i need a few screens of microsoft word, the desktop, the start menu, and if possible a few security popups. any help would be much abliged, and karma to those who help. thanks guys.
Start Menu
UAC Popups
Word 2007
(Srsly.... all those links contain perfect images for what you want, im not just spamming google links)
Start Menu
UAC Popups
Word 2007
(Srsly.... all those links contain perfect images for what you want, im not just spamming google links)
wow thanks titch, you're awesome.
If you need ones straight from my desktop i will take some when i get home from work (3:30 pm Eastern) and get them to you as I am not home right now and on a MAC. I just reformatted my home computer so i can see what i can get ya. Let me know if that is doable.
Nothing wrong with being on a mac.siciliano732 wrote:
If you need ones straight from my desktop i will take some when i get home from work (3:30 pm Eastern) and get them to you as I am not home right now and on a MAC. I just reformatted my home computer so i can see what i can get ya. Let me know if that is doable.
Besides. Did you not need Mac OS X 10.5 screenies Ender?