Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

rawls2 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at this sentence. I'm a religious (although not highly religious) person, but this...this is just funny.

Reminds me of in 2006 when that guy said that a nuke war would break out on September 12th or something like that. Well, we're still here.
It may be a bit dramatic..lol...but I stand by the message.
K. Have fun living in your bomb shelter.

The only time the apocalypse will happen is when Jesse Jackson gets a job.
Cowboy from Hell

rawls2 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at this sentence. I'm a religious (although not highly religious) person, but this...this is just funny.

Reminds me of in 2006 when that guy said that a nuke war would break out on September 12th or something like that. Well, we're still here.
It may be a bit dramatic..lol...but I stand by the message.
That reminds me that scene from Liar Liar in the court when Jim Carrey says "and the truth shall set you free".
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

lowing wrote:

Tell me again how Islam is not significantly influencing Europe.
You want to bring back the good ole days when Europe was significantly influencing Islam... the Crusades?
The Crusades had a much larger impact on Europe than they did on the ME. Life in the ME changed little after them but advanced Arab math and navigation discovered in the Crusades allowed Europe to discover America.

However Europe had a massive impact on the Modern ME. Aside from priming WW2, the Treaty of Versailles split the ME into its current borders and expanded the influence of Europe in the region. The people of the ME really fucking hated this as the British promised them full independence in WW1 if they helped them fight the Turks, which they did.

So basically the people in the ME hate the West because we fucked them over big time during the 20's.
Mr. Bigglesworth

Poseidon wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at this sentence. I'm a religious (although not highly religious) person, but this...this is just funny.

Reminds me of in 2006 when that guy said that a nuke war would break out on September 12th or something like that. Well, we're still here.
It may be a bit dramatic..lol...but I stand by the message.
K. Have fun living in your bomb shelter.

The only time the apocalypse will happen is when Jesse Jackson gets a job.
Stop taking the words so literal. And stop confusing God with religion. Religion is man made and can be perverted but belief in God isn't. I think alot of people here seem to think they are one in the same. Most ppl have a problem with religion not God. BTW, end of the world could mean disease, famine, etc. not nesessarily a giant fire ball from heaven.

rawls2 wrote:

Stop taking the words so literal. And stop confusing God with religion. Religion is man made and can be perverted but belief in God isn't. I think alot of people here seem to think they are one in the same. Most ppl have a problem with religion not God. BTW, end of the world could mean disease, famine, etc. not nesessarily a giant fire ball from heaven.
lol. You lambast him for 'confusing God with religion' and talk of religion being man made but then go on to refer to the bible - a completely man-written book of fairytales and historical exaggerations a lot of which was put into print 400 years after the events occurred..... nice touch.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

rawls2 wrote:

The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
I know what you're trying to say, but I hope you realize that the implications here are very similar to what many Muslims say.  Religion is appealing to many people because of the certainties it provides concerning some very painful questions in life.

Still, just because your faith tells you something is true, it can still be quite false in reality.

I'm atheist, but I will still acknowledge the necessity of religion.   However, its necessity is more due to a need for moral guidance than for actual truth or salvation.

To be quite frank...  if most people simply believed this was the only life that exists and that death is the end, you'd see a lot more suicides and mass murders.   Most people need some divine being figure to administer justice for them to feel better about life.  The afterlife helps give a purpose to this life, since most people fear the thought of nonexistence.

Granted, I'm not saying all religious people are sheep or weak -- I'm just saying a lot of them are.
Mr. Bigglesworth

Turquoise wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

The Bible said all this was going to happen. The word of God is getting fulfilled. It makes me believe the words even more. Towards the end of the world the Bible says that the world will be confused. Good will be looked on as evil an vice versa. Look at it now. Religion is the cause of alot of wars say the athiest. Homosexuality is accepted and those who think its wrong are labeled hateful. There are many more examples, like all of Cams post, but why bother. Obviously you are all confused and I pray for your souls. Report me if you will but it is my honest unhateful opinion.

The truth will set you free.
I know what you're trying to say, but I hope you realize that the implications here are very similar to what many Muslims say.  Religion is appealing to many people because of the certainties it provides concerning some very painful questions in life.

Still, just because your faith tells you something is true, it can still be quite false in reality.

I'm atheist, but I will still acknowledge the necessity of religion.   However, its necessity is more due to a need for moral guidance than for actual truth or salvation.

To be quite frank...  if most people simply believed this was the only life that exists and that death is the end, you'd see a lot more suicides and mass murders.   Most people need some divine being figure to administer justice for them to feel better about life.  The afterlife helps give a purpose to this life, since most people fear the thought of nonexistence.

Granted, I'm not saying all religious people are sheep or weak -- I'm just saying a lot of them are.
Fair enough. I like what you said about it bieng good for "moral guidance than for actual truth or salvation". But moral guidance leads to the latter. And Cam, we acknowledge the bible was written by the hand of man but beleive it was guided by God himself.
damn ain't it great to be a laxer
thats a shame
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

CameronPoe wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

Stop taking the words so literal. And stop confusing God with religion. Religion is man made and can be perverted but belief in God isn't. I think alot of people here seem to think they are one in the same. Most ppl have a problem with religion not God. BTW, end of the world could mean disease, famine, etc. not nesessarily a giant fire ball from heaven.
lol. You lambast him for 'confusing God with religion' and talk of religion being man made but then go on to refer to the bible - a completely man-written book of fairytales and historical exaggerations a lot of which was put into print 400 years after the events occurred..... nice touch.

Confusing God with religion...rofl.

http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp? … 0213b.html

Keep talkin, I think you have almost all of you convinced...........my self??? not so much

B.Schuss wrote:

And I live near Cologne, a city in germany that has around 120,000 muslims out of a total population of about a million.

lowing wrote:

you live in a city in Europe where almost 25% are Muslim??  Ya, Europe will be fine.
One million divided by 120 000 is 25%???Iowing, did you get your math-, religion- and history lessons from same teacher? That would explain a lot. That's what happens when your government priorizes military over education.
It'll just be our little secret

CameronPoe wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

Stop taking the words so literal. And stop confusing God with religion. Religion is man made and can be perverted but belief in God isn't. I think alot of people here seem to think they are one in the same. Most ppl have a problem with religion not God. BTW, end of the world could mean disease, famine, etc. not nesessarily a giant fire ball from heaven.
lol. You lambast him for 'confusing God with religion' and talk of religion being man made but then go on to refer to the bible - a completely man-written book of fairytales and historical exaggerations a lot of which was put into print 400 years after the events occurred..... nice touch.
the books of the New Testament were written 40-110 years after the death of Christ,although they were gathered together over several centuries before they became Canon.are you telling me that if an account of a historical event from 500 years ago was found and printed today you would automatically assume that it is false?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

lowing wrote:


http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp? … 0213b.html

Keep talkin, I think you have almost all of you convinced...........my self??? not so much
how about you answer some of the posts made by people who actually live in europe instead of making fun of us ? Or address the legal issues that I have brought up, and that also apply to the US ?

As far as the link is concerned, what's your point ? the fact that there are terrorist organizations who want to do away with israel and aren't ashamed to manipulate little children to achieve their goal isn't really something new, is it ? Hamas has been doing that for a long time, and I don't think you'll find someone here who condones or supports their activities.

Or are you suggesting that everyone who happens to share their religion with Hamas is also a terrorist, regardless of where they live ? ?

Seriously, lowing, sometimes I get the impression that you spend a lot of your time browsing the web, looking for articles that warn of "eurabia" or "muslims taking over the western world". I appreciate your concern, but please consider this: from what I can tell, the overwhelming majority of europeans who participate here have said that - based on their experience - muslim immigration does not present a threat to europe, our culture, way of life, or codes of law.

The question was brought up before, but you didn't answer, so I'll ask it again: were you this vocal about the muslim "threat" before 09/11 happened ?

lowing wrote:


http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp? … 0213b.html

Keep talkin, I think you have almost all of you convinced...........my self??? not so much
Wow. So relevant to the material in your OP. The Gaza Strip is right beside Belgium isn't it? lol. You got completely decimated in this thread so you've just resorted to completely failing to address replies and printing stories that are months, possibly years old, which have been discussed in other threads.... standards.
Cowboy from Hell
I suggest we open an account to raise funds to send Lowing to Islamophobes Anonymous.  It's in Iran and Ahmadinejad visits the place very often.  Maybe you can meet him.  They have one in Pakistan but that one is a bit more radical.

aj0404 wrote:

the books of the New Testament were written 40-110 years after the death of Christ,although they were gathered together over several centuries before they became Canon.are you telling me that if an account of a historical event from 500 years ago was found and printed today you would automatically assume that it is false?
No, accounts of historical events are fine so long as they don't include fanciful nonsense like raising people from the dead, turning water into wine, walking on water, making food magically appear out of thin air, curing leprosy, curing blindness, coming back to life after being beaten to a pulp and nailed to a cross and such like (it kind of makes an ordinary rational person doubt the validity of the thing in general...).

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-15 05:32:09)


lowing wrote:


http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp? … 0213b.html

Keep talkin, I think you have almost all of you convinced...........my self??? not so much

A study of Isreali children found that 66% approved of the idea of committing genocide on Arabs if God told them to. But just keep telling yourself it's only Muslims that are bad Lowing, keep ignoring the decimation of your arguments and keep refusing to reply to the arguments that show how wrong you are. You never know, maybe the next crazy right-wing pseudo story might convince us....

B.Schuss wrote:

lowing wrote:


http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp? … 0213b.html

Keep talkin, I think you have almost all of you convinced...........my self??? not so much
how about you answer some of the posts made by people who actually live in europe instead of making fun of us ? Or address the legal issues that I have brought up, and that also apply to the US ?

As far as the link is concerned, what's your point ? the fact that there are terrorist organizations who want to do away with israel and aren't ashamed to manipulate little children to achieve their goal isn't really something new, is it ? Hamas has been doing that for a long time, and I don't think you'll find someone here who condones or supports their activities.

Or are you suggesting that everyone who happens to share their religion with Hamas is also a terrorist, regardless of where they live ? ?

Seriously, lowing, sometimes I get the impression that you spend a lot of your time browsing the web, looking for articles that warn of "eurabia" or "muslims taking over the western world". I appreciate your concern, but please consider this: from what I can tell, the overwhelming majority of europeans who participate here have said that - based on their experience - muslim immigration does not present a threat to europe, our culture, way of life, or codes of law.

The question was brought up before, but you didn't answer, so I'll ask it again: were you this vocal about the muslim "threat" before 09/11 happened ?
Sorry been gone, but to answer your question,

nope, before 911 I, like most Americans, I spent all my time wrapped up in my own life. I couldn't care less what happened with Islam or anyone else for that matter. I also will be completely honest and admit to you that I, like most Americans, was unaware of the name Osama Bin Ladin prior to 911.

Actually I don't spend my time dwelling on Islam,  I simply find it so absurd, that you find Islam so innocent in their beliefs and actions, in this world, when it is quite obviously not the case.

To everyone else:
If I was asked any other questions, please ask them again, I am behind and do not want to sift through the countless lowing bashing posts looking for questions amongst the insults thanks.
Say wat!?
lol lowing. Why do even bother with D&ST anymore? No one takes you seriously anymore. I think your little vendetta has more of a place in the junk draw.

Vilham wrote:

lol lowing. Why do even bother with D&ST anymore? No one takes you seriously anymore. I think your little vendetta has more of a place in the junk draw.
I don't have a vendetta, I also see no difference between the responses to threads about Islam as compared to any other thread since I started in DST. The responses are all the same.

1. you're a Nazi

2. you're generalizing

3. your're a bigot

4. you're a racist

5. your're an asshole

I post on topics that interest me.....


islamic radicalism

gun control



the get a free ride through life, more commonly known as Hurricane Katrina.

selective politics threads. (I do not follow any 1 party line. I am a free thinker, it just so happens that I personally put national security at the top of my list and PC way down toward the bottom of it. The fact that a liberal democrat will not provide national security, but will apologize for hurting feelings makes me seem more republican. I am more along the lines of libertarian. )

Let me ask you one. Why, if you can read the title of a thread and are sick of them, do you even enter it? Why come into a thread you do not like and post comments that have nothing to do with the topic? Why not just scroll on down until you find a thread that interests you??
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

lowing wrote:

..nope, before 911 I, like most Americans, I spent all my time wrapped up in my own life. I couldn't care less what happened with Islam or anyone else for that matter. I also will be completely honest and admit to you that I, like most Americans, was unaware of the name Osama Bin Ladin prior to 911.
well, let me ask you this then: when islam or muslim immigration obviously weren't reasons for concern before 09/11, why should they be now ?
I am sure you realize that muslim immigration didn't start in 2001. it has been going on for decades. And islam has been present for hundreds of years, too.

Are you really sure that you have not fallen victim to the plot of Al Quaida by allowing yourself to be consumed by hatred and bias towards a religious group, based on the actions of a few fanatics ?

The terrorists know damn well they cannot beat us with regular means. But the more they manage to widen the chasm between us and 1,2 billion muslims, the bigger their chances to convince the majority of moderate muslims that we are intent to destroy them, and that they need to fight us to keep their culture alive.

But this clash of cultures can be avoided. It doesn't have to happen. We need to bridge the gap between the cultures. If we continue to make it bigger, the terrorists are going to win.

Look around you, lowing, I am sure you know some muslims in your neighborhood. Are not they not peace-loving, law abiding citizens ?
Do they not want to raise their children in a peaceful environment ?
Think about it for a second. What has really changed since 09/11 ? Are your fellow americans who happen to be muslims, really different ?
Or isn't it rather your perception that has made the difference since ?

B.Schuss wrote:

lowing wrote:

..nope, before 911 I, like most Americans, I spent all my time wrapped up in my own life. I couldn't care less what happened with Islam or anyone else for that matter. I also will be completely honest and admit to you that I, like most Americans, was unaware of the name Osama Bin Ladin prior to 911.
well, let me ask you this then: when islam or muslim immigration obviously weren't reasons for concern before 09/11, why should they be now ?
I am sure you realize that muslim immigration didn't start in 2001. it has been going on for decades. And islam has been present for hundreds of years, too.

Are you really sure that you have not fallen victim to the plot of Al Quaida by allowing yourself to be consumed by hatred and bias towards a religious group, based on the actions of a few fanatics ?

The terrorists know damn well they cannot beat us with regular means. But the more they manage to widen the chasm between us and 1,2 billion muslims, the bigger their chances to convince the majority of moderate muslims that we are intent to destroy them, and that they need to fight us to keep their culture alive.

But this clash of cultures can be avoided. It doesn't have to happen. We need to bridge the gap between the cultures. If we continue to make it bigger, the terrorists are going to win.

Look around you, lowing, I am sure you know some muslims in your neighborhood. Are not they not peace-loving, law abiding citizens ?
Do they not want to raise their children in a peaceful environment ?
Think about it for a second. What has really[/] changed since 09/11 ? Are your fellow americans who happen to be muslims, really different ?
Or isn't it rather your [b]perception
that has made the difference since ?
Excellent post:

Actually, I never read up on any of it before 911, like I said I never worried about what wasn't affecting me directly.

No, immigration didn't start in 2001, but neither did Islamic radicalism. By me ignoring it back than didn't mean it wasn't happening.

911, London, Spain, and the countless other attack has brought this issue to the front pages. Not me.

Islamic radicals are using Islam as its vehicle to bring their barbarism to the west. This is a fact. Do not think any less of me for recognizing it. Also do not think any less of me for recognizing the fact that the 87 gazillion Muslims in the world care more about being apologized to, and being offended then they do about dealing with the people that are riding this religion to infamy.  If there was any a time to toss PC out the fuckin' window it is with this issue
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
So the IRA are Catholics, a handy religion which allows murder providing you say a few hail Mary's and as a result has been infiltrated by murderous drug dealers and gangsters.
So what should be done about the Catholics?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-02-16 06:31:12)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

So the IRA are Catholics, a handy religion which allows murder providing you say a few hail Mary's.
So what should be done about the Catholics?
I am sorry, did I miss something?? Did the IRA perform their acts of terrorism in the name of God, or Catholicism?? Did the IRA blow up everyone that was allied to England?? Was the IRA seeking WMD's and threatening to use them against EVERYONE that wasn't a member of the IRA Not sure your what your comparison is.....where are ya headed with this??
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Did the IRA perform their acts of terrorism in the name of God, or Catholicism??
Who cares, it doesn't matter if they did or didn't, they're just homicidal nutjobs - exactly my point.
I guess you don't get irony.
Fuck Israel

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