+354|6550|Basel, Switzerland
First of all, I want to say: This is a very serious topic. I'm sharing my problem with 3 other guys, we have no idea what to do.

Ok, I'm in a class, with 17 (2 girls left the class) and 5 guys. There's one buy, which gets dissed every day. First we tried to be nice to him, but we just couldn't be. He's acting so weird and is also looking gay and he got glasses, sorry, I just can't explain. Everybody hates him, he's repeating the class since he failed at the last year and he told us that he's playing CSS every night from 10 PM to 6 AM when his parents are asleep. He also looks like a geek tbh.

The problem is this: As I said, he gets dissed everyday and me and my friends think he's going to kill himself/one of us if we continue doing it, but the whole class hates him so... A girl told him that she'd love him, he took it serious but she just joked.. These things are happening every day. Me and my friends are fucking scared, we don't really believe that he comes to our school with his fucking m4, but what if he comes with a knife?

We're really scared, we've got no idea what to do..

I need your help, really.

Edit: I only know him since 6 months, but yet he's already the most hated person in around 6 classes...

Last edited by Raphi (2008-01-25 05:22:58)

How about stepping up and getting some balls. Be a man and stick up for the kid. If you let this stuff keep happening and something bad happens to him or to others because of him.....then you will wonder why the hell someone didn't do anything. When I was in high school, i ran across similar situations and I had no problem sticking up for the "misunderstood" kid. Try to be friends with him on some kind of level, even if it is just saying hello and being cool to him when he is around. You don't have to hang out with him, just be cool and set an example. You and your friends need to grow some balls, set and example for the rest...its not that hard!
+354|6550|Basel, Switzerland

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

How about stepping up and getting some balls. Be a man and stick up for the kid. If you let this stuff keep happening and something bad happens to him or to others because of him.....then you will wonder why the hell someone didn't do anything. When I was in high school, i ran across similar situations and I had no problem sticking up for the "misunderstood" kid. Try to be friends with him on some kind of level, even if it is just saying hello and being cool to him when he is around. You don't have to hang out with him, just be cool and set an example. You and your friends need to grow some balls, set and example for the rest...its not that hard!
Look, I just can't be a friend with him. He's crazy I think... and fucking annoying, followed us every day untill we teached him to search friends.

He's like a shadow when there is no sun.
Save the BlobFish!
Be nice to him . If you can be different from all the others you may avoid trouble later on ( if he remembers that you were the guy that was good to him). Dont have to suck up to him just treat him like any other guy.

You say that he's misunderstood? Why don't you try and understand him then...
No one is asking you to be friends with the kid. We are saying to be decent to him. Again, set an example by NOT following what everyone else does. Again, just be cool to him. Say hello to him and if someone messes with him then tell that person to stop and do that in front of him. If you don't want to be his buddy that is fine...but just be decent when you have to be around him in class or wherever.

I knew a kid very similar to this. He looked weird, he would walk down the hallway literally with his body against the wall and head completely down and away. Everyone thought he was nuts and some teased him. He was in a few classes with me (mechanical and architectural drafting) and this kid was a genius. To this day, i have never seen anyone do work like he did with his free hand. I can't even explain it to you here. The kid was just extremely shy and quiet and eventually because people were decent to him....certain people stopped picking on him.

Someone has to set an example with this kid you are dealing with.....you don't have to be his pal...just be decent and let others know and see that. Seriously...how hard can that be?
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6755|Tyne & Wear, England
Just tolerate him, nothing more, nothing less.

That way you dont have to be best friends with him, but you dont need to be a dick to him either.  Hopefully you might set an example and others will follow suit.

This way there might not be a school massacre in Basel, Switzerland in the near future.

Last edited by KILLSWITCH (2008-01-25 05:56:20)

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6422|North Tonawanda, NY

Raphi wrote:

First of all, I want to say: This is a very serious topic. I'm sharing my problem with 3 other guys, we have no idea what to do.

Ok, I'm in a class, with 17 (2 girls left the class) and 5 guys. There's one buy, which gets dissed every day. First we tried to be nice to him, but we just couldn't be. He's acting so weird and is also looking gay and he got glasses, sorry, I just can't explain. Everybody hates him, he's repeating the class since he failed at the last year and he told us that he's playing CSS every night from 10 PM to 6 AM when his parents are asleep. He also looks like a geek tbh.

The problem is this: As I said, he gets dissed everyday and me and my friends think he's going to kill himself/one of us if we continue doing it, but the whole class hates him so... A girl told him that she'd love him, he took it serious but she just joked.. These things are happening every day. Me and my friends are fucking scared, we don't really believe that he comes to our school with his fucking m4, but what if he comes with a knife?

We're really scared, we've got no idea what to do..

I need your help, really.

Edit: I only know him since 6 months, but yet he's already the most hated person in around 6 classes...
What a bunch of assholes.  You could always just, you know, not insult the poor kid.
+354|6550|Basel, Switzerland

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Someone has to set an example with this kid you are dealing with.....you don't have to be his pal...just be decent and let others know and see that. Seriously...how hard can that be?
We tried that, more than 1 time.

He just fucks up everytime, again and again.

When we we're nice the first time, he started to steal bread in the breaks or usb sticks in the computer room.
Then he's explaining us everyday how his mobo is going and homuch gigabite he used in one day.
Then he starts to explain his tactics, how he can play from 10 pm to 6 am every night. Fuck this guy is so weird..
I wont lose the feeling, he's gonna kill us all... Even if we change the way we are, the 17 girls are stilling dissing him.

And yes, he is misunderstood. And he likes his computer way toomuch.
Support fanatic :-)

It's not your responsibility to make friends with him Raphi, it is however your responsibility to treat him like a human being.

If he goes suicidal on you guys you have reason to feel guilty about, if he turns out to be making millions of dollars later on like geeks have a tendency to do you should feel guilty about not making him a close friend when you had the chance

Edit: Oh and if he kills you all i guess you had it coming

Last edited by Varegg (2008-01-25 06:05:20)

Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Previous posts are stating what should be done so I've got nothing more except perhaps talking to the teachers or whatnot and explain your worries.

I think the school has some kind of responsibility to prevent bullying.
Soup Boy
+32|6898|Stockholm, Sweden
A kid like that is wierd and steals because it's his only way of getting attention. As everybody else has said, try to be normal with him, treat him like everybody else. And yes, go to you principal and to your teachers, tell them about what's going on.
If you could stand up for him when others are picking on him, that would help a lot, he'd gain confidence in you and maybe also in others who do the same thing.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Many things could be said and have been said already. This is the best, most succint one so far:

Varegg wrote:

It's not your responsibility to make friends with him Raphi, it is however your responsibility to treat him like a human being.
You are in a unique situation. You clearly feel badly about how this kid's being treated. And you are concerned about the repercussions of that treatment. You can make a difference in this kid's life--and possibly in the lives of those he may lash out against if nothing is done--simply by treating him with a modicum of respect.

Don't worry about what your friends will think of you. If they're worth a shit, they'll support you. If they're not, they weren't worth your time anyway.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Cowboy from Hell
As long as he doesn't play Wow you'll do ok.
You with the face!
Seriously, you need to treat him (and everyone else) with respect.  If you can't do that, I suggest you seek professional help (for both you and him).

Saying, "First we tried to be nice to him, but we just couldn't be" is a cop-out and utter bullshit.
+3,611|6913|London, England
Guy like that would get fucking rinsed at my school
+354|6550|Basel, Switzerland

RAIMIUS wrote:

Seriously, you need to treat him (and everyone else) with respect.  If you can't do that, I suggest you seek professional help (for both you and him).

Saying, "First we tried to be nice to him, but we just couldn't be" is a cop-out and utter bullshit.
I'd enter a pic of him here and quote a few sentences, but that's just a big time waste tbh.
Hell Yeah I Suck Toes!!!

Raphi wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Someone has to set an example with this kid you are dealing with.....you don't have to be his pal...just be decent and let others know and see that. Seriously...how hard can that be?
We tried that, more than 1 time.

He just fucks up everytime, again and again.

When we we're nice the first time, he started to steal bread in the breaks or usb sticks in the computer room.
Then he's explaining us everyday how his mobo is going and homuch gigabite he used in one day.
Then he starts to explain his tactics, how he can play from 10 pm to 6 am every night. Fuck this guy is so weird..
I wont lose the feeling, he's gonna kill us all... Even if we change the way we are, the 17 girls are stilling dissing him.

And yes, he is misunderstood. And he likes his computer way toomuch.
Why even make this topic. Its obvious that you don't want to help him be understood or liked or have friends, cuz all you do is complain about how weird he is.
People are giving you good advice on how to fix the situation, but you just give another reason for how fucked up he is.

Why don't you stop talking about doing something and start doing something. You are wasting everyone's time here. Are you sure that "you" aren't this kid that you are talking about?

Clearly you are a noob to maturity or else you could have helped this guy a long time ago.

You don't want to help him, you just want to give the old "WHOA IS ME" "I'M SCARED FOR MY LIFE" "WHAT SHOULD I DO?>>>(wait don't answer, cuz i don't care and won't do anything anyways, but complain...) "THIS GUY IS CRAZY, HE'S GONNA KILL US....WAAAAA. I MADE STINKY IN MY DIAPER, CHANGE ME... WAAAAAAA"

Sounds about right.

Last edited by ARCHANGEL1941 (2008-01-25 12:39:25)

sorry you feel that way
Generally just don't insult him, make sure anyone else in your class doesn't insult him, but don't really try to become friends. If he asks something you respond properly, if he talks to you you won't laugh him in the face. Simple as that you don't need to be friends, you're just generally helpful, and not an ass.

That is just about as easy as it can get, if you can't maintain your class from being a bunch of assholes, and can't prevent yourself from being one you all just suck.

And he won't come and kill you or kill himself when you people are about 12-13. Atleast, that's the age I determine by your story.
inane little opines
You with the face!
It doesn't matter.

Normal people can be respectful to others.  It may be tough, but that is your own problem.
stephen brule
Because the whole class picks on him, That means your going to do as they do?

Fuck the rest of the class, Apologise to him and make up.

Even if he is geeky or gay that does not mean drive him to suicide..
Hell Yeah I Suck Toes!!!
Ralphi = FOLLOWER.

Be your own man and treat him with respect.

I picked on followers like you in school and i stood up for the weird kids.
+385|6783|Northern California
Seriously, be a man.  Psych yourself out before you go to school one morning and pretend the level of maturity, conversation, and behavior is much more elevated than it actually is.  Seriously, role play or play act.  And when you conduct yourself thus, treat him as an allied and valuable member of your team that is studying for the cure to cancer or something.

If you can't even ACT like a grown up, and you don't have balls or brains or initiative to try and change the general behavior of the class (nevermind the kid himself if he's really so unmanageable as you say he is), then when he does snap, like Varegg said, you'll have earned what is coming to you.

Just as guilty as the bullies that push kids to the edge every day, so to are the cowards and appeasers who don't say a word for fear of not being considered cool or fitting in.  I have zero sympathy for those punkass kids who drive other kids to shoot outs.  When my kids are teens and in school, they WILL KNOW how to treat other kids and stand up for the unpopular ones or at least not contribute to the bad behavior of those teasing someone.  My first grade daughter has already shown promising results in her class room by befriending two outcast children...
+85|6680|Manchester, UK
It souns like the poor guy just lacks a full set of social skills he needs to be able to socialise and fit in.  That, combined with his obviously rock-bottom self esteem will make him feel like a social outcast. 

Ill bet he has a hart time making sense of social situations too, like when he believed the girl who liked him was being genuine.  In my experience, kids like this always get treated like shit, either intentionally or unintentionally, by one person or another, throughout their school lives.  I dont think you will be able to stop everyone treating him like they do.

That doesnt mean you shouldn't try though;  even though everyone else in your class will still treat him like shit, he will remember the times when you tried to be nice to him and tried to engage him in conversation.  Try to take an interest in what he talks about: fake interest if you have to, even though it will be uncomfortable for you.  Smile and aknowledge him when you pass him in the corridor.

If you can do this once a day, everyday, it will make a world of difference to him, and he will feel better about himself even though everyone else continues to bully him.

And if you are still really concered about him, bring this up with a school counsellor or nurse.

Last edited by adam1503 (2008-01-25 12:49:03)


Stop being an ass.

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