So I've never played BF2 before, but I'm eager to get on board today....

I purchased the BF2 Collection which includes:

BF2:Special Forces
BF2:Euro Force
BF2:Armoured Fury

Do I install everything?  or just BF2 to start?

Are there "empty" servers where I can go and learn my way around the game?  Or can I play locally?

The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
http://wiki.bf2s.com/ <--- This for first should answer a lot of you questions.
Oh, and do us all a favour, before you try out any vehicle on real ranked servers, go out practice a lot in single player.
Especially choppers.

And mind the installing order : Bf2 -> patch(1.41) -> SF -> patch -> AF/EF -> patch

Edit: And make sure you check out all the stickies in the BF2 section, a lot of helpful stuff there.

Last edited by HellHead (2008-01-27 08:16:26)

Thanks good bro...

I can just patch 1.41, don't need recursive patches eh?
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Nope, just 1.41
What about punkbuster?  Just read that it's important also....

(can't give you any karma yet...hehe)
+85|6680|Manchester, UK

squatpuke wrote:

Are there "empty" servers where I can go and learn my way around the game?  Or can I play locally?

There are two good ways to learn your way around the game:

1.) Create a local server

All this means is that you host a game on your machine.  Unless your computer is connected to a local network with anyone else who plays BF2, your game will stay empty.  This is just like playing on an empty server i.e. you dont have to do anything because theres nobody to play against.  The great benefit of doing this is that it allows you to become familiar with every weapon, vehicle and map without having to worry about time limits or getting killed.

To create a local server, click on the "Multiplayer" tab at the top of your BF2 screen, then select "Create Local".  Here you can select a map of any size and change any game paramaters e.g. spawn time, round time etc.  Its a good idea to put the spawn time right down when youre practicing so that you can jump straight back in when you die

2.) Play Single Player

Playing a single player match allows you to get to grips with playing against other players (except that the bots in single player are a walk in the park compared to real-life players :S).  Its pretty self-explanatory how to start a game here, just go to Single Player and select a map to start playing.  Youll notice that you cant change the map size in single player, thats because theres always a fixed number of bots in-game.  It wouldnt make sense to have you and 15 bots on a map made for 64 players... 

Like Hellhead said, make sure you get plenty of practice in on the different vehicles and classes (soldier types) before you get online, and be sure to read the wiki pages.  As I said, the bots are nothing compared to the average gamer you will find in BF2, and the first time you play on a populated server, you will see what I mean.  You will get killed a lot.  But dont let that put you off.

Put in plenty of practice, and you will get a lot of enjoyment out of BF2.
Thanks you guys...appreciate all the information.

squatpuke wrote:

What about punkbuster?  Just read that it's important also....

(can't give you any karma yet...hehe)
Is this only for servers?
+36|6534|Jennifer Connellys Pants
Hi mate, to update PB go to http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php to download PBSETUP. Run it after you install BF2. Dont worry too much about practicing a lot with vehicles, most people dont care how good you are in them, and if your not good, then single payer practice isnt going to help much as the AI isnt good at all, IE they dont shoot TV missles etc.

Just spend time in SP getting used to the map's and weapons. I've sent you my Xfire via pm if you want to team up for a few rounds.
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Yes, PB is only for servers, and if you install for the first time you should not have any problem with it.
Just diable your anti-virus and make an exception in your windows firewall (if necessary) and you should be straight. Should...
Stay away from the following map: Strike at Karkand. That's the best advice anyone can give you.

More advice: if you're not good with a vehicle, don't use it. It's an asset to the team, not a hindrance. Use single player to learn how to use jets and choppers. If you don't want to play against bots, create your own local server. Then it's just you, the map, and the chopper/jet. The gunner in the chopper has a tv missile. Get into TV mode by right clicking. You aim the missile by moving with the mouse and repeatedly left clicking where you want it to go.

Cap flags, and cap lots of them. Join a squad and spawn on your squad leader (the green dot.) If your squad leader sucks, join another squad. Use your microphone. If you don't have one, get one or uninstall the game.

Stick with the people that are doing well on your team. They will help keep you alive and you might just pick up some tips from watching them.
o wut?

people still buy bf2....

erm I mean have fun playing

Fateless wrote:

Just spend time in SP getting used to the map's and weapons. I've sent you my Xfire via pm if you want to team up for a few rounds.
Thanks man...still dl'd patch 1.41...yet to install anything...sure it'll be a spell before pullin the trigger.

btw...q for all...do I HAVE to install PB?  Consequences of not?
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
If you don´t install it, you can´t play on servers wich support it, meaning the chance you meat hacking people multiplies by the factor 1000.
Moo? Si!
Tall, Dark, Antlered
You need to also install 2005.

Moo? Si! wrote:

You need to also install 2005.
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7013|Ireland | Monaghan

Hey the collection has the 1.41 patch in it, install all from the disk it will open a link to the website which I think you gotta add the product keys for the expansions AF & EF...

I'm not sure when you enter BF2's key though as I already had it installed when I got mmy collection CD.

But install anyway just follow the prompts as they come. And don't download the patch, the collection has it and will update the games after it installs them.

Last edited by IrishGrimReaper (2008-01-27 09:08:23)

Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist

IrishGrimReaper wrote:

...install all from the dick...
Sorry, you had that coming...
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7013|Ireland | Monaghan

lmao wanker! taught I'd get the edit in first.
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
+36|6534|Jennifer Connellys Pants

HellHead wrote:

Yes, PB is only for servers, and if you install for the first time you should not have any problem with it.
Just diable your anti-virus and make an exception in your windows firewall (if necessary) and you should be straight. Should...
DO NOT disable your antivirus...worse advice ever.

o wut?

squatpuke wrote:

Moo? Si! wrote:

You need to also install 2005.
Install the basic game & then patch 1.41 (download it).
After you do, then install the others, as you desire.
I would get use to the basic first & then expand...your money will go further.

IrishGrimReaper is a good guy, he is probably right.

IrishGrimReaper wrote:

Hey the collection has the 1.41 patch in it, install all from the disk it will open a link to the website which I think you gotta add the product keys for the expansions AF & EF...

I'm not sure when you enter BF2's key though as I already had it installed when I got mmy collection CD.

But install anyway just follow the prompts as they come. And don't download the patch, the collection has it and will update the games after it installs them.
Thanks worked just like you said....
+605|6399|Birmingham, UK

cablecopulate wrote:

Use your microphone. If you don't have one, get one or uninstall the game.
Here is an example of bad advice evrybody, gather round, gather round, don't hesitate.

Honestly, i've only seen one person EVER use a microphone, and it was a commander that sucked.

Don't listen to him. Have a microphone anyway, but if not don't uninstall it.

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