Four Palestinian children have been killed in an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip, local medics say.

Now before you starting flaming this for being 'yet another Israel thread' just tell me how this can be condoned, justified or tolerated in any way shape or form and please explain to me how you expect the mother/father/brother/sister of these murdered children not to hold any ill will towards the Israeli regime after such an act.

I have to listen to so much shit on the TV about 'Muslim extremists' and 'insurgents' and the 'war on terror' every day while countries like Israel go around murdering babies and calling it 'collateral damage'. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the initial Palestinian rocket attacks if Israel want to be considered as anything other than terrorist scumbags by the rest of the planet then this shit has to stop.
It is happening on BOTH sides and they are both wrong and that is why it needs to stop sooner or later. The two sides have to stop the killing and the vicious cycle of death and violence. Whet I get tired of is the one sided attack against Israel when terrorists keep lobbing bombs into Israel on a daily basis. Do you think it is okay when an innocent Israeli dies from a missile or suicide attack? IT GOES BOTH WAYS AND THEY BOTH NEED TO STOP.

The Palestinians have a legitimate right and cause to have their own land and so does Israel. The main problem is that you have Islamic terror organizations using this conflict and high jacking a legitimate cause to further their effort to totally wipe out Israel. That is a FACT. If the Palestinian people could clean house and get rid of the extremism then something positive could happen.


Last edited by DeathBecomesYu (2008-02-28 15:00:20)


Braddock wrote:

Four Palestinian children have been killed in an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip, local medics say.

Now before you starting flaming this for being 'yet another Israel thread' just tell me how this can be condoned, justified or tolerated in any way shape or form and please explain to me how you expect the mother/father/brother/sister of these murdered children not to hold any ill will towards the Israeli regime after such an act.

I have to listen to so much shit on the TV about 'Muslim extremists' and 'insurgents' and the 'war on terror' every day while countries like Israel go around murdering babies and calling it 'collateral damage'. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the initial Palestinian rocket attacks if Israel want to be considered as anything other than terrorist scumbags by the rest of the planet then this shit has to stop.
shit happens
+385|6641|Northern California
I can't remember how many years ago it happened (6ish?), but it was when the Israeli Palistinian conflict really got underway..and it really got sparked by the baseless killing of a 12 year old throwing rocks at bulldozers plowing his neighborhood.  I worked in San Francisco at the time and I remember the pro-palestinian protests out on the street that week with posters of that boy being hoisted.

No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed.  Palestinians mean less than nothing to our leaders, sadly.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-02-28 15:02:58)



No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed.  Palestinians mean less than nothing to our leaders, sadly.

I highly doubt that USA PURPOSELY targets children and how is the USA being dragged into this especially trying to say that USA kills Palestinian children??? When did that happen???....on the other hand....when a terrorist suicide bomber walks into a store or shop or dance hall and blows himself up, he is deliberately attacking anyone regardless if they are women or children or not.

Again...both sides need to be held accountable.

Last edited by DeathBecomesYu (2008-02-28 15:08:29)

+240|6815|Austin, TX


I can't remember how many years ago it happened (6ish?), but it was when the Israeli Palistinian conflict really got underway..and it really got sparked by the baseless killing of a 12 year old throwing rocks at bulldozers plowing his neighborhood.  I worked in San Francisco at the time and I remember the pro-palestinian protests out on the street that week with posters of that boy being hoisted.

No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed.  Palestinians mean less than nothing to our leaders, sadly.
...they apparently don't mean much to other Muslim countries.  Jordan, Syria, and Eqypt will not allow Palastinians to cross into their nations.  That is why those refugee camps are even there.  Not even the people who claim to kill in their name want anything to do with them.  If you are going to play the "Spread the Blame" game, maybe you need a wider butterknife.
+55|6129|Portugal/United States
We all know that this is a complicated situation and that boths sides share the blame for the ongoing violence but please enlighten us to the EVIDENCE that this was done on purpose as you claim that it was nothing short of murder.
+385|6641|Northern California

DeathBecomesYu wrote:


No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed.  Palestinians mean less than nothing to our leaders, sadly.

I highly doubt that USA PURPOSELY targets children and how is the USA being dragged into this especially trying to say that USA kills Palestinian children??? When did that happen???....on the other hand....when a terrorist suicide bomber walks into a store or shop or dance hall and blows himself up, he is deliberately attacking anyone regardless if they are women or children or not.

Again...both sides need to be held accountable.
Wow, you really have an imagination! I didn't say they purposefully target them, but I have no doubt it's been done.  The level of hate is something I can't fathom, but I believe it.  I said that they don't care after the fact...just like when we cluster bomb towns attempting to find one bad guy (Iraq, 2003).  If they cared, there wouldn't be so many repeats of the same 'accident' or 'regretful loss.'

imortal wrote:

...they apparently don't mean much to other Muslim countries.  Jordan, Syria, and Eqypt will not allow Palastinians to cross into their nations.  That is why those refugee camps are even there.  Not even the people who claim to kill in their name want anything to do with them.  If you are going to play the "Spread the Blame" game, maybe you need a wider butterknife.
I didn't say they did.  I"m just giving my assessment of how our press reports the reactions of our people and the Israelis.  They regret and say they're saddened sometimes when something gets caught on film, but there is nothing done to stop repeated accidents...hence their lack of empathy.  How is this a blame game post? lol

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-02-28 15:15:27)


DeathBecomesYu wrote:

It is happening on BOTH sides and they are both wrong and that is why it needs to stop sooner or later. The two sides have to stop the killing and the vicious cycle of death and violence. Whet I get tired of is the one sided attack against Israel when terrorists keep lobbing bombs into Israel on a daily basis. Do you think it is okay when an innocent Israeli dies from a missile or suicide attack? IT GOES BOTH WAYS AND THEY BOTH NEED TO STOP.

The Palestinians have a legitimate right and cause to have their own land and so does Israel. The main problem is that you have Islamic terror organizations using this conflict and high jacking a legitimate cause to further their effort to totally wipe out Israel. That is a FACT. If the Palestinian people could clean house and get rid of the extremism then something positive could happen.

The Palestinians have been denied legitimacy by the International community for years now, through a combination of inaction from many countries and super-power support for Israel. As a result Palestine do not have an official State and their government is often in disarray, they are at the mercy of the Israeli military and often have to suffer power and supply shortages like we are seeing presently. Add these factors together and you have a lot of angry, disenfranchised Palestinians who see no other alternative but to take up arms against their oppressors.

Israel on the other hand has an established Government, military support and recognition from the US and pretty much the rest of the International community. It tries to pass itself off as a regular member of the civilised Western world whereas in actual fact it's every bit as brutal and ruthless as the so called terrorists fighting throughout the rest of the Middle East (except they have high tech and even nuclear firepower). If they want to be regarded as an actual nation to be recognised and respected they should start acting like one.

The Palestinians should be assisted toward a legitimate, fully recognised State along acceptable borders by the International community ...then it could be held to task more effectively by the International community. As it is they are just a bunch of disparate rag-tag rebel groups and bombing entire city blocks to take out the odd miltant here and there is just not on.
+55|6129|Portugal/United States
Can you feel it, its getting hot in here, someones tured up the thermostat!

NantanCochise wrote:

We all know that this is a complicated situation and that boths sides share the blame for the ongoing violence but please enlighten us to the EVIDENCE that this was done on purpose as you claim that it was nothing short of murder.
I never at any stage claimed that they actively sought to kill the kids BUT the fact is they fired some bombs and killed some kids ...that's murder. If I was trying to shoot at some 'bad' guy standing behind your child and accidentally hit your child and killed him/her how would you feel?
IRON said this:

"No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed"

When you state it that way, then you are saying that Israel AND the USA ARE purposely targeting children and then you even follow up and say you believe that they have!!!! So where was I wrong?

Also, you believe that the US government doesn't care if children are targeted....are you insane? And when did our government shoot and kill any Palestinians, let alone children.....maybe you need to be clear and not generalize so much.

Braddock wrote:

NantanCochise wrote:

We all know that this is a complicated situation and that boths sides share the blame for the ongoing violence but please enlighten us to the EVIDENCE that this was done on purpose as you claim that it was nothing short of murder.
I never at any stage claimed that they actively sought to kill the kids BUT the fact is they fired some bombs and killed some kids ...that's murder. If I was trying to shoot at some 'bad' guy standing behind your child and accidentally hit your child and killed him/her how would you feel? does the Israeli mother and father deal with their son or daughter being killed in a suicide would you feel if that happened to you.

Look, I dont deny that Israel takes a hard hand sometimes but again it goes BOTH ways....dont you get it? Innocence is dying on both sides, mother and fathers are losing their children on BOTH sides. People are losing their brothers and sisters on both sides. So when you post something like this and are pointing a finger at one side and basically excusing "rebels" for their actions then it shows your bias. Lets get one thing straight, some suicide attacks have nothing to do with Palestinians fighting for their cause....some are for no other reason than a terrorist organization trying to kill an Israeli. Its not for the benefit of Palestine at all but for their ultimate goal to wipe out Israel.

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

IRON said this:

"No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed"

When you state it that way, then you are saying that Israel AND the USA ARE purposely targeting children and then you even follow up and say you believe that they have!!!! So where was I wrong?

Also, you believe that the US government doesn't care if children are targeted....are you insane? And when did our government shoot and kill any Palestinians, let alone children.....maybe you need to be clear and not generalize so much.
If your government really cared about children being injured in conflict your country wouldn't be so quick to invade nations and bomb cities from thousands of feet up in the air or drop napalm or atomic bombs.

I'm not saying they target kids, that would be ludicrous but i wouldn't say too many tears are shed by the people who make the decisions.

Braddock wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

IRON said this:

"No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed"

When you state it that way, then you are saying that Israel AND the USA ARE purposely targeting children and then you even follow up and say you believe that they have!!!! So where was I wrong?

Also, you believe that the US government doesn't care if children are targeted....are you insane? And when did our government shoot and kill any Palestinians, let alone children.....maybe you need to be clear and not generalize so much.
If your government really cared about children being injured in conflict your country wouldn't be so quick to invade nations and bomb cities from thousands of feet up in the air or drop napalm or atomic bombs.

I'm not saying they target kids, that would be ludicrous but i wouldn't say too many tears are shed by the people who make the decisions.
Oh yeah, like your country has NEVER fought in a war or conflict where innocence has been killed. GTFO!
+55|6129|Portugal/United States

Braddock wrote:

NantanCochise wrote:

We all know that this is a complicated situation and that boths sides share the blame for the ongoing violence but please enlighten us to the EVIDENCE that this was done on purpose as you claim that it was nothing short of murder.
I never at any stage claimed that they actively sought to kill the kids BUT the fact is they fired some bombs and killed some kids ...that's murder. If I was trying to shoot at some 'bad' guy standing behind your child and accidentally hit your child and killed him/her how would you feel?
Your Words:

"Apparently Palestinian Babies Are Now Terrorists "
"explain to me how you expect the mother/father/brother/sister of these murdered children"

Im just asking for the evidence that says that this was murder, i.e. done on purpose.
Your title is also misleading.

It is not murder if it was not done on purpose, thats called an accident. And as for a bad guy standing behind his child while being fired apon than only he bears the responsibility for that childs demise. As for how Id feel if it happened to me, well very upset no doubt. But I also doubt that id be home after firing rockets at Isreal, this is obviously hypothetical as you pointed out the bad guy standing behind his child situation. Thing is that this does happen.
Dropped on request

SealXo wrote:

shit happens
If I was that childs father I'd hunt you down for a comment like that.

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Braddock wrote:

NantanCochise wrote:

We all know that this is a complicated situation and that boths sides share the blame for the ongoing violence but please enlighten us to the EVIDENCE that this was done on purpose as you claim that it was nothing short of murder.
I never at any stage claimed that they actively sought to kill the kids BUT the fact is they fired some bombs and killed some kids ...that's murder. If I was trying to shoot at some 'bad' guy standing behind your child and accidentally hit your child and killed him/her how would you feel? does the Israeli mother and father deal with their son or daughter being killed in a suicide would you feel if that happened to you.

Look, I dont deny that Israel takes a hard hand sometimes but again it goes BOTH ways....dont you get it? Innocence is dying on both sides, mother and fathers are losing their children on BOTH sides. People are losing their brothers and sisters on both sides. So when you post something like this and are pointing a finger at one side and basically excusing "rebels" for their actions then it shows your bias. Lets get one thing straight, some suicide attacks have nothing to do with Palestinians fighting for their cause....some are for no other reason than a terrorist organization trying to kill an Israeli. Its not for the benefit of Palestine at all but for their ultimate goal to wipe out Israel.
The suicide attacks that kill innocent Israelis are being carried out by terrorists ...these Israeli bombings are being carried out by the Israeli military, they should follow legitimate rules of engagement otherwise they are just terrorists too. The Israel/Palestine situation is a complex one but i can tell you from the experiences of growing up right on the border of Northern Ireland that Israel must show more control in its actions ...they are the invaders/occupiers (the fact is the Palestinians were there all along whereas the Jews 'returned' to their perceived homeland and as such the Israelis began the problems as they are in their current form). A level headed military attitude and fair treatment will be needed from Israel in order to persuade the disparate Palestinian groups to pursue peaceful processes. It is much more difficult to get the rebels to jump on the peace band wagon right down to grass roots levels than it is to control the military.

Blowing up kids just vindicates the Palestinian militants and acts as a recruiting incentive. Loads more innocent Israelis will most likely sadly be killed as a result of this attack.
+385|6641|Northern California

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

IRON said this:

"No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed"

When you state it that way, then you are saying that Israel AND the USA ARE purposely targeting children and then you even follow up and say you believe that they have!!!! So where was I wrong?

Also, you believe that the US government doesn't care if children are targeted....are you insane? And when did our government shoot and kill any Palestinians, let alone children.....maybe you need to be clear and not generalize so much.
Ugh...even if you can't read, I already explained myself twice.  But to humor you, this is how you read ENGLISH...  There is this thing called "tense."  The quotation you made above shows that I said collectively, that Israel and the United States does not care if children are targeted (notice the tense of the word "target") or accidentally killed (again, notice the consecutive and reafirming tense in the word "kill").   Being in the "past" tense, it refers to it already being done, therefore they don't care once it's been done...not actively being done.

If I said Israel and the US was purposefully targeting (target+ing = present participle...meaning NOW and presumably in the future), I'd ahve said, "Israel/USA does not care about children and targets and accidentally kills them freely"

See the difference.  I do, and it's a horrible notion that you'd think I'd say such a civilized nation would publicly say they purposefully target and kill kids.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-02-28 15:44:37)

pub hero!
+603|6531|the land of bourbon

Braddock wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

IRON said this:

"No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed"

When you state it that way, then you are saying that Israel AND the USA ARE purposely targeting children and then you even follow up and say you believe that they have!!!! So where was I wrong?

Also, you believe that the US government doesn't care if children are targeted....are you insane? And when did our government shoot and kill any Palestinians, let alone children.....maybe you need to be clear and not generalize so much.
If your government really cared about children being injured in conflict your country wouldn't be so quick to invade nations and bomb cities from thousands of feet up in the air or drop napalm or atomic bombs.

I'm not saying they target kids, that would be ludicrous but i wouldn't say too many tears are shed by the people who make the decisions.
are you fucking joking?  the US takes unbelievably great pains to avoid civilian casualties.  most of time our soldiers dont fire unless fired upon, and we spend millions on guidance systems to a deliver a missle within three feet of its target.  dont give me this shit that the US doesnt care about civilians.  these pussy terrorists hide in communities and use innocent people as shelter.  they authorize suicide attacks against a civilian population, including women and children.  the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties.  gtfo with your lies.

NantanCochise wrote:

Braddock wrote:

NantanCochise wrote:

We all know that this is a complicated situation and that boths sides share the blame for the ongoing violence but please enlighten us to the EVIDENCE that this was done on purpose as you claim that it was nothing short of murder.
I never at any stage claimed that they actively sought to kill the kids BUT the fact is they fired some bombs and killed some kids ...that's murder. If I was trying to shoot at some 'bad' guy standing behind your child and accidentally hit your child and killed him/her how would you feel?
Your Words:

"Apparently Palestinian Babies Are Now Terrorists "
"explain to me how you expect the mother/father/brother/sister of these murdered children"

Im just asking for the evidence that says that this was murder, i.e. done on purpose.
Your title is also misleading.

It is not murder if it was not done on purpose, thats called an accident. And as for a bad guy standing behind his child while being fired apon than only he bears the responsibility for that childs demise. As for how Id feel if it happened to me, well very upset no doubt. But I also doubt that id be home after firing rockets at Isreal, this is obviously hypothetical as you pointed out the bad guy standing behind his child situation. Thing is that this does happen.
Well the title had a deliberate element of sarcasm to it (if you're American I'll let that slide) and I didn't say 'a bad guy standing behind HIS child' I said 'a bad guy standing behind YOUR child'. Given your views on murder and accidents can I ask you your views on suicide bombings ...what if a suicide bomber only meant to kill two specific people in a cafe but inadvertently took out the whole room, would he/she be guilty of murder for just the two people or the whole room (given that they didn't kill them on purpose)?

Braddock wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Braddock wrote:

I never at any stage claimed that they actively sought to kill the kids BUT the fact is they fired some bombs and killed some kids ...that's murder. If I was trying to shoot at some 'bad' guy standing behind your child and accidentally hit your child and killed him/her how would you feel? does the Israeli mother and father deal with their son or daughter being killed in a suicide would you feel if that happened to you.

Look, I dont deny that Israel takes a hard hand sometimes but again it goes BOTH ways....dont you get it? Innocence is dying on both sides, mother and fathers are losing their children on BOTH sides. People are losing their brothers and sisters on both sides. So when you post something like this and are pointing a finger at one side and basically excusing "rebels" for their actions then it shows your bias. Lets get one thing straight, some suicide attacks have nothing to do with Palestinians fighting for their cause....some are for no other reason than a terrorist organization trying to kill an Israeli. Its not for the benefit of Palestine at all but for their ultimate goal to wipe out Israel.
The suicide attacks that kill innocent Israelis are being carried out by terrorists ...these Israeli bombings are being carried out by the Israeli military, they should follow legitimate rules of engagement otherwise they are just terrorists too. The Israel/Palestine situation is a complex one but i can tell you from the experiences of growing up right on the border of Northern Ireland that Israel must show more control in its actions ...they are the invaders/occupiers (the fact is the Palestinians were there all along whereas the Jews 'returned' to their perceived homeland and as such the Israelis began the problems as they are in their current form). A level headed military attitude and fair treatment will be needed from Israel in order to persuade the disparate Palestinian groups to pursue peaceful processes. It is much more difficult to get the rebels to jump on the peace band wagon right down to grass roots levels than it is to control the military.

Blowing up kids just vindicates the Palestinian militants and acts as a recruiting incentive. Loads more innocent Israelis will most likely sadly be killed as a result of this attack.
Your thread fails because of how you label your post and secondly how you try to point the finger at one side. I have read your posts here and you not once condemn the behaviour of the Palestinian side. Shooting rockets into civilian areas NOT CARING where they land or who they kill is actually worse than Israel trying to pin point a smart bomb at a target. Now if innocence is killed then YES it is wrong and shameful. I do believe that many Israeli targets are trying to stop the people who are involved with bomb making and launching them.

Walking into a mall or shop or dance hall and blowing yourself up is targeting innocence from start to finish and has NO EXCUSE for doing such a thing. Not ALL suicide attacks are terrorists based, some are for the Palestinian cause and again there is no excuse for it. NO ONE will get ANYTHING done as long as idiots from both sides keep doing what they are doing. One side does this or that and then its revenge and the cycle continues and it has for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Lastly, I dont care who was there first or whatever happened a thousand years ago...that is past and Israel is not going anywhere. There is going to have to be an agreement where everyone can live in peace side by side. When and how that will happen, who knows. Braddock, you have to stop with tunnel vision towards one country you hate. Israeli families and children are human too and have a right to live and grow up in peace just like every single Palestinian family and their children. I am not naive to blame once side more than the other. They are both at fault and they both need to get their heads out of their asses and work towards doing the right thing.

Your title and your post are completely one sided and honestly you are an example of why this kind of crap goes on all over the world. You blame one side and excuse the other and you are part of the cycle of hate. It just goes round and round.
+385|6641|Northern California

steelie34 wrote:

are you fucking joking?  the US takes unbelievably great pains to avoid civilian casualties.  most of time our soldiers dont fire unless fired upon, and we spend millions on guidance systems to a deliver a missle within three feet of its target.  dont give me this shit that the US doesnt care about civilians.  these pussy terrorists hide in communities and use innocent people as shelter.  they authorize suicide attacks against a civilian population, including women and children.  the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties.  gtfo with your lies.
Wow.  And I used to be called "ironic-chef" because of my irony...

"gtfo with your lies" 


"the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties."

= Lie # 4,276,813

They take pain in avoiding civilian deaths?  Have you EVER turned the channel from Fox news?  Ever?  I've seen some multi-media propaganda fed mutants before, but you are hurting my eyes to read! lol

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-02-28 15:55:06)

pub hero!
+603|6531|the land of bourbon


steelie34 wrote:

are you fucking joking?  the US takes unbelievably great pains to avoid civilian casualties.  most of time our soldiers dont fire unless fired upon, and we spend millions on guidance systems to a deliver a missle within three feet of its target.  dont give me this shit that the US doesnt care about civilians.  these pussy terrorists hide in communities and use innocent people as shelter.  they authorize suicide attacks against a civilian population, including women and children.  the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties.  gtfo with your lies.
Wow.  And I used to be called "ironic-chef" because of my irony...

"gtfo with your lies" 


"the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties."

= Lie # 4,276,813

They take pain in avoiding casualty deaths?  Have you EVER turned the channel from Fox news?  Ever?  I've seen some multi-media propaganda fed mutants before, but you are hurting my eyes to read! lol
if we didnt care about civilian deaths, iraq would be a parking lot.  but instead, we choose to fight a ground war to root out individuals among a peaceful population.  why should we risk our soldiers lives if we could just drop bombs on everything?  because we CARE.

Last edited by steelie34 (2008-02-28 15:56:20)

steelie34 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

IRON said this:

"No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed"

When you state it that way, then you are saying that Israel AND the USA ARE purposely targeting children and then you even follow up and say you believe that they have!!!! So where was I wrong?

Also, you believe that the US government doesn't care if children are targeted....are you insane? And when did our government shoot and kill any Palestinians, let alone children.....maybe you need to be clear and not generalize so much.
If your government really cared about children being injured in conflict your country wouldn't be so quick to invade nations and bomb cities from thousands of feet up in the air or drop napalm or atomic bombs.

I'm not saying they target kids, that would be ludicrous but i wouldn't say too many tears are shed by the people who make the decisions.
are you fucking joking?  the US takes unbelievably great pains to avoid civilian casualties.  most of time our soldiers dont fire unless fired upon, and we spend millions on guidance systems to a deliver a missle within three feet of its target.  dont give me this shit that the US doesnt care about civilians.  these pussy terrorists hide in communities and use innocent people as shelter.  they authorize suicide attacks against a civilian population, including women and children.  the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties.  gtfo with your lies.
America has a fantastic history in terms of civilian and child casualties doesn't it...

Keep up the good work lads... Perhaps you should send whatever statistics you've compiled to the relatives of these kids?

Last edited by Braddock (2008-02-28 15:57:46)

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