Just my opinion:
1) I like to save people's arses.  And I will do it when I can, even if this means picking up their medic kit if I am not medic at that time.  I like it when other people do this for me when I am a medic and I get taken down while saving their ass. Generally medics get dropped reviving me, so I will kill the bugger that off'd me and the medic, and then take friendly's med kit to revive him.  Result: 4 points for enemy player, 4 points & 0 deaths for me (kill and revive) and 2 points & 0 deaths for the original medic.  Oh yeah, and they lose a ticket, we don't

2) Being revived non-stop.  PLEASE DO IT TO ME!!!  Say a tank is blasting away at me and a medic sneaks from a hidden location and zaps me.. so I die again.  OK. I know he's there and he will try again.  ZAP!  Thanks to this JUST BEING A VIDEO GAME (so many people need to be reminded of this, I don't know why), I can spring to my feet and flee the scene.   If I get hit again.. ZAP ME AGAIN.  I would rather help my team by not losing a ticket and getting out of there with my skin on than dying off and coming back at a possibly non-strategic point.  Plus, as people pointed out, there are ways to prevent you from being brought back.
+16|6854|CT, US
I'm a medic out of pure frustration of not having one to revive me while playing other kits. Everytime I see someone I'm able to revive, I go for it. Ofc I use my judgement to see if the situation is good or not, but on warlord when an entire squad gets knocked out by a nade, 5 revives = 10 points and a gold star baby
Your guide is pretty good!
I think you can tweak it a little!
For mistake #1  The best way to revive is the running revive.  In other words you don't dive or stop just run over the top of the dead and keep the cross hairs of the paddles over the top of him and pull the trigger.  It is hard in small areas, but very easy out in the open.  A moving target is less likely to get shot.
For mistake #2  Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For mistake #3  The only time you should throw a is if the emeny already knows where your at.  If you are hiding around a corner just hold it.  The reason is they can see the bag and hear the medic yell.  I love it when I am a sniper and someone throws bags when they are hiding.  I just wait and shot them when the run out or move.  Like I said if the emeny is shotting at you throw the bag you don't have time, but if he doesn't know hold it, you have time!
+9|6871|Doctor Evils Lair, Near You!
My mate is regularly a MEDIC and recently complained about that after using the Paddels to heal men, after the 3-4 use the paddles are NOT WORKING!!!!. Does anyone know what may be going on here?  ................PS hilltop 2bit loves his PANZERKEIL for breakfast....
Fantasma Parastasie
You forgot several things:

Extending your health bar

Enemies round a corner? Know that you're about to have a prone-battle? Throw down medpack(s) and lie on top of them. For every (non-instakill headshot) bullet you take, you'll automatically heal yourself. When I'm on the defending side I will quite often throw down 3 medpacks, and lie down on top of them. That's basically doubling the amount of health you have.

Retreating and healing

One of the main advantages of the medic kit is it's ability to heal itself within a few seconds. Of course, you cannot do this in the middle of a firefight, but if you can buy yourself a second or two of cover, you can fully heal yourself again. If you've taken out a bunch of enemies, you're low on health, and there are still more coming straight at you, run around a corner, drop a nade (OUT OF SIGHT), and watch your enemy come sprinting around the corner just to get blown up by your grenade.


I avoid going prone to revive people. Standing isn't very useful either. I personally crouch to revive, and in 120 hours of being a medic it's never failed me.
One of the most important decisions you have to make when reviving is whether or not to take care of any nearby enemies before reviving. Remember that a revived teammate will be another person capable of killing enemies, giving you a higher chance of survival. Try lobbing a grenade near any places where enemies could from so you can quickly revive people.
+16|6854|CT, US

hilltop2bit wrote:

My mate is regularly a MEDIC and recently complained about that after using the Paddels to heal men, after the 3-4 use the paddles are NOT WORKING!!!!. Does anyone know what may be going on here?  ................PS hilltop 2bit loves his PANZERKEIL for breakfast....
The same recharge on the medkit applies to the shock paddles. Wait till the bar on the bottom left corner reaches about 1/4th, and then you can start reviving again. Also, there is an animation that plays when you can revive again. He rubs the two paddles together and it makes a electronic zip noise.
+164|7060|Normal, IL

SargeV1.4 wrote:

You forgot several things:

Extending your health bar

Enemies round a corner? Know that you're about to have a prone-battle? Throw down medpack(s) and lie on top of them. For every (non-instakill headshot) bullet you take, you'll automatically heal yourself. When I'm on the defending side I will quite often throw down 3 medpacks, and lie down on top of them. That's basically doubling the amount of health you have.

Retreating and healing

One of the main advantages of the medic kit is it's ability to heal itself within a few seconds. Of course, you cannot do this in the middle of a firefight, but if you can buy yourself a second or two of cover, you can fully heal yourself again. If you've taken out a bunch of enemies, you're low on health, and there are still more coming straight at you, run around a corner, drop a nade (OUT OF SIGHT), and watch your enemy come sprinting around the corner just to get blown up by your grenade.


I avoid going prone to revive people. Standing isn't very useful either. I personally crouch to revive, and in 120 hours of being a medic it's never failed me.
One of the most important decisions you have to make when reviving is whether or not to take care of any nearby enemies before reviving. Remember that a revived teammate will be another person capable of killing enemies, giving you a higher chance of survival. Try lobbing a grenade near any places where enemies could from so you can quickly revive people.
A) I do have to disagree with you on this point only because the medpack, once thrown, can be seen by everyone on both teams, essentially giving away your position if you are lying on top of it and they know it. plus, once you throw it down, if an enemy is looking in that direction, they will know exactly where you are. however, it will do as you said, but at the cost of giving away your position.

B) didn't include that because it is quite obvious: if you are low in health, whip your medpack out. but thanks for stating it for those in the bf2 world who didnt know. lord knows there are a lot of ignorant people out there playing this game.

C) personal choice. i appreciate you input on it. some people flame me for insisting prone is the way to go, some people cheer me for saying it. i wrote this before the patch came out and cockblocked you being able to stand up right away, so things have changed indeed. To be honest, since i got over 100 hours and all the medals for it, i really haven't played it much in the last few months since i have been focusing on getting other medals and working on practicing other kits. just wait till 1.3 to come along and fubar everything again and i have to rewrite this whole guide......
Fantasma Parastasie

comet241 wrote:

A) I do have to disagree with you on this point only because the medpack, once thrown, can be seen by everyone on both teams, essentially giving away your position if you are lying on top of it and they know it. plus, once you throw it down, if an enemy is looking in that direction, they will know exactly where you are. however, it will do as you said, but at the cost of giving away your position.

B) didn't include that because it is quite obvious: if you are low in health, whip your medpack out. but thanks for stating it for those in the bf2 world who didnt know. lord knows there are a lot of ignorant people out there playing this game.

C) personal choice. i appreciate you input on it. some people flame me for insisting prone is the way to go, some people cheer me for saying it. i wrote this before the patch came out and cockblocked you being able to stand up right away, so things have changed indeed. To be honest, since i got over 100 hours and all the medals for it, i really haven't played it much in the last few months since i have been focusing on getting other medals and working on practicing other kits. just wait till 1.3 to come along and fubar everything again and i have to rewrite this whole guide......
A) There is a range to being able to see the medpacks icon. I usually use this in long range prone-battles. Using it constantly in close combat will probably give your position away, yeah.

B) Retreating for a second has saved me many times. Being able to buy yourself a few seconds of time to heal yourself is vital

C) There is no standing up delay if you press crouch instead of prone. Go on, try it. I assure you, it is very useful

+164|7060|Normal, IL
do you know how far the range is exactly on the icons, and does it depend on what your graphic settings are??? im on vacation, again, and i am away from my gaming pc to test this. i believe this would be useful knowlege.

i believe you on the crouch, like i said, i haven't played medic much since the patch that cockblocked the whole thing, but i have been using the running revive method whenever i do. i should try the crouch method when i get a chance, thanks.
+14|6825|Chicago, Illinois
Nicely written- I will have to remember some of these tips!!
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6957|Groningen, The Netherlands
comet241 your Defibrillator ratio is amazing, above one
And nice going on the guide too, +1 for you
+164|7060|Normal, IL
Ok, well from what I am reading (because I haven't done the 1.4 beta test.... yet) it seems that the infantry only mode will change things a little for medics. Mostly, it will change the hitpoints a lot, and most likely some minor changes to the tactics as well..... After 1.4 goes official and I have time to dink around with it, I will post a revised guide to include these changes to 1.4 infantry only mode. I just hope like everyone else it comes out sooner rather than later....
+31|6812|Olathe, KS, USA
Excellent tutorial, Comet.

comet241 wrote:

Mistake #2) If you revive somebody, they still get a death score

I have run into this situation a number of times if a save a guy two or three times in a row during a heated firefight. He may complain and say something to the effect of: STOP REVIVING ME!!!! I KEEP GETTING KILLED!!!! ……. I always explain that if you get revived, it dozen’t count as a death. The guy that killed you gets a kill, and the two points, but you don’t have a death against you. The usual response is: Oh….   I’m surprised more people out there aren’t aware of this simple fact. Spread the word people. Even if you revive them and you get that nasty surprise ‘nade a second later taking you both out, it only counts as one death for the guy, so don’t feel bad, hey, at least you tried. And that’s your job as a medic, to risk your life to save other people’s lives. While you may not be always out there killing people and reducing their tickets, every time you revive somebody and he gets another chance to get out there and do some damage, you saved your team from losing a ticket. So don’t look at it like you aren’t having a HUGE impact on the outcome of the game, you are. I have seen numerous games come down to a difference of 10 tickets or less….. 10 revives in a round is not hard to do, and it could mean the difference between a win or a loss.
The only disagreement I have is within the section quoted above. If you want to revive someone and they get killed 2 seconds after you have just revived them, DO NOT revive them again. You are going to piss the player off because he is losing more time by you stat-padding your med score . Take care of the enemy first, then tend to the wounded. Once again, nice job. +1 Karma for you
+164|7060|Normal, IL
I have been most flamed for the exact reason you have posted above, dakota. It appears to be a personal preference for people if you revive right away or kill the enemy first. Some people hate being killed twice in a row, even if it only counts as one death, and some people dont mind at all, remembering that you are only trying and doing your job.

I'll revise my post by saying that the comments I originally put were my opinion, and I suppose if you would rather deal with the enemy first, then revive, so be it. I personally believe the medics first job is the revive and keep alive other players, your life and killing the enemy come second and third. However, I dont always subscribe to that idea either. I suppose use your best judgement and determine where the enemy is, if your friendly can get away if you revive him, can you even kill the enemy..... and dont forget to do all that thinking in just a couple seconds too!!!!

Being a medic, a good medic, isn't easy. You won't always make people happy no matter what you do, but if you do your job in a sufficient manner consistently, you will be doing your job towards helping your team win, no matter what anybody thinks. Thanks for the input.
Ok as one of the better medics I know (me), this guide is spot on, except for one thing, if you die and are revived, the deaths don't count, I have dont experiments with this, and the ticket doesn't go down until your revive timer runs out, also, you don't get a death on your score.

As for the guy who was complaining about bunny hopping if you have any skill whatsoever bunny hoping is easy to counter just makes their head that much easier to hit. I used to bunny hop when 1.4 didn't ruin it.... but yes, any skill at this game whatsoever will make bunny hopping useless, I can't even begin to say how EASY it is to counter. but anyway, great job with the guide, I found very few things I would change.
Question dude i and ender93 i mostly play wake, sharqui, oman, and karkhand and i must know should i unlock the Medic guns or support i am a sargent and have all specops, and all assualt, and all sniper cuz i play them the most and im not a half bad medic tell me which kit ti unlock and im not gettin 1 support and 1 medic

Last edited by ender93 (2006-10-18 15:50:32)

nice guide
+33|6652|the Great British Queendom :)
As a fairly newbile at this game I find your guide very good, plus other comments left:) One medic change for life here, will clear out enemies before reviving people and will try and squad up all the time. I try my hardest as a medic as you'll see by my stats! My biggest problem is getting heal points mind, I will look over the rest of the forums at this though. But hey none the less good and simple guide, many more medics will be changed:)
Battlefield 2 killa'
+128|6623|SHAPE, Belgium
Its good.
+6|6606|a shallow grave in karkand
As a medic i get a great feeling of satisfaction from healing and reviving teammates, as someone else pointed out i also will swap kits with a downed medic and revive because im always so grateful when it happens to me.
There is nothing like having your whole squad kIA and your the one that brings the squad leader and you get the flag capture.

Great medic guide too,  thanks you have covered all the fundamentals.

-=Sporadicfire=-   "Medicwhore"
Flamesuit essential

Has anyone ever tricked a medic by killing someone and chucking a claymore in their body?
+6|6606|a shallow grave in karkand
No i have not and no it hasnt happened to me, but a fun game i like to play is camp the body you just killed and  see if a medic comes> revive > then you strike again getting your original target again and their medic.

Has anyone ever C4'd a corpse boobie trapping it like a vietcong?
Erm there is 1 thing I'm not doing out of your list and that is phroning I sprint i crouch I revive and sprint back the crouch delay is way less then the prone delay I hardly ever get killed using that tacktick
Cereal Killer
+145|6951|The View From The Afternoon
please, I was hoping nobody would make a guide for this. Have you any idea of how fun it is to own medic noobs? Please don't help them. You're stealing my kills..
+138|6802|New Zealand

SargeV1.4 wrote:

You forgot several things:

Extending your health bar

Enemies round a corner? Know that you're about to have a prone-battle? Throw down medpack(s) and lie on top of them. For every (non-instakill headshot) bullet you take, you'll automatically heal yourself. When I'm on the defending side I will quite often throw down 3 medpacks, and lie down on top of them. That's basically doubling the amount of health you have.

Retreating and healing

One of the main advantages of the medic kit is it's ability to heal itself within a few seconds. Of course, you cannot do this in the middle of a firefight, but if you can buy yourself a second or two of cover, you can fully heal yourself again. If you've taken out a bunch of enemies, you're low on health, and there are still more coming straight at you, run around a corner, drop a nade (OUT OF SIGHT), and watch your enemy come sprinting around the corner just to get blown up by your grenade.


I avoid going prone to revive people. Standing isn't very useful either. I personally crouch to revive, and in 120 hours of being a medic it's never failed me.
One of the most important decisions you have to make when reviving is whether or not to take care of any nearby enemies before reviving. Remember that a revived teammate will be another person capable of killing enemies, giving you a higher chance of survival. Try lobbing a grenade near any places where enemies could from so you can quickly revive people.
This is a better guide then the orgional post in the thread. 

However Once you get the hang of it, sprinting revive is the way to go imo. EG The Revive in the first 10 sec of this vid:
I agree completly with everything else you said though. Nice work.

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