What do you guys think of the following score I got on the ACT

English 14
Mathematics 34
Reading 32
Science 35
Composite score of 29

You would think that I could take a test on the language I've spoken my WHOLE life, but apparently not. . . This couldn't be some kind of machine error could it? Anyone else get outrageous scores before on big ass, lame tests?
conservative hatemonger
English tests are often based almost entirely on abstract parts of english that have nothing to do with your ability to actually use/manipulate the language

On all of the standardized tests i've taken i've always gotten lower english scores than the rest.  But I write essays and such better than the vast majority of people, and (sadly) i've been called mr. dictionary before...

they've actually gone up recently though, donno why
Stand and Deliver
+86|6066|United States
I got an 800 on the sat writing section
But i sucked on the critical reading
that's english for you

argo4 wrote:

I got an 800 on the sat writing section
But i sucked on the critical reading
that's english for you
lol, it was the other way around for me - 800 on Crit, and crap on Writing.
+429|6580|Chicago, IL
English pwned you, I suggest a re-take, you should be able to get up to 30 or 31
Blacking Out the Friction
+32|6132|Rexburg, Idaho
haha I hate teh act

took it twice and still got an overall score of 23 both times. lol.

oh well, enough to get me into college
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6808|Florida, United States

I took the ACT a while back and got a composite 31 (I don't remember the subparts other than math was a 36).
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6546|Michigan, USA

Hot damn, nice score on math and especially science!  I can't remember my individual scores, but I took the ACT twice: 1st time: 27, 2nd time: 28. Yay for keeping your higher score of the two   But again, Nice Job! +1 for your awesomeness with that 35 in science! (hint: go into something science related lol)
You with the face!
Go review the rules for comma, apostrophy, semi-colon use and run-ons and fragments.


You would have a very good score without that odd score.  If I were a college admissions guy, the 14 would be a huge red flag, in my mind.
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6573|Brisbane, Australia

English as a subject was my least favourite at school.

I was getting A's in Geography reports and good marks on any other written portions of assesments, yet was getting C's for english writing at the same level.

English is a language, which is used for communication - it follows that "English" as a subject should be about writing coherently etc but it is not. It is about pure crap unless you are really interested in discourses within old "classic" novels that are pulled out of thin air and are labelled as subtle messages from authors like Shakespeare telling us certain things.

In case you missed it, I think English as it is now is stupid (in Australia at least). This is not because I am not "cultured" or not intellectual, but because I can't see the point in looking for contrived messages that probably weren't intended in the first place.

Voices are calling...
+136|6064|Somewhere out in Space
Oh yay im so good in english i can read every single shakespheare play and tell you all the abstract and inconspicuous little details that are inside them even though it will have no influence on how either of us lives our life.


Who the fuck needs that? Honestly?  I have good reading comprehension, i can write essays/short stories no problem, yet my average has always remained an 80%.  English teachers and markers are a bunch of fucking grammar nazi's on steroids; they probably mod facepunch in their spare time.

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

English as a subject was my least favourite at school.

I was getting A's in Geography reports and good marks on any other written portions of assesments, yet was getting C's for english writing at the same level.

English is a language, which is used for communication - it follows that "English" as a subject should be about writing coherently etc but it is not. It is about pure crap unless you are really interested in discourses within old "classic" novels that are pulled out of thin air and are labelled as subtle messages from authors like Shakespeare telling us certain things.

In case you missed it, I think English as it is now is stupid (in Australia at least). This is not because I am not "cultured" or not intellectual, but because I can't see the point in looking for contrived messages that probably weren't intended in the first place.

I noticed that too. My teacher kept trying to say that there were hidden messages in Shakespeare and every other author the syllabus mandated we read. She even claimed obvious overarching themes as hidden messages and that Shakespeare was positioning us to think a certain way about things. Which is of course alot more logical that he was just writing so he could eat that week... Yeah....

And deconstructing advertising. I'm pretty sure the people who make the ads are lazy art school people. They aren't gonna think "Okay, I'll make this red to trick people into being more hungry!". They're gonna think "Hey, red looks good here."

I was getting top marks when English was about English. You know, writing stories and such. As soon as it hit this ideologies bullshit it dropped to a B and stayed there. English ended up being my worst subject.
+1,411|6875|FUCK UBISOFT

English: 34
Math: 28
Science: 29
Reading: 28
Composite: 30
Artifice of Eternity
What's a good score on the ACT? Are the SATs still out of 2400?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6870|Oxferd Ohire
i think my 2nd  composite was 31

stupid engrish
+1,411|6875|FUCK UBISOFT

Pochsy wrote:

What's a good score on the ACT? Are the SATs still out of 2400? … n_with_SAT

Last edited by Miggle (2011-09-27 15:15:53)
+1,411|6875|FUCK UBISOFT

I'm pretty happy with my scores, considering my highest math was 10th grade geometry and I never took chemistry or physics.
Artifice of Eternity
So which university will you be attending?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+1,411|6875|FUCK UBISOFT

Pochsy wrote:

So which university will you be attending?
no idea
Artifice of Eternity
Have you applied anywhere?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+1,411|6875|FUCK UBISOFT

not yet
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6870|Oxferd Ohire
i wonder how andros did on his act

o wait
+1,411|6875|FUCK UBISOFT

RTHKI wrote:

i wonder how andros did on his act

o wait
he's 14
+786|6253|Ontario | Canada

Pochsy wrote:

What's a good score on the ACT? Are the SATs still out of 2400?
is 35 good? that's what i got my junior year, even though Cali schools relied on SAT's ( i got 1600 English, 1535 Math on that one, out of 3200 at the time . . .)

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