I like to hear some good reasons that make sense
1) He's not Hillary Clinton
2) He's immune to Jesse Jackson.
Last edited by S.Lythberg (2008-03-09 19:10:39)
Because hating him for having Hussein as a middle name, and allowing that to influence your voting choices, makes about as much sense as using a lighter to illuminate a dark room with a gas leak.
He's not a sellout like Hillary or McCain. He's not a hawk. He's not a bitch.
He's not part of the DNC machine or the RNC machine. He's not your typical corrupt lobbyist panderer (like most Senators are).
He also has a pretty clear plan on how to actually get out of Iraq (unlike Hillary and McCain). He has a realistic national healthcare plan.
I've got plenty more....
He's not part of the DNC machine or the RNC machine. He's not your typical corrupt lobbyist panderer (like most Senators are).
He also has a pretty clear plan on how to actually get out of Iraq (unlike Hillary and McCain). He has a realistic national healthcare plan.
I've got plenty more....
because the media said so. but then again, you are not a super delegate, so your vote does not really count anyway. but keep thinking it does.
1. Because you don't like Israel
2. Because you want to give Iran a free hand in Iraq
3. Because you believe he can change the culture of Washington and get people with different interests to work together.
In other words, because you are delusional.
2. Because you want to give Iran a free hand in Iraq
3. Because you believe he can change the culture of Washington and get people with different interests to work together.
In other words, because you are delusional.
#1 = because you are perceptivesan4 wrote:
1. Because you don't like Israel
2. Because you want to give Iran a free hand in Iraq
3. Because you believe he can change the culture of Washington and get people with different interests to work together.
In other words, because you are delusional.
#2 = Iran already has a free hand in Iraq, were you not paying attention for the last year or so?
#3 = admittedly, this is not something likely to happen much... but Barack is one of the few people that actually tries to get both sides to work together.
vote for obama...... doesn't really matter USA will still be crap.
go drink some hortons you fucking retard.HSG wrote:
vote for obama...... doesn't really matter USA will still be crap.
You were close...HSG wrote:
vote for obama...... doesn't really matter USA Texas will still be crap go Republican.
BUAHAHAHAHAHA! Check his voting record.Turquoise wrote:
He's not part of the DNC machine....
A realistic national healthcare plan. And who's going to pay for it . I live in Nassau county N.Y. and pay more in taxes almost any other state
If he were part of the machine, Hillary would already be out by now. Her power in the machine is the reason why she's still going strong.Stingray24 wrote:
BUAHAHAHAHAHA! Check his voting record.Turquoise wrote:
He's not part of the DNC machine....
With everyone paying into the system, it will be considerably cheaper than our current situation in the private sector. As for NY taxes... that would be a state concern, not a federal one. In other words, maybe you should vote for people that will cut your taxes some on the state level. Perhaps, you could use a few more Republicans in office up in NY.logitech487 wrote:
A realistic national healthcare plan. And who's going to pay for it . I live in Nassau county N.Y. and pay more in taxes almost any other state
Over Hillary: Because Hillary is the personification of the white privelaged upper classes that so sicken most people. She could spare a casual five million bucks to support her campaign! Also the Clinton name has already been in the White House twice, (vice-president for both Thomas Jefferson and James Maddison was one George Clinton.) We've had Bush, Clinton, Bush and if it's Clinton again that'll just be tired and predictable - you don't want Jeb Bush trying to run for President next do you?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
it might send a positive message to the world.
because I said so
good enough for meGunSlinger OIF II wrote:
because I said so
Because instead of petty attacks, he tries to debate the issues.
Because he has run a campaign largely devoid of PAC money and special interest bribes, leaving him essentially debt free come election
Because he stands for government accountability and transparency in direct contrast to the last 8 years. He was the main proponent for the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, which created USAspending.gov , a website that outlines where USA tax dollars go
Because he actually inspires, not just fighting for the crown of most likeable douche bag in the room.
Because he has run a campaign largely devoid of PAC money and special interest bribes, leaving him essentially debt free come election
Because he stands for government accountability and transparency in direct contrast to the last 8 years. He was the main proponent for the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, which created USAspending.gov , a website that outlines where USA tax dollars go
Because he actually inspires, not just fighting for the crown of most likeable douche bag in the room.
QFMFT (even though I'll probably vote for McCain)mtb0minime wrote:
1) He's not Hillary Clinton
Last edited by TGMaverick (2008-03-09 19:56:55)
he wants up out of iraq becasue we are killin his brothers . he is an islamic . with all the nice lies for the usa , he hates the flag and wont say the pledge of alliegence with his hand over his heart . insted its over his nuts.
don't forget his middle name is husseinSchittloaf wrote:
he wants up out of iraq becasue we are killin his brothers . he is an islamic . with all the nice lies for the usa , he hates the flag and wont say the pledge of alliegence with his hand over his heart . insted its over his nuts.

If you were running for President, he'd vote for you!

true! maybe he is a relative of Saddam . hmmmm don't want Hillary either . been there already and they totally hosed up the white house and well the military . i know i was in during the first bush - Clinton . he cut wages on us troops and denied raises . we made less money that people working at MC Donald's. lets see burger flipper or people who protect the nation from attacks. Clinton had Osoma Bin Laden in custody but let him go . its the democrat way put a band aid on it . and it will go away . funny gw just became pres when the 911 attacks happened . so where was all the warning b4 hand , well the Clinton's acted like nothing was wrong.cowami wrote:
don't forget his middle name is HusseinSchittloaf wrote:
he wants up out of Iraq because we are killin his brothers . he is an Islamic . with all the nice lies for the USA , he hates the flag and wont say the pledge of allegiance with his hand over his heart . instead its over his nuts.
Last edited by Schittloaf (2008-03-09 21:01:19)