I haven't seen anything similar posted. I don't use the keyboard at all! Well I use it for accepting invites to squads, voting, and punish/forgive. I use a saitek cyborg evo cuz it's one of the few that you can set up lefty. I'm right handed but I wanted to use it in my left hand for movement (WSAD). I aim with the mouse in my right, I got a logitech MX1000.

Joystick = Saitek Cyborg Evo
Left hand = wsad movement

(shift) run = trigger
5 thumbs:
(ctrl) crouch
(z) prone
(spcbr) jump
(e) enter/exit
(g) pick up kit

weapons = 4-way hat
(1) knife = up
(3) rifle = right
(5) packs = left
(F) cycle = down
(2) pistol = up down
(4) grenades or rockets = right down
(6) shock pads  = left down

4 base buttons:
(ins) create squad
(7) night vision
(8) gas mask
one unassigned

Mouse = Logitech MX1000
right hand = aiming shooting (as normal)

fire, alt fire, wheel scroll selects weapons (as normal)

(r) reload = wheel click left
(9) parachute = wheel click right
(n) zoom map = wheel clicked down

3 thumbs:
(q) spotted
(t) squad chatter
(tab) scoreboard

(caps) squad screen = cruise up
(entr) spawn screen = cruise down

As far as for infantry I don't think I'm lacking any controls. Anyone useing a similar set up?
Does anyone see anything that I'm totally missing?
Why would you want to?
Hmm... Sounds intresting...

Cant see any important stuff missing, altought i still would use my keyboard, as its much faster (at least i think so) to change pressing a to d than to swing your joystick from left to right... or maybe its just what you get used to.

Maybe ill give it a try... -> goes to conf my evo...
True it is slower strafing left and right switch, gotta give that to the keyboard no doubt.

The reason I wanted to use a joystick is just that, you gotta be freakin stretch armstrong to use a lot of the keys while dodging bullets.

I tried the nostromo speedpad n52 and the key strokes just didn't feel good to me, not slick and punchy like good keyboards feel. Ya know what I mean? I tried remapping things to around wasd and to my mouse, but I always had to look down at the keyboard. Seemed too inefficient that way, and I could never get the hang of stretching my fingers all over the keyboard. This was a big drawback to pc fps games for me.

I already had the joystick and mouse. I figured,  joystick to move, mouse to aim, plus 24 buttons to map should be more then enough. It took a while to remap everything get used to it then redo it again, and again, and again, many times. But it was well worth it to me cuz now my movement never conflicts with reloading / switching weapons / picking up kits / spotting enemies / checking scoreboard / zooming map / ect... everything is right at my fingertips now. I'm stoked, I really like my set up a lot.

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