Calmer than you are.
rain < wind < snow = sun
+3,936|6651|so randum
fucking emo
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+127|6496|Twyford, UK

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

No! It's awful and depressing and dangerous.

And cycling in it is cold and often painful.
OF COURSE someone from the UK is going to find rain boring/shit.

I find that the cumulative 8 days of rain we have here per decade are quite enjoyable
You'd change your mind if you got our cumulative 8 days a week of rain. It's fucking boring. I'm sitting here cold and damp because I cycled home in drizzle. My glasses are smeared because the rain's full of crap from aircraft.
And my nose hurts because I got punched in the face on wednesday in karate, but that's unrelated.

Skorpy-chan wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

No! It's awful and depressing and dangerous.

And cycling in it is cold and often painful.
OF COURSE someone from the UK is going to find rain boring/shit.

I find that the cumulative 8 days of rain we have here per decade are quite enjoyable
You'd change your mind if you got our cumulative 8 days a week of rain. It's fucking boring. I'm sitting here cold and damp because I cycled home in drizzle. My glasses are smeared because the rain's full of crap from aircraft.
And my nose hurts because I got punched in the face on wednesday in karate, but that's unrelated.
In Twyford they add another day to the week? Awesome

And rain sucks.
I'm moving to Brazil

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

Rain is a kickass weather condition, agree?

EDIT: When you can't have snow..
agree light rain that is
+5,233|6680|Global Command
Go Ducks.
it rains for 9 out of 12 months here.
no, it's not that cool.
Dun wori, it's K.
+76|6573|California, US
hell yeah rain FTW
don't get me wrong, i love the sunny day but where i live i only get like 2-3 thunderstorms a year and little rain so when it comes im all over it
Rain in the middle of summer (if we ever get one that is) is win. The smell of ozone is magical.

Other than that it's shite, driving a powerful rear engined car on wet roads =

Last edited by Slarty (2008-01-18 19:52:55)

rain with heavy fog
Aye up duck!
+440|6860|England. Stoke

Slarty wrote:

Rain in the middle of summer (if we ever get one that is) is win. The smell of ozone is magical.
But the vast majority of the time it sucks fucking balls...

Last edited by coke (2008-01-18 19:59:42)

Tally Ho!!
+81|6896|I'm not sure.... Buts its dark
when your sat at home with a beer watching the box, goes well with a bit of a thunder storm.

When your sat in a sodding field on exercise watching your messtin boil so you can have the only bit of moral you had all week. A cup of tea.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6475|New Haven, CT

djphetal wrote:

it rains for 9 out of 12 months here.
no, it's not that cool.
You stop noticing it after a while, or at least I did when I lived there.

And humid<overcast<rain<hail<sun<snow.
There is.
+1,380|6842|Devon, England
I love it, except for:

If it's cold
If I really don't want to get wet, as I'll have to suffer with it later on.

Other than that, I do love rain
+416|6646|United States

FatherTed wrote:

The MP5 is the kickass gun, agree?
Northern numpty
+194|6598|Boulder, CO
I like the rain, especially when I'm walking in it.

Although I do hate it when its misty or very very fine rain.

Large droplets make the rain more fun in my opinion.
+127|6496|Twyford, UK

Simon wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

OF COURSE someone from the UK is going to find rain boring/shit.

I find that the cumulative 8 days of rain we have here per decade are quite enjoyable
You'd change your mind if you got our cumulative 8 days a week of rain. It's fucking boring. I'm sitting here cold and damp because I cycled home in drizzle. My glasses are smeared because the rain's full of crap from aircraft.
And my nose hurts because I got punched in the face on wednesday in karate, but that's unrelated.
In Twyford they add another day to the week? Awesome

And rain sucks.
Oh, we're just getting above-average rainfall, so it's compressing 8 days into 7. All raining.

I'm starting to get RSI from towel-drying the cat so he doesen't rub the water off on my leg.
Could I have 10,000 marbles please
Nothing like a really good tornado to get things stirred up
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Rain is THE BEST weather when you've got a dog whose fur can carry 3.5 liters of water... (We've actually measured, lulz)
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
Srgt Killalot
if it wasnt for the constant fecking downpour then maybe,
its pretty good on a scorching day to get nice little sun shower to cool off on

Even though I hate the way you worded your thread. Yes, I do agree.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Agree, its rained the past 2 days here, i love it
agree. should have had a poll.

here in sydney its been raining, liek zomg for 2 weeks
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6542|fåking denmark

Ashlite wrote:

agree. should have had a poll.

here in sydney its been raining, liek zomg for 2 weeks
The reason I did no poll, was bcause it would be move to the poll section.

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