+3,611|6774|London, England
Space is just a Zionist conspiracy designed to perpetuate more hate on Muslims and Latin America
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6283|North Tonawanda, NY

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Space is just a Zionist conspiracy designed to perpetuate more hate on Muslims and Latin America
I can't believe I didn't see it!
+3,611|6774|London, England

SenorToenails wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Space is just a Zionist conspiracy designed to perpetuate more hate on Muslims and Latin America
I can't believe I didn't see it!

can't beleive it's not butter, either.
+550|6790|Amsterdam, NY

Mek-Izzle wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Space is just a Zionist conspiracy designed to perpetuate more hate on Muslims and Latin America
I can't believe I didn't see it!

can't beleive it's not butter, either.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6283|North Tonawanda, NY
+605|6260|Birmingham, UK

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

SamTheMan:D wrote:

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

Its called mass. Need more of an explanation?
OK so the Astronauts get out of the Lunar Spacecraft with a flag in hand. It's rolled up on the pole and so they unfurl it and put the top rod in so it stays up. They force it in the moon surface, so the pole the flag and the astronaut are all in motion, ok? Astronaut lets go after its firmly in the moon, and there is still kinetic energy moving the flag fabric around... Make sense?

Oh thats it?

I thought it was because the flag was made of a rubbery material, or maybe thats what you meant...
+3,611|6774|London, England

To stir up hate between the Bantu and Chinese.
+429|6599|Chicago, IL

Funky_Finny wrote:

djphetal wrote:

yeah, the "starless" sky was taken while intense sunlight was hitting the moon... so it would make sense that the stars would be drowned out.
We don't quite see the stars here during the daytime...
Oh my god, the stars would not be drowned out!! How many times do I have to say this, seriously?

1/2000th of a second shutter speed would still capture starlight!! You would need at least 1/10000 to drown out starlight and it wasn't bright enough to use that shutter speed, I doubt even the cameras they used over 1/1500!
shutter speed has little effect in this case, only a very prolonged exposure would capture the stars, and even then with some distortion.

the Light of the sun reflecting off of the BRIGHT WHITE lunar surface would be millions of time more intense than the combined light of the stars (you don't see things in starlight, only the moon is bright enough), and would completely wash out any point sources of light on the camera film.

If you've ever been outside in the snow on a sunny day, you'll quickly see that the reflected light is blindingly bright, more than enough to wash out a single ray of light from a star trillions of miles away.
+1,411|6895|FUCK UBISOFT

I don't see how that stupid fuck up could think that we haven't been to the moon. I mean, we've been into space, sure we havn't landed on the sun, but there are photographs taken and rocks brough down from the moon proving UNDENYABLY that we have been there, and this guy basically says "no u" to it, and believes a conspiracy theory, which was made up by fat people who have no idea what they are talking about and way too much time on their hands. (Breath )
What a stupid git.
And no I'm not racist. … 4#p1913474

Last edited by Miguel Diaz (2008-02-22 09:06:43)
+877|6114|Washington DC

Miguel Diaz wrote:

I don't see how that stupid fuck up could think that we haven't been to the moon. I mean, we've been into space, sure we havn't landed on the sun, but there are photographs taken and rocks brough down from the moon proving UNDENYABLY that we have been there, and this guy basically says "no u" to it, and believes a conspiracy theory, which was made up by fat people who have no idea what they are talking about and way too much time on their hands. (Breath )
What a stupid git.
And no I'm not racist. … 4#p1913474
i see what you did there

that deserves multiple accolades

"ah burn"




This is fucking ridiculous! Finny is there any way to convince you that we actually went to the moon? Everyone has presented undeniable evidence and you're still sitting there not listening. Are you sure you just don't want to believe? It's so painfully obvious we've been there, yet you still resist. Are you just dying to be part of the non-intelligent, ignorant, minority?
Back from the Grave(y)
Wow Finny, you're taking a whole buncha heat for posting this thread.  +1 for standing up for your beliefs, even if you are currently in the vast minority.

I actually find this thread pretty interesting, and it prompted me to research the topic.

Last edited by GravyDan (2008-02-22 09:26:24)

Veritas et Scientia
+444|6283|North Tonawanda, NY

GravyDan wrote:

Wow Finny, you're taking a whole buncha heat for posting this thread.  +1 for standing up for your beliefs, even if you are currently in the vast minority.

I actually find this thread pretty interesting, and it prompted me to research the topic.
You know, I really believe that Escape from LA was actually a documentary, and not just a movie.  I've never been there, so I can't trust the photos or videos.  They could be faked, you know.  Prove me wrong!

This thread has about as much logic as that.

GravyDan wrote:

Wow Finny, you're taking a whole buncha heat for posting this thread.  +1 for standing up for your beliefs, even if you are currently in the vast minority.

I actually find this thread pretty interesting, and it prompted me to research the topic.
He's not exactly standing up for his beliefs though. He's not posting any evidence that we haven't been to the moon. Basically just comes up with a question on our own evidence, we explain it, then he looks for more. This thread is completely one-sided and it's so obvious that we've proven to him we've been to the moon, but still no results. Is there one shred of evidence that we haven't been that he's holding on to? I dunno, haven't seen it.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6283|North Tonawanda, NY

mtb0minime wrote:

He's not exactly standing up for his beliefs though. He's not posting any evidence that we haven't been to the moon. Basically just comes up with a question on our own evidence, we explain it, then he looks for more. This thread is completely one-sided and it's so obvious that we've proven to him we've been to the moon, but still no results. Is there one shred of evidence that we haven't been that he's holding on to? I dunno, haven't seen it.
But where are the stars???

SenorToenails wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

He's not exactly standing up for his beliefs though. He's not posting any evidence that we haven't been to the moon. Basically just comes up with a question on our own evidence, we explain it, then he looks for more. This thread is completely one-sided and it's so obvious that we've proven to him we've been to the moon, but still no results. Is there one shred of evidence that we haven't been that he's holding on to? I dunno, haven't seen it.
But where are the stars???
Well that's easy, they're.... well... umm...


Ok fine fine we didn't go to the moon, happy now!?
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6883|Uhh... erm...
The moon is made of cheese.

Mozzarella, to be precise.

It is Jamie Oliver's greatest dream to turn it into one big salad.
'Light 'em up!'

Mek-Izzle wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Space is just a Zionist conspiracy designed to perpetuate more hate on Muslims and Latin America
I can't believe I didn't see it!

can't beleive it's not butter, either.
Did you know in Pakistan their making a replica of Benazir Bhutto to carry on the campaign?

Using the slogan: I can't believe its not Bhutto!
+3,936|6653|so randum
Donations to send Finny to the moon, PM me for details on my the address to send cheques to.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

FatherTed wrote:

Donations to send Finny to the moon, PM me for details on my the address to send cheques to.
no need i have it
+319|6545|Southern California

Funky_Finny wrote:

As I previously stated before, stars ARE bright enough to be exposed on a camera film, regardless of the shutter speed. Tonight I will take a picture of the sky at 1/2000 of a second (The fasted shutter speed my camera will allow) to prove it to you.

And to explain the almost thousand pounds of lunar rock, they landed un-manned space craft on the moon, I'll accept that, and that could pick up rock. Maybe not as efficiently but it could certainly do it. Didn't they make a craft that would land on Mars able to do this? I'm sure if you sent enough of these to the moon (which they did, right?) you could collect enough moon rocks.
But you can see the surface of the moon was lit by the sun....Please take pictures of the stars during the day.

Also was your camera the one that was used to take photos on the space mission? Is it more then 30 years old? Can your pictures include stars and a few well lit bodies in the fore front?
dolphins no the answers... all of them!
+20|6084|New York

Funky_Finny wrote:

Prove me wrong, and I shall deftly reject your argument and respond with an anti-argument [sub]if there is such a thing
You're absolutely right.  We haven't been to the Moon, therefore I think you should be the first one sent there via a giant sling shot.

HudsonFalcon wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:

Prove me wrong, and I shall deftly reject your argument and respond with an anti-argument [sub]if there is such a thing
You're absolutely right.  We haven't been to the Moon, therefore I think you should be the first one sent there via a giant sling shot.
Also, he can test his theories of "why didn't the rockets leave a burn mark?" and "those thrusters make so much noise, how could the astronauts hear?" by removing the helmet to his space suit He'll find out that we're right pretty quickly.
+456|6285|Carnoustie, Scotland

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Also was your camera the one that was used to take photos on the space mission? Is it more then 30 years old? Can your pictures include stars and a few well lit bodies in the fore front?
My camera is maybe two years old, it is an 8MP Minolta Dimage A2 with a fixed 28-200 zoom telephoto lense, yet it doesn't matter what camera you use, the technology is basically the same, you press the button, the shutter opens, the picture is recorded, be it exposed on a light sensitive film or on a light sensitive sensor which transmits the rays into an image, then the shutter closes. That's how it was 39 years ago, that's how it is today.

And to everyone flaming me saying that I've done no research and that I'm not listening, I did no research because I have school, and because I don't need to to disprove all these senseless arguments. I am listening, and I'm replying, you are the ones who arn't listening. If I missed something you said, sorry, but it's like three people that are siding with me, including myself, and the rest of BF2s are against me, so I can't answer them all. I do have a life.

Now to all you "fucking close the thread already" I'm going to delete it in half an hour. I will then go out with mates and come back and research my ASS off and create the biggest thread you assholes have EVER seen (it's true ) and hopefully I will be able to turn someone.

To all you "JEWS DID HUBBLE" if you've got nothing interesting to say, frankly, fuck off.

EDIT: Btw, 9 pages in 1 day 20 hours. Damn.

Last edited by Funky_Finny (2008-02-22 11:24:53)

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