Al Qaeda and its satellites probably want to destroy Western civilization, but I agree, they don't seem to be a threat on that scale at this point.B.Schuss wrote:
paranoia, anybody ? "topple western civilization" ? give me a break. Even if that were the explicit intent of the radical muslims, their number is so ridiculously small, they have so little political representation, and so little military capabilities, that it is absolutely unimaginable that they could ever pose a realistic threat to the combined economic, political, and military powers of the western world.lowing wrote:
The terrorists want to topple western civilization, if you do not think they will do so if you let them you are naive. I believe these radicals have more support from Islam as a whole than you or Cam, are willing to admit to.
I mean, there isn't even a union among islamic countries, for god's sake. To the contrary, most islamic nations have strong economic and political ties with the western world. Some are even close US allies, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Pakistan.
What we are talking about here is a tiny, miniscule minority among radical muslims. And all they can do is blow up a car bomb here, or an embassy there, or maybe send a couple of airliners into the WTC. Tragic, sad, horrendous crimes, I agree, but not a threat to western societies.
Those can easily be dealt with through a combined effort of the world's police and counter-terrorism communities, without us having to force our version of freedom and democracy onto other cultures. That is my strong conviction.
But I think they are a symptom of a dangerous disease. There are millions of muslims in the middle east and elsewhere who have a very negative view of the U.S. and western Europe. They are much more powerful than the tiny radical fringe. Their countries have close ties with the west at this point, but many of the Arab oil-producing nations are ripe for revolutions. Their leaders are corrupt, flying their private jets around the world while people in their countries live in the stone age. God help the West if half a dozen anti-US theocracies control 75% of the world's oil. The little people, who blame the US for propping up their brutal leaders--they are a real threat.