I mean think about it, WWII was to crush a bunch or crazy racist dictators from controlling the world. I mean we lost over 5 millions people altogether but probably a hell of a lot more. I mean we still have nazis and this supremist groups everywhere. People go calling others jews as an insult but say that nazis suck? wtf, and then these mexican haters.

Moving onto the atom bomb. Japan was already losing and yet we dropped 2, not 1 atom bombs on innocent civilians. Although pearl harbor was bad, they were soldiers and they had enlisted for this type of stuff but the Japanese had women and children that although were trained were still just civilians so I really don't see why we had to use the atom bomb.
they dropped the bomb coz japan didnt surrender, and the US probly want JP to surrender coz the US is sick of their kamikaze attacks and germany was also trying to develop the atom bomb.

hiroshima: uranium 235 bomb
nagasaki: plutonium bomb or was it uranium 238?
Military history 101:

You can't in any way compare the neo-nazi movement with what raged through Europe in the 30s and 40s.  Do you not think there were any civilian casualties in Pearl Harbor???  WRONG!

Do you understand that by dropping the TWO atomic bombs actually saved more Japanese lives than would have been lost if we invaded?  Don't think for one minute that we were the bad guys here.  If you get some time, read about the Rape of Nanking.  Yeah, this is almost comparable to what the Nazis did to the Jews in Warsaw.

The atom bomb saved Japanese AND American lives!!!
Either way... We lost WAY more than 5 million people if you include civilians... What was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima was a very bad loss to Japan, yes. But consider this...

The United States DOESN'T drop the bomb and the US troops have to make an invasion on mainland Japan. The United States would have lost over 2 million troops. Making an invasion on an island jam packed with soldiers that are not afraid to die and will do over the top things to protect their leaders is pretty hard. I mean, leaders of the Japanese Empire at the time said that each Japanese soldier has a duty to kill 10 Allied soldiers before he died. If you ask me, the bombs needed to be dropped...

Plus, the Kamikaze's and Germany developing the Atom Bomb both didn't make the US drop the bomb. The US dropped the bomb to initially clear the way for a mainland assault on Japan.  Germany had already surrendered before US dropped the bombs on Japan. THEN US actually waited for Japan to surrender after the first bomb. Japan didn't so the US dropped the 2nd bomb and I think 5-7 of them in reserve. The US was prepared to drop the rest of them but Japan surrendered.

Last edited by Swiftekho (2006-01-01 00:33:45)

+6|7052|In a van down by the river
What do you mean was WWII worth it?  Oh yes, lets just let The National Socialists take over all of Europe.  There is a grand idea.  220,000 people died in the Hiroshima and Nagisaki bombings.  In the first month of the Japanese mainland, the expected American casualties were 250,000.  Yes, the bomb was worth it.  You don't think the Japanese were willing to kill American civilians?  Oh, if it would have won them the war it would have been so.  The bombs forced the Japanese surrender, it was worth it.
sorry if this came out unclear but what by the first part of my post i meant was the idea of WWII really broadcasted to future generations and to FoodNipple101 Japan did send a declaration of war but their translators and typists were too slow and didn't take in the american time when sending it. and to Swiftekho, kamikazes were one of the most inaccurate weapons of the war.

But yes I will admit defeat in the A-Bomb debate
I like grapes.
I think japan and germany so joyfully trying to forget about it is pure bullshit. Japan is fucked up to begin with and im tired of bullshit from them. Its just ridiculous japs and gooks in general are all about honor until it comes to losing then they shut up and "forget" about it.
The Kamikaze's weren't as much of use to make physical damage on the United States but more of a mental thing. If you know someone is willing to kill themselves for a cause, it makes you rethink who you are going up against...
+6|7052|In a van down by the river
Did you know? America was the only country Germany declared war on... think about that one for a second as a scratch my crotch.
+32|7031|Wherever the F**k i feel like

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

they dropped the bomb coz japan didnt surrender, and the US probly want JP to surrender coz the US is sick of their kamikaze attacks and germany was also trying to develop the atom bomb.

hiroshima: uranium 235 bomb
nagasaki: plutonium bomb or was it uranium 238?
Sorry to correct you but we had already defeated germany and the abandaed thier nuclear program. We dropedd the bomb because invasion and ocupation would have caused all the world many more casualties.
What difference does it make that the US was the only country... Hitler was a cocky son of a bitch that wanted to fight the U.S. and the only way to get us to do that was declaring war on us because congress wouldn't declare war on Hitler even though Roosevelt pushed for it...
better than being a coward in their opinion, they kinda reminds me of CS players throwing grendes to "die w/ honour!!" WW2 was worth it, coz hitler was killing millions of innocent ppl, even children. the A-bombs did kinda save a lot of lives, coz if US invaded mainland japan... casualties will be large...

FoodNipple101 wrote:

I think japan and germany so joyfully trying to forget about it is pure bullshit. Japan is fucked up to begin with and im tired of bullshit from them. Its just ridiculous japs and gooks in general are all about honor until it comes to losing then they shut up and "forget" about it.
First of all, you need to go through therapy, second of all you need to calm down on your language throughout the gorum. Japan was not "fucked up" to begin with. Honor is a big part in their culture just like racism, murder and crazy people are a part of the american culture. And the generals never really forgot about it. Have you actually talked to a "gook" (wth is that) and did they just "forget" about it? I don't know about you but not many people like basking in their own defeat. If you got owned in something you'd probably curse and scream like you do on the forums and in the game though I've never seen you play.

Did you know? America was the only country Germany declared war on... think about that one for a second as a scratch my crotch.

Srry but i seriously don't get how that's relevant. Germany didn't have to declare war, it wasn't supposed to. It was supposed to drop all it's weapons and such but Hitler used his silver tongue to coax the british prime minister and by the time Hitler marched into the Sudetenland it was too late. Germany didn't have to declare war on germany because america didn't want to get involved in wars it wanted to adopt isolationism which thanks god didn't work.
Mass Media Casualty

Yes and yes. WW2 was a release of tension in Europe, especially in Germany. Hell, if it wasn't for World War Two, the Great Depression would have carried on for a lot longer.

As for the A-Bomb, yes, and two were needed, because the Japanese were still keen to fight on after the first one. They needed to know that they were fucked, and Fat Man didn't quite say it, so Little Boy went ahead to confirm the message.

As for the whole thing, it was fucking horrible, but I can't say it never should have happned.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Base Rapist

Tyferra wrote:

Yes and yes. WW2 was a release of tension in Europe, especially in Germany. Hell, if it wasn't for World War Two, the Great Depression would have carried on for a lot longer.

As for the A-Bomb, yes, and two were needed, because the Japanese were still keen to fight on after the first one. They needed to know that they were fucked, and Fat Man didn't quite say it, so Little Boy went ahead to confirm the message.

As for the whole thing, it was fucking horrible, but I can't say it never should have happned.
They had two days to make their decision too. And both targets were vital militarily to Japan, we just didn't bomb some random city with no military targets inside it. One was a supply base and the other important for the Japanese navy I think.

Its funny Russia said they were going to stay out of the war in Japan, then we dropped the first bomb, and they were like "omgzors, what the heck is that? we will help you!" Russia knew a land war on Japan would be an uphill battle like it was the small islands and wanted no part in it till we dropped the first bomb. After the second bomb Japan surrendered. Our treatment after that of Japan especially with McArthur was nothing short of exemplary.
Germany was well on the way to discovering the power of the atomic bomb.... they had V2 rockets which had enough power in themselfs, chemical and biological weapons were in use in WW2 as in WW1 (mustard gas) and did you know that German scientist were experimenting in genetic engineering (cross breeding humans and german sheppards). As for the US droping the bomb it was purely to test it, they realised that japan was about to surrender. if it was me, i rather drop it on japs than do what the french do and blow the shit out of a virtual paradise.

world wars are needed to cull the population growth, if there was no wars, we would probably all be staving right now. think about it.....

china has what 2 billion people now (1.5bill in 1992) and now they did the smart thing and introduced birth controll (1 child per family) although rural chinese dont up hold this.

India has the highest population growth on the planet, they do nothing but breed like rabbits.

Indonesia is the most densly populated place on earth (250 million + living on the island of Java) thats about the population of the entire united states living in an area about as big as ireland.

Africans, they cant feed their own people casue they have to many of them.... i say dont send them money to feed them, send them condoms or the pill so they dont have so many children. ethopia for example is one of the most poverty stricken places on earth yet they have nuclear weapons... where are their priorities....

OSAMA BIN LADIN (1 of 52 CHILDREN) i feel sorry for his mother.... anyways war is need for many reasons, i dont agree that what hitler did was right, but its a different time era now days and different ways of thinking, and to many people jews are filth..so special cause they are "GODS" chosen people, and at that time of the holicaust the jews were very wealth and powerful people who degraded everyone.... abit like what muslims are doing at the moment.
+32|7031|Wherever the F**k i feel like

philbymaris2 wrote:

Germany was well on the way to discovering the power of the atomic bomb.... they had V2 rockets which had enough power in themselfs, chemical and biological weapons were in use in WW2 as in WW1 (mustard gas) and did you know that German scientist were experimenting in genetic engineering (cross breeding humans and german sheppards). As for the US droping the bomb it was purely to test it, they realised that japan was about to surrender. if it was me, i rather drop it on japs than do what the french do and blow the shit out of a virtual paradise.

world wars are needed to cull the population growth, if there was no wars, we would probably all be staving right now. think about it.....

china has what 2 billion people now (1.5bill in 1992) and now they did the smart thing and introduced birth controll (1 child per family) although rural chinese dont up hold this.

India has the highest population growth on the planet, they do nothing but breed like rabbits.

Indonesia is the most densly populated place on earth (250 million + living on the island of Java) thats about the population of the entire united states living in an area about as big as ireland.

Africans, they cant feed their own people casue they have to many of them.... i say dont send them money to feed them, send them condoms or the pill so they dont have so many children. ethopia for example is one of the most poverty stricken places on earth yet they have nuclear weapons... where are their priorities....

OSAMA BIN LADIN (1 of 52 CHILDREN) i feel sorry for his mother.... anyways war is need for many reasons, i dont agree that what hitler did was right, but its a different time era now days and different ways of thinking, and to many people jews are filth..so special cause they are "GODS" chosen people, and at that time of the holicaust the jews were very wealth and powerful people who degraded everyone.... abit like what muslims are doing at the moment.
Wow you sound like a rasicst.....
quote: "world wars are needed to cull the population growth, if there was no wars, we would probably all be staving right now. think about it." by philbymaris2

actually... the world pop increased after ww2, why? soldiers were out there having sex when they arnt fighting.

btw to freeniple101, stfu if u dont know what the fuck ur talking about, go take some retalin

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2006-01-01 01:39:38)

Usual Suspect
Im not a us citizen nor a fan but atom bomb was necessary but 1 bomb is more than enough why the 2. one.

Answeller wrote:

Im not a us citizen nor a fan but atom bomb was necessary but 1 bomb is more than enough why the 2. one.
coz japan didnt surrender as they should... they still wanted to fight after 1st bomb
yes im racist, and i do realise that the population did grow after ww2 what the fuck do you think it would do? people were so happy that ww2 was over, the 50's would have been a very joyist occation, as was the roaring 20's after ww1 ended.

did you understand a word of what i wrote, or are u just going to nit pick on the fact im a racist.... fuck get over it there are many people who are just like me.... do i complain that you are a hippy, a peace loving pacifist..... NOOOOOOO, im racist so fucking what i admit im racist... get out of the closet and start standing up for what u believe in.... fuck

philbymaris2 wrote:

yes im racist, and i do realise that the population did grow after ww2 what the fuck do you think it would do? people were so happy that ww2 was over, the 50's would have been a very joyist occation, as was the roaring 20's after ww1 ended.

did you understand a word of what i wrote, or are u just going to nit pick on the fact im a racist.... fuck get over it there are many people who are just like me.... do i complain that you are a hippy, a peace loving pacifist..... NOOOOOOO, im racist so fucking what i admit im racist... get out of the closet and start standing up for what u believe in.... fuck
this is a debate area, define debate. Hippies weren't completely peace loving pacifists so there's another stereotype. The fact still stands the WWII only had an impact in the past and people have not learned from other people's mistakes that's what i was trying to get at in this post.
Last of the Uchiha
+4|7030|Hong Kong, China
dude, chill. Using the F-word is not going to help you get the message across.

And another point: So what if Jews think they are God's chosen poeple, rich and are degrading the rest of the world, does it mean we have the right to go and kill them all, heck no. It's YOU who seriously need to rethink your priorities, not the Africans, the Chinese or rest of the poeple in Southern Asian and India.
yep your right elangbam charles manson was a hippy and he was no pacifist....... and the impact of the past, people who were invovled in that war are still around as old as they may be, but i bet the memories are still fresh in their minds and will haunt them for the rest of their existence....

and my last post wasnt for u it was for LIBSLAYER....
Base Rapist
Lets put it this way, was the A-bomb worth it?

Lets see do the Japanese hate us today?

Definitely not, we buy a ton of their shit.

Do the Japanese have a underpopulation problem, or a problem with few cities?

Definitely not, if we did the WWII bombings that we did at Dresden, and Berlin on Japan, the results would have been devasting, and the Chinese probably would not be treating the Japanese very kindly since they would more than likely fighting on the Japan mainland after we beat them back far enough.

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