was curious about the 40 virgins...anyone know?

Last edited by Pug (2008-03-24 11:09:19)

less busy
+586|6968|Kubra, Damn it!

Yes, it's part of the religion, I can't say for sure that all muslims believe it. From what I remember, the number is actually 72 virgins. The reason they picked that is apparently in Arabic back in Mohammed's time, saying 72 was like saying a bijillion. It didn't necessarily mean 72, it was slang meaning more like a limitless amount. This is also from a time (not just in the middle east) where women had little influence.

I have no idea where the virgins come from. Maybe there's a virgin factory in heaven...


Sorry coudn't resist
+385|6624|Northern California
Haha, the ad at the bottom for "muslima.com" came up.  So funny.  Also funny someone asking "pssst!..hey you, yeah you,...is that 40 virgin thing like for reels?  how do i get that??"  lol

There is a funny comedian, can't remember his name, but he was on the "Axis of Evil Comedy Tour" and he was making fun of the various terrorist groups as they recruited young men.  One recruiter from Hamas would say, "Hey Ahmed, don't go over to Al Quaeda.  They only offer 72 virgins.  We offer 72 virgins, and a prostitute!"  But then the Hezbollah recuiter overheard and said, "Ahmed, don't listen to that guy, join Hezbollah now and we'll give you a 72 virgins, a prostitute...and  goat!"

Anyway, pretty funny stuff.  I'll just take living with my family in God's presence.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNwmcZwt … re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrE4SNYi … re=related

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-03-24 11:22:59)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6734|132 and Bush

We are Persians.. meoow.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Pug wrote:

Do they really believe that?
Probably the same percentage believe that as Mormons who believe they get their own planet to eternally populate.

When Paradise specifically alludes to sex, I laugh inside.
+2,187|6701|Mountains of NC

the real question should be

Will all the virgins be females ?

I bet there are some terrorists that just shit a brick on that question
GunSlinger OIF II
from what I understand, it takes a very literal interpretation of something in koran, and supposedly, the term meant something different in those times.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6675|Texas - Bigger than France

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

from what I understand, it takes a very literal interpretation of something in koran, and supposedly, the term meant something different in those times.
You mean...

R-I-B-B-O-N ???

You might know something...I'm too lazy to look it up.  What else is to it?

I'm intrigued about this kind of stuff.
GunSlinger OIF II
good article
http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=72 … 20Paradise

BTW, Hadiths are older than the koran, muhummad or islam itselt.
Frosties > Cornflakes


the real question should be

Will all the virgins be females ?

I bet there are some terrorists that just shit a brick on that question
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6773|Your moms bedroom
by Virgins, they mean 8-11 year old females disfigured by IED and suicide bomb attacks

Last edited by Locoloki (2008-03-24 14:27:46)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6675|Texas - Bigger than France

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

good article
http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=72 … 20Paradise

BTW, Hadiths are older than the koran, muhummad or islam itselt.
Ok, according to the article, you get servants who are perfect at everything.  Especially sex.

It's interesting that a faith can put so much effort into denying earthly pleasures to allow for wanton indulgences in the afterlife...

So on one hand I have respect for some areas of restraint, but ironic that the goal is to have none?  I (cultured in the US & Canada) find that to be ironic.
less busy
+586|6968|Kubra, Damn it!

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

good article
http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=72 … 20Paradise

BTW, Hadiths are older than the koran, muhummad or islam itselt.
Good link.

Incidentally, I found this one at the bottom of that same page: History of Lithuania and goat sex orgies
Blacking Out the Friction
+32|6132|Rexburg, Idaho

geNius wrote:

Pug wrote:

Do they really believe that?
Probably the same percentage believe that as Mormons who believe they get their own planet to eternally populate.

When Paradise specifically alludes to sex, I laugh inside.
Don't poke fun when you don't have a clue about what you're talking about.
less busy
+586|6968|Kubra, Damn it!

Bulldogz wrote:

geNius wrote:

Pug wrote:

Do they really believe that?
Probably the same percentage believe that as Mormons who believe they get their own planet to eternally populate.

When Paradise specifically alludes to sex, I laugh inside.
Don't poke fun when you don't have a clue about what you're talking about.
GunSlinger OIF II

chittydog wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

good article
http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=72 … 20Paradise

BTW, Hadiths are older than the koran, muhummad or islam itselt.
Good link.

Incidentally, I found this one at the bottom of that same page: History of Lithuania and goat sex orgies
another interpretation

TBH I cant be bothered to read all the replies or think too much right now, but most of the "problems" with Muslims come from the Hadiths, which are not part of the Quran but are just a collection of, lets say, urban miths about the life of Mohamed. And I think (not sure-I could be totaly wrong) that the virgins thing is a hadith. Maybe its not but I can think of many examples of people "quoting" the Quran what they are actualy quoting the Hadiths.

Hadiths are a crazy stupid thing, fortunately in Bosnia people dont care much about the hadiths (im from Bosnia).
One say that a guy heard from a guy who heard from a guy who heard from a man whose sister was dating a guy who was working for a man who was married to a woman whos brother heard that Mohamed said that you should do this and that to all thieves. And basically some Muslims think that is bullshit, some think that its true.

Also many many MANY thing from the Quran can be translated in many ways. You can find a translation of the Quran that suits the extreemists ways and a transilation that suits the "Muslims are crazy primitive people fick them yeah baby" ways...

Last edited by zeidmaan (2008-03-24 17:19:32)


Bulldogz wrote:

geNius wrote:

Pug wrote:

Do they really believe that?
Probably the same percentage believe that as Mormons who believe they get their own planet to eternally populate.

When Paradise specifically alludes to sex, I laugh inside.
Don't poke fun when you don't have a clue about what you're talking about.
I welcome your irony.
I asked a Muslim friend about, it He thought the post was funny and added that Zarcowi [sp] would not qualify as the Koran states you must give your life willingly and zarqowi did not. He fought for his life. He was pretty adamant about it. Anyone else ever hear of this take ?
Allah ackbar!
+53|6047|Glendale, CA
How do you know it's not 72 geeky guys?
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6596|Tyne & Wear, England
I would prefer 72 sluts to be honest.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
+3,611|6754|London, England


I would prefer 72 sluts to be honest.
As stewie once said

It would be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

I asked a Muslim friend about, it He thought the post was funny and added that Zarcowi [sp] would not qualify as the Koran states you must give your life willingly and zarqowi did not. He fought for his life. He was pretty adamant about it. Anyone else ever hear of this take ?
Your friend is wrong. The virgins are one of many pleasures in paradise available to anyone who qualifies to enter paradise. And you dont have to die willingly to enter paradise. And I checked, the numbers are made up (40, 70, 72, 88) you probably get much more than that
Also did you all know that a woman gets all the Brad Pits and George Clooneys she wants in paradise?

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