Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+385|6644|Northern California
Or this: … oramic.jpg
I see this now and then when I "BART" by it.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I blame donald rumsfeld
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Rifle Expert
+56|6782|Mexifornia, USA
I knew one of the soldiers killed that put the death toll at over 4000. His name was Pvt. George Delgado, and he was killed on Easter Sunday. He graduated from my school in 2004, when I was just beginning high school as a freshman. There was an assembly today in our gym to honor the sacrifice Pvt. Delgado had made. We also had Lcpl. Patrick Lee, USMC return to thank us for some care packages we put together and sent him around Christmas time. He said a few words about Pvt. Delgado, as well as the current situation in Iraq, from which he just returned last month. He said he was in Fallujah, where there had been tremendous violence in recent years, as I'm sure you all knew. But he also said that at this point, that city is almost considered friendly. He also said that regardless of what the media says, the troop surge IS working and it IS improving conditions in Iraq. Granted, it is not the one simple solution to the problem of Iraq, but it is a step in the right direction.
I think this picture is non sense and directs anger towards individuals instead of blame being put where it should be. The drums of war back when it started were being sounded by many around the world. Where is the picture of Gore and the many Democratic leaders who called for war (including Hillary Clinton). To even put McCain on there is ridiculous because he is and was just one of many who came to the same conclusion about war back then. Yes, he speaks of finishing the job but this picture is obviously biased and skewed for the wrong reasons. Many, many people saw the intelligence and came to the same conclusion and this picture does not lay blame where it should. There is a lot of blame but in the end, we need to finish what was started.

My main point is this.....Actually I find it very, very disrespectful since I also knew a kid who died in Iraq. I work with his father and his son died in his first month there. When he was in high school, I helped pay for his education to study abroad. When he graduated he chose to serve his country. He didn't need to do it, his family was well off, he was very intelligent, a top student but he wanted to serve. He was killed by an RPG that entered his humvee where he was sitting and was the only one who died in the vehicle. I actually find this picture very offensive and I know his family would agree too. This picture is using DEAD soldiers for political propaganda. Pretty sick in my opinion.
as wars go casualties are amazingly light, our enemies can only pray as their experiences have been different. The left can only hope for some disaster. Maybe they will manufacture one like Homelessness !

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

as wars go casualties are amazingly light, our enemies can only pray as their experiences have been different. The left can only hope for some disaster. Maybe they will manufacture one like Homelessness !
What's also amazing is the low level of value you evidently place on American lives....
I place a high value on any Life.

try and read

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2008-03-29 10:51:32)


Hunter/Jumper wrote:

I place a high value on American Lives.
"amazingly light" - sounds like you're rejoicing.
+5,233|6682|Global Command

CameronPoe wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

as wars go casualties are amazingly light, our enemies can only pray as their experiences have been different. The left can only hope for some disaster. Maybe they will manufacture one like Homelessness !
What's also amazing is the low level of value you evidently place on American lives....
Sorry Cam, he's right despite everything that is wrong about Iraq.

ATG wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

as wars go casualties are amazingly light, our enemies can only pray as their experiences have been different. The left can only hope for some disaster. Maybe they will manufacture one like Homelessness !
What's also amazing is the low level of value you evidently place on American lives....
Sorry Cam, he's right despite everything that is wrong about Iraq.
I'm sure it doesn't feel too 'light' to the families of the bereaved.
GunSlinger OIF II
fuck who ever thinks that the guys I lost in Iraq are fuel for an argument about body counts.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

fuck who ever thinks that the guys I lost in Iraq are fuel for an argument about body counts.

+53|6067|Glendale, CA
Bush and his cronies Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all these assholes can burn in hell for all I care.  When that chimp Bush is out I'm gonna dance in the streets, then, if McCain is elected, I'll wait for a truck to run me over.  Bush sucks.
+429|6600|Chicago, IL

FallenMorgan wrote:

Bush and his cronies Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all these assholes can burn in hell for all I care.  When that chimp Bush is out I'm gonna dance in the streets, then, if McCain is elected, I'll wait for a truck to run me over.  Bush sucks.

FallenMorgan wrote:

Bush and his cronies Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all these assholes can burn in hell for all I care.  When that chimp Bush is out I'm gonna dance in the streets, then, if McCain is elected, I'll wait for a truck to run me over.  Bush sucks.
god you know nothing
+5,233|6682|Global Command

usmarine wrote:

FallenMorgan wrote:

Bush and his cronies Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all these assholes can burn in hell for all I care.  When that chimp Bush is out I'm gonna dance in the streets, then, if McCain is elected, I'll wait for a truck to run me over.  Bush sucks.
god you know nothing
It would help if they would just level with us.
If it's conquest, so be it. Don't call it liberation.
Rifle Expert
+56|6782|Mexifornia, USA

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

I think this picture is non sense and directs anger towards individuals instead of blame being put where it should be. The drums of war back when it started were being sounded by many around the world. Where is the picture of Gore and the many Democratic leaders who called for war (including Hillary Clinton). To even put McCain on there is ridiculous because he is and was just one of many who came to the same conclusion about war back then. Yes, he speaks of finishing the job but this picture is obviously biased and skewed for the wrong reasons. Many, many people saw the intelligence and came to the same conclusion and this picture does not lay blame where it should. There is a lot of blame but in the end, we need to finish what was started.

My main point is this.....Actually I find it very, very disrespectful since I also knew a kid who died in Iraq. I work with his father and his son died in his first month there. When he was in high school, I helped pay for his education to study abroad. When he graduated he chose to serve his country. He didn't need to do it, his family was well off, he was very intelligent, a top student but he wanted to serve. He was killed by an RPG that entered his humvee where he was sitting and was the only one who died in the vehicle. I actually find this picture very offensive and I know his family would agree too. This picture is using DEAD soldiers for political propaganda. Pretty sick in my opinion.
+429|6600|Chicago, IL

Jibbles wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

I think this picture is non sense and directs anger towards individuals instead of blame being put where it should be. The drums of war back when it started were being sounded by many around the world. Where is the picture of Gore and the many Democratic leaders who called for war (including Hillary Clinton). To even put McCain on there is ridiculous because he is and was just one of many who came to the same conclusion about war back then. Yes, he speaks of finishing the job but this picture is obviously biased and skewed for the wrong reasons. Many, many people saw the intelligence and came to the same conclusion and this picture does not lay blame where it should. There is a lot of blame but in the end, we need to finish what was started.

My main point is this.....Actually I find it very, very disrespectful since I also knew a kid who died in Iraq. I work with his father and his son died in his first month there. When he was in high school, I helped pay for his education to study abroad. When he graduated he chose to serve his country. He didn't need to do it, his family was well off, he was very intelligent, a top student but he wanted to serve. He was killed by an RPG that entered his humvee where he was sitting and was the only one who died in the vehicle. I actually find this picture very offensive and I know his family would agree too. This picture is using DEAD soldiers for political propaganda. Pretty sick in my opinion.
Quoted again for extra truth
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

I think this picture is non sense and directs anger towards individuals instead of blame being put where it should be. The drums of war back when it started were being sounded by many around the world. Where is the picture of Gore and the many Democratic leaders who called for war (including Hillary Clinton). To even put McCain on there is ridiculous because he is and was just one of many who came to the same conclusion about war back then. Yes, he speaks of finishing the job but this picture is obviously biased and skewed for the wrong reasons. Many, many people saw the intelligence and came to the same conclusion and this picture does not lay blame where it should. There is a lot of blame but in the end, we need to finish what was started.

My main point is this.....Actually I find it very, very disrespectful since I also knew a kid who died in Iraq. I work with his father and his son died in his first month there. When he was in high school, I helped pay for his education to study abroad. When he graduated he chose to serve his country. He didn't need to do it, his family was well off, he was very intelligent, a top student but he wanted to serve. He was killed by an RPG that entered his humvee where he was sitting and was the only one who died in the vehicle. I actually find this picture very offensive and I know his family would agree too. This picture is using DEAD soldiers for political propaganda. Pretty sick in my opinion.
I agree, I wonder how many of them supported the war and gave their lives for the cause only to end up as brushstrokes in some slackjaw’s anti-war Photoshop opus.

Since that lonely activist sighting, our war dead in Iraq reached the 4,000 mark after five full years of war. Historically, and given the scope of the conflict, the figure's remarkably low. Yet, as a former soldier, I know it's a foul against the families to argue either that our casualties are limited or exorbitant. For those who lose a loved one, that single casualty might as well be a million.

Soldiers die in war. They always will. They know that when they sign up or re-enlist. Nonetheless, our nation's leaders have the responsibility to employ our troops as wisely as possible and never to squander their lives for political ends.

As we reached the 4,000th service-member killed in action, I found myself disgusted with both the Bush administration and its irresponsible, cynical opponents. The slogan, "Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home," may be the most dishonest that ever intruded on American politics - but the war's original sponsors haven't rushed their own kids to the recruiting office, either.

With all-too-rare exceptions, our politicians, right or left, really don't give a damn about our troops. Polls matter, grunts don't.

Oh, the pols spout all sorts of rhetoric about how much they honor those in uniform, but they really only value our troops as tools of partisan policies or for photo ops.

Between the incumbent president and his would-be replacements, only one has served in uniform or had a son or daughter serve in uniform. If military service is so praiseworthy, why don't more pols encourage their own kids to sign up? I'll tell you why: They regard our troops as second-raters who couldn't get into Harvard Law or a master's program at Yale.

It's the Leona Helmsley approach to policy: Our troops are the "little people."

Most pols don't even know any service members - except for a few grotesquely ambitious retired generals and admirals.

We've seen President Bush dressed up in a flight suit, grinning like Alfred E. Neuman among troops who desperately want to believe in their commander-in-chief. We've seen Sen. Hillary Clinton do drive-bys in Iraq - just long enough to make political statements, pose with the troops, then zip home.

For his part, Sen. Obama at least has the integrity to not even pretend he cares about the troops - he doesn't go anyplace more dangerous than a Chicago church pew. No recent aspirant for the Oval Office has known or cared so little about our military.

I'm just damned angry. The right won't admit any mistakes in Iraq, while the left seeks to undercut progress there.

Honorable, valiant and tenacious, our troops deserve better leaders. Never in our history have we seen so profound a contrast between those who serve and those who decide how they should be employed.

We also face, for the first time, national-level leaders who would rather lose a war than lose an election.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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