lowing wrote:
..Actually, I never read up on any of it before 911, like I said I never worried about what wasn't affecting me directly.
No, immigration didn't start in 2001, but neither did Islamic radicalism. By me ignoring it back than didn't mean it wasn't happening.
911, London, Spain, and the countless other attack has brought this issue to the front pages. Not me.
and that's exactly where we differ. You think that there is a logical connection between muslim immigration, islam, and terror attacks such as 09/11. Not just a connection, to be exact, but that they exist
because of each other.
I happen to believe that they exist
independently of each other, and that we can fight one part of it ( radical islamic terror ) without discriminating against islam, or muslim immigrants at the same time.
My main focus with regard to that are our laws. Freedom of religion, anti-discrimination, and immigration laws, to be exact.
At the moment, there is simply no way to get around these laws, and this means we have an obligation to differentiate between immigration, religion, and terrorism.
To me, the only thing 09/11, London and Madrid have brought to the front pages, is islamic terrorism/Al Quaida. Islam, and muslim immigration, however, have existed before, and do not present a problem.