. . .

CrazeD wrote:

Adapting and "evolving" are different, dude. If you put mice in a tank of water for long enough, are they gonna sprout flippers and swim away? No.

That was extremely stupid - yet funny. Thanx
sorry you feel that way

CrazeD wrote:

Here, take a look at these Youtube videos. It may be a lengthy watch but this guy covers a lot of things, and points out a lot of flaws with the Evolution theory.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

I'd be interested to know what your thoughts are after these videos. Even if you don't believe in Christianity, they're still interesting videos.
I wonder now if you're actually serious in your replies because o my god.
inane little opines
. . .

dayarath wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Here, take a look at these Youtube videos. It may be a lengthy watch but this guy covers a lot of things, and points out a lot of flaws with the Evolution theory.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

I'd be interested to know what your thoughts are after these videos. Even if you don't believe in Christianity, they're still interesting videos.
I wonder now if you're actually serious in your replies because o my god.
I was thinking the exact same thing! or
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6828|Florida, United States

CrazeD wrote:

Here, take a look at these Youtube videos. It may be a lengthy watch but this guy covers a lot of things, and points out a lot of flaws with the Evolution theory.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

I'd be interested to know what your thoughts are after these videos. Even if you don't believe in Christianity, they're still interesting videos.
Don't get me started.  I was waiting for you to post these.  This guy is just bashing evolution with no falsifiable evidence (not to mention an arrogant tone).  Believe what you will, but that guy has nothing to defend his arguments.

Last edited by Havok (2008-01-28 14:34:08)

The fantastic Mr. Antichrist

CrazeD wrote:

HellHead wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

And the same can be said for any religious argument. So in that logic, why debate it at all?

No, there is no concrete scientific proof that God does or does not exist. For if it were that easy, people wouldn't go to Him because they loved him, they would go to Him because.. that's just how it was...

Going on the fact that there is no scientific proof that God exists, there is ALSO no scientific proof that God does not exist, or that evolution is real.... yet people argue constantly that evolution is real, but don't get looked down upon for lack of proof.

I only ever see Christians get ripped apart for lack of proof, yet when other religions fail to provide evidence, nobody cares.

Oh and by the way, the Bible is (one of) the most accurate historical document ever discovered. It is not a fantasy story book. Every prophecy in the Bible has either happened, is happening, or will happen. Just look at current world events and do the math.
I.. am... astonished. To say the least.

I don´t know, if I got that right : You are questioning evolution ? Or is it just in general ?

Oh, and tell me about the prophecies, please. I really want to know exactly which prophecy happened, just happened or is about to.
Evolution is only a "theory". It was "scientifically proven", it would be a law, not a theory.

And by the way, carbon dating is insanely inconsistent. Not to mention the fact that there is no way the Earth is <insert random number> point <insert random number> billion years old (notice how the number is never the same eh?). If you do some research, you'll learn why this is impossible.

By the way, for your prophecies, check out this site:

And this:
Thus Says the Lord God: Surely I will take the children of Isreal from among the nations Wherever they have gone and will bring them into their own land Ezekiel 37:21
Now. your turn. Prove all of those prophecies wrong and I'll give you kudos.
I´m sorry, I´m not discussing the proof of any prophecies, based on a christian website... that would not be very erm... biased.

HellHead wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

HellHead wrote:

I.. am... astonished. To say the least.

I don´t know, if I got that right : You are questioning evolution ? Or is it just in general ?

Oh, and tell me about the prophecies, please. I really want to know exactly which prophecy happened, just happened or is about to.
Evolution is only a "theory". It was "scientifically proven", it would be a law, not a theory.

And by the way, carbon dating is insanely inconsistent. Not to mention the fact that there is no way the Earth is <insert random number> point <insert random number> billion years old (notice how the number is never the same eh?). If you do some research, you'll learn why this is impossible.

By the way, for your prophecies, check out this site:

And this:
Thus Says the Lord God: Surely I will take the children of Isreal from among the nations Wherever they have gone and will bring them into their own land Ezekiel 37:21
Now. your turn. Prove all of those prophecies wrong and I'll give you kudos.
I´m sorry, I´m not discussing the proof of any prophecies, based on a christian website... that would not be very erm... biased.
Er, those are passages taken from the Bible. If you don't want to read it there, then go read the Bible yourself.
I am all that is MOD!

topal63 wrote:

dayarath wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Here, take a look at these Youtube videos. It may be a lengthy watch but this guy covers a lot of things, and points out a lot of flaws with the Evolution theory.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

I'd be interested to know what your thoughts are after these videos. Even if you don't believe in Christianity, they're still interesting videos.
I wonder now if you're actually serious in your replies because o my god.
I was thinking the exact same thing! or
I've seen videos that fellow does.  A pompous idiot to say the least.  Young Earth agendas are the funniest.  Calling it a theory is a misnomer.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6862|Charlie One Alpha


topal63 wrote:

dayarath wrote:

I wonder now if you're actually serious in your replies because o my god.
I was thinking the exact same thing! or
I've seen videos that fellow does.  A pompous idiot to say the least.  Young Earth agendas are the funniest.  Calling it a theory is a misnomer.
I'm religious but this guy cracks me up
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
lol you guys are pathetic. I'm done with this topic.

Enjoy Hell.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6777|Birmingham, UK

CrazeD wrote:

lol you guys are pathetic. I'm done with this topic.

Enjoy Hell.
sorry you feel that way

CrazeD wrote:

lol you guys are pathetic. I'm done with this topic.

Enjoy Hell.
Enjoy your life of ignorance and idiocy.
inane little opines
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
I didn´t say I don´t believe the written words there that  are taken out of the bible, just the "proofs" that they are true, because it is christian website.
I can do the same with Nostradamus.
Meow :3 :3

TheDarkRaven wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

lol you guys are pathetic. I'm done with this topic.

Enjoy Hell.
I am all that is MOD!

CrazeD wrote:

lol you guys are pathetic. I'm done with this topic.

Enjoy Hell.
Pathetic because I don't believe in an obviously agenda-driven non-scientific diatribe?  That guy tries to sound smart and uses scientific terms to explain a story as truth, then uses manipulated evidence to support his agenda.  He deserves to ridiculed as an idiot for his own pompous attitude.

We can debate religion all you want, but offering up some ignorant's arrogant fallacies as an argument for your position isn't going to get you very far in my book.
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist

CrazeD wrote:

lol you guys are pathetic. I'm done with this topic.

Enjoy Hell.
Well, i guess we can store that in the book as a another victory for Satan, then !
sorry you feel that way

CrazeD wrote:

lol you guys are pathetic. I'm done with this topic.

Enjoy Hell.
Most notably funny is that people like you don't care about the personal traits of other people wether they're good or bad.

If you don't believe all that is written in the bible you will go to hell undoubtedly yes.
inane little opines
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6777|Birmingham, UK

HellHead wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

lol you guys are pathetic. I'm done with this topic.

Enjoy Hell.
Well, i guess we can store that in the book as a another victory for Satan, then !
This is true!

Satan must truly be pleased that God has abandoned his people who he evidently loves and cares for so much...

NIKE Swoosh
. . .

LaidBackNinja wrote:


topal63 wrote:

I was thinking the exact same thing! or
I've seen videos that fellow does.  A pompous idiot to say the least.  Young Earth agendas are the funniest.  Calling it a theory is a misnomer.
I'm religious but this guy cracks me up
Nothing wrong with being religious. The problem almost always lies in the form - not function; interpretation - & not tradition, when dealing with concepts that border on touching anyone/everyone: God, death, truth, idealism, fear, philosophy, spirituality, consolation, love, compassion...

The form problem I often see is this:
Certainty and humility - are not amicable concepts. Accepting humility means accepting uncertainty. What that relationship is I leave to be defined by the religious prophets* that have never really addressed this problem either correctly or at all (*or religious prophets yet to be).

The guy in that video, lacks all humility and lacks a necessary love of truth (integrity & actual scholarship) when dealing with basically a proven true process of nature.

Last edited by topal63 (2008-01-28 14:38:41)

Pony Slaystation
+343|6862|Charlie One Alpha
There is no Satan. There is a God though, and He's going *facepalm*

topal63 wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:


I've seen videos that fellow does.  A pompous idiot to say the least.  Young Earth agendas are the funniest.  Calling it a theory is a misnomer.
I'm religious but this guy cracks me up
Nothing wrong with being religious. The problem almost always lies in the form - not function; interpretation - & not tradition, when dealing with concepts that border on touching anyone/everyone: God, death, truth, idealism, fear, philosophy, spirituality, consolation, love, compassion...

The form problem I often see is this:
Certainty and humility - are not amicable concepts. Accepting humility means accepting uncertainty. What that relationship is I leave to be defined by the religious prophets* that have never really addressed this problem either correctly or at all (*or religious prophets yet to be).
I don't really know where you're going but this, but I'll just say this:

You will always have to accept uncertainty. There will always be stuff that you just don't know about. With all our fancy science we still have no idea what it is like to die. On the other hand, I don't see how humility requires uncertainty. I refuse humility until I know there is something greater than myself. It's not some wild guess.

Last edited by LaidBackNinja (2008-01-28 14:39:32)

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

HellHead wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

What kind of commentary are you looking for, Hellhead?  Christians already know Satan represents all sin.

CloakedStarship wrote:

HellHead wrote:

blah blah blah blah
you were saying?
I was not saying anything, I was quoting, for first. And I was just looking for some comments from you hardcore christians, but oviously the only thing you are capable of, are comments like "represents all sin". (I assume you even didn´t even read all of what was written above, Stingray.)
You guys really crack me up.
Religion is faith.  Trying to bring fact into the conversation is an attempt in futility.
Cheeseburger Logicist
I leave for an hour and atheism has triumphed already. That was quick.
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6828|Florida, United States

Drakef wrote:

I leave for an hour and atheism has triumphed already. That was quick.
I'm an atheist and I don't want it to triumph.  I wasn't done having fun yet.

Last edited by Havok (2008-01-28 14:37:59)

ATG's First Disciple
+263|6777|Birmingham, UK

Drakef wrote:

I leave for an hour and atheism has triumphed already. That was quick.
It's usually about this quick. I've seen such things come and go... the Christians (it is inevitably against Christians) often come back rattling their sabre, though.

gene_pool wrote:

I do not worship Satan for the same reason as I do not worship Yahweh: No proof he exists, therefore he doesn't.
That's a very mature academic perspective you have/

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