liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6815|Canberra, AUS

chittydog wrote:

lowing wrote:

Where is the ad?? really doesn't match up since race <> religion. You can probably find a dozen different's if you look.
While technically not a race, denigration based on religion still goes under racism.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
mostly afk
+480|6690|CH/BR - in UK

lowing wrote:

chittydog wrote:

lowing wrote:

Where is the ad?? really doesn't match up since race <> religion. You can probably find a dozen different's if you look.
Oh, well then how in the hell can I be called a racist for my views on Islam if it is not a race?? Oh well.
Actually, you're usually called a bigot instead, in these cases
You were called a racist in the black thread >>


dimascurtu wrote:

and thats why those countries will never solve their problems. its not the medieval ages anymore.. no more crusades, we've learned out lessons.. why cant they..
because they have to have their growing stages to. they've never had their hitler's or their martin luther king jr's. or have they?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6981|Cologne, Germany

to be honest, Geert Wilders is not really what I would call a poster child for integration, and tolerance.

that guy is a right-wing politician trying to spark trouble, and promote his party, regardless of the consequences.
This is obviously a politically motivated campaign. Whatever the film will be about, I somehow doubt it will paint an objective picture of islam...
+3,135|6878|The Hague, Netherlands

B.Schuss wrote:

to be honest, Geert Wilders is not really what I would call a poster child for integration, and tolerance.

that guy is a right-wing politician trying to spark trouble, and promote his party, regardless of the consequences.
This is obviously a politically motivated campaign. Whatever the film will be about, I somehow doubt it will paint an objective picture of islam...
a chance he will get murdered just like Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn...

Fortuyn atleast kept it real on his views, yet he got killed by a retarded Dutch guy, not even a muslim...
+3,611|6761|London, England

lowing wrote:

chittydog wrote:

lowing wrote:

Where is the ad?? really doesn't match up since race <> religion. You can probably find a dozen different's if you look.
Oh, well then how in the hell can I be called a racist for my views on Islam if it is not a race?? Oh well.
Because you're the one that's always talking about white people vs the world etc..

You're always the one trying to conjure up the notion that a Muslim = some Arab wearing a towel wielding an AK47

I'm just saying what I see.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6981|Cologne, Germany

btw, why are we geting baseball ads here ? Did someone mention baseball ?
+3,135|6878|The Hague, Netherlands

B.Schuss wrote:

btw, why are we geting baseball ads here ? Did someone mention baseball ?
I get:


Mek-Izzle wrote:

lowing wrote:

chittydog wrote: really doesn't match up since race <> religion. You can probably find a dozen different's if you look.
Oh, well then how in the hell can I be called a racist for my views on Islam if it is not a race?? Oh well.
Because you're the one that's always talking about white people vs the world etc..

You're always the one trying to conjure up the notion that a Muslim = some Arab wearing a towel wielding an AK47

I'm just saying what I see.
Then you see what you want to see. Dismissing my opinion by calling me a racist or bigot is the ONLY convenient way you guys can get your jabs in without actually acknowledging or answering what was posted. I understand this, the truth is hard to argue against. It is much easier to throw out some accusations and run.

konfusion wrote:

lowing wrote:

chittydog wrote: really doesn't match up since race <> religion. You can probably find a dozen different's if you look.
Oh, well then how in the hell can I be called a racist for my views on Islam if it is not a race?? Oh well.
Actually, you're usually called a bigot instead, in these cases
You were called a racist in the black thread >>

Actually, I have been called both in all threads regarding these issues.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6981|Cologne, Germany

lowing wrote:

konfusion wrote:

lowing wrote:

Oh, well then how in the hell can I be called a racist for my views on Islam if it is not a race?? Oh well.
Actually, you're usually called a bigot instead, in these cases
You were called a racist in the black thread >>

Actually, I have been called both in all threads regarding these issues.
and how does it make you feel ?

B.Schuss wrote:

lowing wrote:

konfusion wrote:

Actually, you're usually called a bigot instead, in these cases
You were called a racist in the black thread >>

Actually, I have been called both in all threads regarding these issues.
and how does it make you feel ?
How, I feel is pretty much irrelevant. But, since you asked, I can honestly say I look at the lack of responses to my posts and the desperate attacks against my character with amusement. Do not fear, I sleep quite well at night.

I merely mention these things out of the complete absurdity of them, and to try and challenge people to acknowledge what has been actually posted opposed to what they have made up in their minds.

I consistently preach equality, and fairness for all, unfortunately my insistence that white people be included in that tends to make a racist or bigot in most peoples eyes.

As far as Islam goes, I believe they have every right to practice it as they will, as long as their practices do not infringe on anyone else. This unfortunately is not the case in most of the world. All the posts I have generated about Islam focuses on how their "peaceful and tolerant religion" infringes on others, ( if you had not noticed). These concerns do not make me a racist, my attention to these issues merely highlights my belief that we are all allowed to pursue life liberty and happiness. Islam goes against this, and I am vehemently against any practice that goes against my core beliefs that we are all entitled ( especially here in the America) the pursuit of life liberty and happiness unabated.

I laugh at the aburdity that I am a bigot, and my intolerance for intolerance is all the proof that is needed.
+100|6639|State of RETOXification
This has NOTHING to do with Islam and everything to do with ignorance and opportunism.  I'd bet 99% of the pissed off people don't even know the context or a single word used in the cartoon or the movie because the 1% has already told them what it says.  Someone came along and said "Denmark did..." and then made up a bunch of shit to incite a riot.  Why is all the rage pointed at Denmark the country and not the people who actually decided to print the cartoon and make the movie?

Simple, it's called brainwashing through mass hysteria and many dictators/oppressors/shit disturbers have been very good at it.  If you tell a mob that this person did this then the mob will act and likely the person will be in real trouble, you tell that same mob it was an entire country and that mob really can't act as one entity but you can keep the hate going and building so you can eventually use it.

The puppet masters don't care about their precious religion being slighted or spat on, they only care about how they can use the hate to push their own agenda.  More intolerance and hate of other cultures and religions means more control over those that can be swayed to follow their perverted version of Islam.  Case in point... I bet the Sudanese President is more popular since his announcements about Denmark.  Power and greed... plain and simple.
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina
Considering how ridiculous certain parts of Sudanese culture are, it makes it easier to accept them dying by the millions.  One could say it might just be Darwinism.

My view is - hate Muslims all you want (if you really must) and think of them what ever you want, just don't love a demented psycho white power Nazi

Turquoise wrote:

Considering how ridiculous certain parts of Sudanese culture are, it makes it easier to accept them dying by the millions.  One could say it might just be Darwinism.
I don't get ya Turquoise, you will post this and then want to bend over backwards for drug addicts???? I could argue that drug addicts dying off would be Darwinism as well...............Actually that is a pretty damn good point, ya made.

Ok, not trying to derail, so back to our regularly scheduled programing.
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Considering how ridiculous certain parts of Sudanese culture are, it makes it easier to accept them dying by the millions.  One could say it might just be Darwinism.
I don't get ya Turquoise, you will post this and then want to bend over backwards for drug addicts???? I could argue that drug addicts dying off would be Darwinism as well...............Actually that is a pretty damn good point, ya made.

Ok, not trying to derail, so back to our regularly scheduled programing.
The difference is that drug addicts in this country are still our citizens.  I care more for our citizens than I do people who aren't.  I know I've mentioned some controversial things about my feelings on loyalty to country and patriotism, but since I am an American citizen, I do feel more kinship with my fellow Americans than with people in a country I've never been to.

I would like to help people who have potential in America, and thousands of drug addicts have been helped to become great citizens later.  As for the Sudanese, they can all die for all I care.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Considering how ridiculous certain parts of Sudanese culture are, it makes it easier to accept them dying by the millions.  One could say it might just be Darwinism.
I don't get ya Turquoise, you will post this and then want to bend over backwards for drug addicts???? I could argue that drug addicts dying off would be Darwinism as well...............Actually that is a pretty damn good point, ya made.

Ok, not trying to derail, so back to our regularly scheduled programing.
The difference is that drug addicts in this country are still our citizens.  I care more for our citizens than I do people who aren't.  I know I've mentioned some controversial things about my feelings on loyalty to country and patriotism, but since I am an American citizen, I do feel more kinship with my fellow Americans than with people in a country I've never been to.

I would like to help people who have potential in America, and thousands of drug addicts have been helped to become great citizens later.  As for the Sudanese, they can all die for all I care.
We will part company here, my opinions on people are based on action and responsibility, citizenship has very little to do with it for me.
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

We will part company here, my opinions on people are based on action and responsibility, citizenship has very little to do with it for me.
In certain ways, I wish I could say the same, but I really can't.  I believe culture often determines a person's worth.  I really see little worth at all in most African cultures.  After Europe raped sub-Saharan Africa, it became a disease-infested hellhole for the most part.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6815|Canberra, AUS

What a fag. Using a highly contentious and controversial issue to score cheap political points, while baiting for violent responses the whole time.

And the upshot of it is he probably couldn't give two shits about what damage this causes to the Muslim community, and the rest of society as the anger bubbles over.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
BF2s Frat Brother

lowing wrote:

Where is the ad??
lmao.... you just wont give up will you....................haha

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

We will part company here, my opinions on people are based on action and responsibility, citizenship has very little to do with it for me.
In certain ways, I wish I could say the same, but I really can't.  I believe culture often determines a person's worth.  I really see little worth at all in most African cultures.  After Europe raped sub-Saharan Africa, it became a disease-infested hellhole for the most part.
Well, I know this is gunna be hard to believe, and I can't believe that I am actually gunna say this, but I have no choice because I have to be honest with you and myself.

Sighhhhhhhhh...........ok here it goes:

I have more respect for a stable, secure, hard working FRENCH guy, then I do some poor white trash American.

Ohmygod, I think I am gunna throw up, breathe breathe, easy eeeassyyy....whewwwwwwwww, wow, I gotta go sit down,

ok I think I am gunna be ok now.
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Well, I know this is gunna be hard to believe, and I can't believe that I am actually gunna say this, but I have no choice because I have to be honest with you and myself.

Sighhhhhhhhh...........ok here it goes:

I have more respect for a stable, secure, hard working FRENCH guy, then I do some poor white trash American.

Ohmygod, I think I am gunna throw up, breathe breathe, easy eeeassyyy....whewwwwwwwww, wow, I gotta go sit down,

ok I think I am gunna be ok now.
No, that makes sense.  I would agree.  I'm just saying that our government is only responsible for our own citizens.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well, I know this is gunna be hard to believe, and I can't believe that I am actually gunna say this, but I have no choice because I have to be honest with you and myself.

Sighhhhhhhhh...........ok here it goes:

I have more respect for a stable, secure, hard working FRENCH guy, then I do some poor white trash American.

Ohmygod, I think I am gunna throw up, breathe breathe, easy eeeassyyy....whewwwwwwwww, wow, I gotta go sit down,

ok I think I am gunna be ok now.
No, that makes sense.  I would agree.  I'm just saying that our government is only responsible for our own citizens.
I disagree, Our govt, provides us the necessary freedoms, rights and privileges to be responsible for ourselves. It is the ones who do not do this that I want to kick to the curb. I do not want a govt. to be responsible for me.

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