
PureFodder wrote:

usmarine wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

Can you give me a year when we never comitted terrorism?
Name the last American to blow himself in a starbucks or a nightclub in the name of God?

Go ahead...I'll wait.
Westerners don't need to blow themselves up, economic sanctons, blockades, training funding and supporting local death squads, bombing places using aircraft and missiles are all much more effective forms of terrorism and have killed simply vastly more people than suicide bombing. If radical Muslims had access to cruise missiles you can be fairly sure they'd use them instead. equate economic sanctions to suicide bombings.  WTF is wrong with you?

usmarine wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Name the last American to blow himself in a starbucks or a nightclub in the name of God?

Go ahead...I'll wait.
Westerners don't need to blow themselves up, economic sanctons, blockades, training funding and supporting local death squads, bombing places using aircraft and missiles are all much more effective forms of terrorism and have killed simply vastly more people than suicide bombing. If radical Muslims had access to cruise missiles you can be fairly sure they'd use them instead. equate economic sanctions to suicide bombings.  WTF is wrong with you?
It's true they are very different, suicide bombing kill several people, economic sanctions have been known to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

UNICEF announced that 500,000 child deaths have occurred as a result of the sanctions. The sanctions resulted in high rates of malnutrition, lack of medical supplies, and diseases from lack of clean water. Chlorine, was desperately needed to disinfect water supplies, but it was banned from the country due to the potential that it may be used as part of a chemical weapon. On May 10, 1996, Madeleine Albright (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations at the time) appeared on 60 Minutes and was confronted with statistics of half a million children under five having died as a result of the sanctions. She replied "we think the price is worth it"

Denis Halliday was appointed United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Baghdad, Iraq as of 1 September 1997, at the Assistant Secretary-General level. In October 1998 he resigned after a 34 year career with the UN in order to have the freedom to criticise the sanctions regime, saying "I don't want to administer a programme that satisfies the definition of genocide"

Show me a suicide bombing that satisfies the definition of genocide.

PureFodder wrote:

usmarine wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

Westerners don't need to blow themselves up, economic sanctons, blockades, training funding and supporting local death squads, bombing places using aircraft and missiles are all much more effective forms of terrorism and have killed simply vastly more people than suicide bombing. If radical Muslims had access to cruise missiles you can be fairly sure they'd use them instead. equate economic sanctions to suicide bombings.  WTF is wrong with you?
It's true they are very different, suicide bombing kill several people, economic sanctions have been known to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

UNICEF announced that 500,000 child deaths have occurred as a result of the sanctions. The sanctions resulted in high rates of malnutrition, lack of medical supplies, and diseases from lack of clean water. Chlorine, was desperately needed to disinfect water supplies, but it was banned from the country due to the potential that it may be used as part of a chemical weapon. On May 10, 1996, Madeleine Albright (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations at the time) appeared on 60 Minutes and was confronted with statistics of half a million children under five having died as a result of the sanctions. She replied "we think the price is worth it"

Denis Halliday was appointed United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Baghdad, Iraq as of 1 September 1997, at the Assistant Secretary-General level. In October 1998 he resigned after a 34 year career with the UN in order to have the freedom to criticise the sanctions regime, saying "I don't want to administer a programme that satisfies the definition of genocide"

Show me a suicide bombing that satisfies the definition of genocide.
You seem to be confused.

Economic sanctions are implemented for diplomacy rather than war.  It is supposed to force a leader to spend money on his people, rather than its other intentions.  Money still flows in for food and such.  If the leader of that country uses the money otherwise, then other steps have to be explored.

Suicide bombing has the intention of killing innocent people.


Last edited by usmarine (2008-02-08 01:57:05)


[TUF]Catbox wrote:
A story about a Nigerian illegal BEING SENT HOME.

[TUF]Catbox wrote:
Work firewall blocked it - "Reason: The Websense category "Advocacy Groups" is filtered."

[TUF]Catbox wrote:
Try reading. 32,000 Muslims in total in the whole of Ireland. 3.7 million who regarded themselves as Catholic. 126,000 Protestants. The percentage of Muslims is miniscule. You really are stretching here - try reading what you post.

[TUF]Catbox wrote:
An opinion from respected Economist David McWilliams that states nothing reinforcing your view. Again, try reading your fucking links.

[TUF]Catbox wrote:
An opinion column from Fine Gael tosspot Kevin Myers going on an anti-government rant because it suits his agenda. He makes a good point - we should be more efficient in sending the illegals home (especially the Nigerians who are crimetastic) - but the fact that comforts me is that we always eventually do.

[TUF]Catbox wrote:
Another mild opinion column that really says nothing. The fact remains that even my girlfriends Canadian friend got told to go home when her visa ran dry. The processes are in place. It's just about how efficiently we implement them. Also - in case you aren't aware - inward immigration from other EU countries is totally legit and acceptable. I have no problems with the 300,000 Polish people who now call Ireland home.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

usmarine wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

usmarine wrote: equate economic sanctions to suicide bombings.  WTF is wrong with you?
It's true they are very different, suicide bombing kill several people, economic sanctions have been known to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

UNICEF announced that 500,000 child deaths have occurred as a result of the sanctions. The sanctions resulted in high rates of malnutrition, lack of medical supplies, and diseases from lack of clean water. Chlorine, was desperately needed to disinfect water supplies, but it was banned from the country due to the potential that it may be used as part of a chemical weapon. On May 10, 1996, Madeleine Albright (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations at the time) appeared on 60 Minutes and was confronted with statistics of half a million children under five having died as a result of the sanctions. She replied "we think the price is worth it"

Denis Halliday was appointed United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Baghdad, Iraq as of 1 September 1997, at the Assistant Secretary-General level. In October 1998 he resigned after a 34 year career with the UN in order to have the freedom to criticise the sanctions regime, saying "I don't want to administer a programme that satisfies the definition of genocide"

Show me a suicide bombing that satisfies the definition of genocide.
You seem to be confused.

Economic sanctions are implemented for diplomacy rather than war.  It is supposed to force a leader to spend money on his people, rather than its other intentions.  Money still flows in for food and such.  If the leader of that country uses the money otherwise, then other steps have to be explored.

Suicide bombing has the intention of killing innocent people.

You don't get it. Why bother blowing yourself up when sanctions can have the same effect?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

PureFodder wrote:

lowing wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

Ah, the cold war, the days when we were commiting all the terrorism, before we started getting some of it back.
I am sorry, can you give me a year where the west never experienced terrorism??
Can you give me a year when we never comitted terrorism?
Hmmmmmmmm, short of the Indian War in the late 19th century I can think of no time in American history where our govt. targeted and killed innocent women and children.
Oh and don't try to tell me WW2 was an act of terrorism either.

CameronPoe wrote:

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

what are you going to do when they move in to Ireland... ?
I have a couple of Muslim colleagues where I work. They fit in very well. One is from Pakistan, one is from UAE. The guy from Pakistan is a quiet, mild-mannered man in IT. The guy from the UAE, who works in Settlement & Trading, is fairly moderate - e.g. he drinks alcohol (hard not to if you want to fit in in Ireland) - and is very much a proper Irish person at this stage. He has cousins in Baghdad and to put it mildly is not exactly 'pro-US'.

In Ireland we have something called immigration control. You may have heard of it. It happens in most countries. When someone arrives illegally in the country we ship them back out again. You should try it. As for the existing Muslim populations impact on Ireland? Precisely none.

You seem to be as paranoid as lowing. Look at a map and relax.
I love your facts Cam.

Deny the FACT that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Deny the FACT that you have more Muslims in Europe now than ever.

Deny the FACT that Muslims in Europe are seeking special legislation to accomadate them and their religion.

Deny the FACT that increasing Muslim immigration has affected Europe and its landscape. Why do they call it the Islamization of Europe anyway? … 011958.php … _musl.html

Gotta be honest with you Cam, I am not paranoid, I simply can see and hear and read. Why can't you?

lowing wrote:

I love your facts Cam.
Deny the FACT that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world - the developing and third world have always had a higher birth rate than that of the first world. It isn't because people are being converted.

lowing wrote:

Deny the FACT that you have more Muslims in Europe now than ever.
Given that birth rates generally exceed death rates that statement would be true even if you didn't take immigration into account. There are more Muslims now it's true - but those that are illegal will be deported and only the doctors, physicists, scientists and engineers will be taken in, provided they fulfil the requirements for the correct form of visa.

lowing wrote:

Deny the FACT that Muslims in Europe are seeking special legislation to accomadate them and their religion.
That is not a dominant view, most are happy to embrace the lands they have come to where they can grow rich and prosper. The irrelevance of the minority requests for special legislation has been talked of at length here. Constitutionally impossible.

lowing wrote:

Deny the FACT that increasing Muslim immigration has affected Europe and its landscape. Why do they call it the Islamization of Europe anyway?
Why do you call it the Islamization of Europe? I live in Europe and travel extensively in Europe. I see no impact on our way of life from this minority. They have about as much impact on us as Jews, Hindus or Sikhs do. The law of the land demands that they adhere to our norms and protocols. It really is that simple. If they don't -> jail. How many of these immigrants have citizenship even? Probably not that many. 

lowing wrote:
Immigration control. They can multiply all they want in their own lands. What do you wanna do - place a population cap on them?

lowing wrote:
'Christian Democrat Party' media release? The militant percentage of Muslims is very evidently NOT 40%. Otherwise there would be bombs every single day in the likes of France. Such bullshit! I can't believe you quoted an opinion article that states a number for which they provide no basis whatsoever. They don't even attempt to back the number up! All of the other incidents seem to be isolated incidents of people breaking the law, for which they will be held accountable as per western norms of justice.

lowing wrote:
'' - another article failing to prove that western legal norms have been altered in any way, shape or form. It actually seems to be quite an insipid swipe at immigration in general, playing the old 'sponging off our welfare system card'.

Perhaps I should start posting articles from or some such site...

lowing wrote:
"The Websense category "Social Networking and Personal Sites" is filtered."

Nice link. lol

lowing wrote:

Gotta be honest with you Cam, I am not paranoid, I simply can see and hear and read. Why can't you?
How about you come and live in Europe for a year and get back to me on the 'reality' we supposedly face...? Why you care so much about us is beyond me: we don't have any oil, ok? We'll worry about our internal affairs, you can worry about your own.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-08 04:15:21)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

I love your facts Cam.
Deny the FACT that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world - the developing and third world have always had a higher birth rate than that of the first world. It isn't because people are being converted.

lowing wrote:

Deny the FACT that you have more Muslims in Europe now than ever.
Given that birth rates generally exceed death rates that statement would be true even if you didn't take immigration into account. There are more Muslims now it's true - but those that are illegal will be deported and only the doctors, physicists, scientists and engineers will be taken in, provided they fulfil the requirements for the correct form of visa.

lowing wrote:

Deny the FACT that Muslims in Europe are seeking special legislation to accomadate them and their religion.
That is not a dominant view, most are happy to embrace the lands they have come to where they can grow rich and prosper. The irrelevance of the minority requests for special legislation has been talked of at length here. Constitutionally impossible.

lowing wrote:

Deny the FACT that increasing Muslim immigration has affected Europe and its landscape. Why do they call it the Islamization of Europe anyway?
Why do you call it the Islamization of Europe? I live in Europe and travel extensively in Europe. I see no impact on our way of life from this minority. They have about as much impact on us as Jews, Hindus or Sikhs do. The law of the land demands that they adhere to our norms and protocols. It really is that simple. If they don't -> jail. How many of these immigrants have citizenship even? Probably not that many. 

lowing wrote:
Immigration control. They can multiply all they want in their own lands. What do you wanna do - place a population cap on them?

lowing wrote:
'Christian Democrat Party' media release? The militant percentage of Muslims is very evidently NOT 40%. Otherwise there would be bombs every single day in the likes of France. Such bullshit! I can't believe you quoted an opinion article that states a number for which they provide no basis whatsoever. They don't even attempt to back the number up! All of the other incidents seem to be isolated incidents of people breaking the law, for which they will be held accountable as per western norms of justice.

lowing wrote:
'' - another article failing to prove that western legal norms have been altered in any way, shape or form. It actually seems to be quite an insipid swipe at immigration in general, playing the old 'sponging off our welfare system card'.

lowing wrote:
"The Websense category "Social Networking and Personal Sites" is filtered."

Nice link. lol

lowing wrote:

Gotta be honest with you Cam, I am not paranoid, I simply can see and hear and read. Why can't you?
How about you come and live in Europe for a year and get back to me on the 'reality' we supposedly face...? Why you care so much about us is beyond me: we don't have any oil, ok?
How deep does that sand go anyway??

lowing wrote:

How deep does that sand go anyway??
Solid bedrock my friend. We'll look after our own internal affairs, you can look after your own.

Spark wrote:

You don't get it. Why bother blowing yourself up when sanctions can have the same effect?
You fucking amaze me.  You two are equating suicide bombing to economic sanctions.  Truly fucking amazing.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

How deep does that sand go anyway??
Solid bedrock my friend. We'll look after our own internal affairs, you can look after your own. … index.html

Bedrock huh??

Well, lets see, we went from Iran to Saudi to Iraq and you have gone from stating the vast majority of the worlds Muslims are peaceful to the vast Majority of European Muslims are peaceful to who cares what happens in Islamic countries anyway as long as you can deport them. I wonder what kinda peace and love we will find in Islam in the African nations........I think all of these "isolated incidences" do not put Islam in a favorable light.
Dropped on request
Lowing, have you ever actually read the Quran, Koran, etc. front to back?

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Lowing, have you ever actually read the Quran, Koran, etc. front to back?
I never read the entire Helter Skelter book, yet I get the idea.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Lowing, have you ever actually read the Quran, Koran, etc. front to back?
I read most of it. Cant remember the exact passage names but it sounded awfully like the bible except with words changed and things twisted 270 degrees.
Dropped on request

usmarine wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Lowing, have you ever actually read the Quran, Koran, etc. front to back?
I never read the entire Helter Skelter book, yet I get the idea.
Well I think its only fair to critique a religion if you've actually read the book its based on. I'm not defending Islam or anything. Just asking a question.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Lowing, have you ever actually read the Quran, Koran, etc. front to back?
I never read the entire Helter Skelter book, yet I get the idea.
Well I think its only fair to critique a religion if you've actually read the book its based on. I'm not defending Islam or anything. Just asking a question.
Nope never have read it, I have never read tthe bible front to back either. Tell me why reading the Koran will help me undersatand. It has been read front to back by Muslims for hundreds of years and the end result is violence intolerance and a thousand interpretations. Tewll my what adding my interpretation is gunna prove.
Dropped on request

lowing wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

usmarine wrote:

I never read the entire Helter Skelter book, yet I get the idea.
Well I think its only fair to critique a religion if you've actually read the book its based on. I'm not defending Islam or anything. Just asking a question.
Nope never have read it, I have never read tthe bible front to back either. Tell me why reading the Koran will help me undersatand. It has been read front to back by Muslims for hundreds of years and the end result is violence intolerance and a thousand interpretations. Tewll my what adding my interpretation is gunna prove.
Well if you claim to hate the religion you should at least read it yourself and determine if people are following it correctly or following the version that best supports them. And if they are following their own version, is it morally acceptable or not.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

How deep does that sand go anyway??
Solid bedrock my friend. We'll look after our own internal affairs, you can look after your own. … index.html

Bedrock huh??

Well, lets see, we went from Iran to Saudi to Iraq and you have gone from stating the vast majority of the worlds Muslims are peaceful to the vast Majority of European Muslims are peaceful to who cares what happens in Islamic countries anyway as long as you can deport them. I wonder what kinda peace and love we will find in Islam in the African nations........I think all of these "isolated incidences" do not put Islam in a favorable light.
Isn't Iraq plagued by swathes of Al Qaeda types that the US kindly opened the door to (many of them from Saudi Arabia)? Nice example. It's also a pretty full on warzone (thanks to the coalition of the drilling) - nice example of typicality. It's not like you to be posting the failure of your own country's endeavours in the middle east! Under Saddam, who was a Stalinistic animal, there were female doctors, lawyers and engineers - today we have the result of US 'rebuilding'...

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-09 03:01:00)


usmarine wrote:

Spark wrote:

You don't get it. Why bother blowing yourself up when sanctions can have the same effect?
You fucking amaze me.  You two are equating suicide bombing to economic sanctions.  Truly fucking amazing.
Yep, it's very wrong isn't it. One is a terrible criminal act the other, as I have clearly shown, can be genocidal. According to the bloke put in charge of it, who quit because it was genocidal. Also the bloke who was sent to replace him quit because he said it was genocidal. When the two people who obviously know the most about the issue both say it's genocidal, then we can be pretty damned sure it was genocidal.

There are far better ways of carrying out terrorism than suicide bombing, but those methods are well beyond the reach of most groups.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Solid bedrock my friend. We'll look after our own internal affairs, you can look after your own. … index.html

Bedrock huh??

Well, lets see, we went from Iran to Saudi to Iraq and you have gone from stating the vast majority of the worlds Muslims are peaceful to the vast Majority of European Muslims are peaceful to who cares what happens in Islamic countries anyway as long as you can deport them. I wonder what kinda peace and love we will find in Islam in the African nations........I think all of these "isolated incidences" do not put Islam in a favorable light.
Isn't Iraq plagued by swathes of Al Qaeda types that the US kindly opened the door to (many of them from Saudi Arabia)? Nice example. It's also a pretty full on warzone (thanks to the coalition of the drilling) - nice example of typicality. It's not like you to be posting the failure of your own country's endeavours in the middle east! Under Saddam, who was a Stalinistic animal, there were female doctors, lawyers and engineers - today we have the result of US 'rebuilding'...
The mentality of Islam is the purpose of the post and I think it that purposae was achieved.

  I guess it really does take an ruthless murderer like him to control his country...........Wonder why that is........hmmmmmmmmm.............SInce we see what happens when you take the threat of death from one man away.....They all come out of the woodwork and wanna kill each other all over again................Good 'ole Islam........Such peace and refreshing........ahhhhhhhhhhh

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Bedrock huh??

Well, lets see, we went from Iran to Saudi to Iraq and you have gone from stating the vast majority of the worlds Muslims are peaceful to the vast Majority of European Muslims are peaceful to who cares what happens in Islamic countries anyway as long as you can deport them. I wonder what kinda peace and love we will find in Islam in the African nations........I think all of these "isolated incidences" do not put Islam in a favorable light.
Isn't Iraq plagued by swathes of Al Qaeda types that the US kindly opened the door to (many of them from Saudi Arabia)? Nice example. It's also a pretty full on warzone (thanks to the coalition of the drilling) - nice example of typicality. It's not like you to be posting the failure of your own country's endeavours in the middle east! Under Saddam, who was a Stalinistic animal, there were female doctors, lawyers and engineers - today we have the result of US 'rebuilding'...
The mentality of Islam is the purpose of the post and I think it that purposae was achieved.

  I guess it really does take an ruthless murderer like him to control his country...........Wonder why that is........hmmmmmmmmm.............SInce we see what happens when you take the threat of death from one man away.....They all come out of the woodwork and wanna kill each other all over again................Good 'ole Islam........Such peace and refreshing........ahhhhhhhhhhh
As opposed to Christian nations like Columbia, El Salvador etc. which are the picture of harmonious love for thy fellow man. If you just looked at the crazy coming from the worst Christian countries, you'd have an terrible and misleading view of Christianity. … per-capita
All of the most homicidal countries are predominanty Christian. Although it does appear to miss most African countries with their pooly reported but high homicide rates. They are a mix of Christian and Muslim. If Muslims inherently want to kill each other as you suppose, why are Christian nations topping the homicide rates? This must be because Christians are crazy murderous swine according to your logic.

Or not.

PureFodder wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Isn't Iraq plagued by swathes of Al Qaeda types that the US kindly opened the door to (many of them from Saudi Arabia)? Nice example. It's also a pretty full on warzone (thanks to the coalition of the drilling) - nice example of typicality. It's not like you to be posting the failure of your own country's endeavours in the middle east! Under Saddam, who was a Stalinistic animal, there were female doctors, lawyers and engineers - today we have the result of US 'rebuilding'...
The mentality of Islam is the purpose of the post and I think it that purposae was achieved.

  I guess it really does take an ruthless murderer like him to control his country...........Wonder why that is........hmmmmmmmmm.............SInce we see what happens when you take the threat of death from one man away.....They all come out of the woodwork and wanna kill each other all over again................Good 'ole Islam........Such peace and refreshing........ahhhhhhhhhhh
As opposed to Christian nations like Columbia, El Salvador etc. which are the picture of harmonious love for thy fellow man. If you just looked at the crazy coming from the worst Christian countries, you'd have an terrible and misleading view of Christianity. … per-capita
All of the most homicidal countries are predominanty Christian. Although it does appear to miss most African countries with their pooly reported but high homicide rates. They are a mix of Christian and Muslim. If Muslims inherently want to kill each other as you suppose, why are Christian nations topping the homicide rates? This must be because Christians are crazy murderous swine according to your logic.

Or not.
I do not give a shit if to factions want to kill each other. I feel the same in the US. If 2 groups of gangstas wanna "busacap" in each others asses I am all for it. The quicker and more frequent they do it the less society has to deal with them. My problem is Muslims do not just wanna kill each other anymore they want that fight spilling over into the west. I do not want it, and you are telling me it can't and won't happen, yet everything we look at suggests the opposite. … =110009890     a good article

lowing wrote:

The mentality of Islam is the purpose of the post and I think it that purposae was achieved.
A mentality you are trying to copy and paste from the developing world onto the developed world - ludicrous.

lowing wrote:

I guess it really does take an ruthless murderer like him to control his country...........Wonder why that is........hmmmmmmmmm.............SInce we see what happens when you take the threat of death from one man away.....They all come out of the woodwork and wanna kill each other all over again................Good 'ole Islam........Such peace and refreshing........ahhhhhhhhhhh
lol. You need to take a vacation in Abu Dhabi or Dubai.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

The mentality of Islam is the purpose of the post and I think it that purposae was achieved.
A mentality you are trying to copy and paste from the developing world onto the developed world - ludicrous.

lowing wrote:

I guess it really does take an ruthless murderer like him to control his country...........Wonder why that is........hmmmmmmmmm.............SInce we see what happens when you take the threat of death from one man away.....They all come out of the woodwork and wanna kill each other all over again................Good 'ole Islam........Such peace and refreshing........ahhhhhhhhhhh
lol. You need to take a vacation in Abu Dhabi or Dubai.
nope, I am trying to copy and paste the mentality that the "developing world" is spilling over into the "developed world".

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