+163|6901|Odessa, Ukraine

xxCaptainBlackxx wrote:

No jets,no Helis (like in BF2)
Weapons suck+gaining points is slow
Another one who never played the game but say it sucks...pathetic.

Last edited by Longbow (2008-01-19 14:33:15)


Johnny_Extremer wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

The COD4 & CSS comparison is far better because they are the same kind of game.... and i just don't see COD4 surviving for as long as CSS has/will...
Don't you mean Counter Strike? That would sound better because people still play 1.6 and hate source depends though. I just think saying Counter Strike in genereal sounds better. COD4 has been called the Source killer in comp in case you didn't know.
um FYI CSS goes up to 92 000 players at prime time or that's the highest I have seen it on. As of right now when it's 22:22 in Sweden CSS got around 88 000 players on.

I think that alone beats both BF2 and BF2142. Not sure about COD4 but since I grew quickly tired of it I think CSS is gonna last longer. I can't see how CS 1.6 is gonna last like another 2-3 years with such high numbers to.

Oh and CS 1.6 players might hate CSS with their life but CSS got NEW people and they got lots of them to and it's increasing a bit now and then. Like come on CSS is still going up and down on the Top 8 most sold game and it usually lies in the top.
I still play CSS now and then but only for GunGame mod.

Now about BF2 vs BF2142.

Well I started with BF2 and I did like it but that was because I still loved gaming a lot more than I do now. Now when I try to play a game of if I NEED to find a Karkand server with IO mode on as it's the only mode I really like. The other maps are just plain boring because you die so quick from those pesky jets which really needs a nerf or the AA needs a buff. Like it actually hits them.

Those Jets are to powerfull and those AAs are so bad that it ain't worth to use them as you'll be dead within 7 seconds after trying to target a jet. I bet some jets had aimbots to as they used turbo right into the air and then coming back with a DEAD ON aim on the AA tower.

Bunnyhopping bastards thought they had skills when they just mashed some buttoms that anyone could do and those who didn't most likely wanted to play fair by actually trying to not to glitch the game to the top.

No vehicle didn't have any real weakness so it was just like 2-3 shots to kill with rockets making it simply jump out shoot and jump back.

Things that still amaze me is that the MEC chopper STILL have a ridiculous splash damage attack vs infantry while the USMC/China chopper needs to pinpoint their attack within 1 feet of the player to kill.

There is more glitching in BF2 what I remember because it was actually worth it due to that you had to spend MONTHS in order to get a level unless you where whoring Air 24/7 on Wake and base raping none stop and getting a whopping 120+ kd ratio just so you could gain a rank.

Vehicles where fun to use but it depends on the map, any map with Jets = not worth it. And I seriously mean it.

Overall teamplay is bad real bad. Medics sometimes just focus on some people and completely forget about a guy 10 feet away.
Snipers finds a spot everyone already know about because they can either hide there ooooor over there.
Support class just spam grenades to the flags to get cheap kills and throw out an ammo pack to get full grenades.

Well even in IO mode you got just grenade spam. So right now it's not even worth it.

About BF2142.

Teamplay actually exist because it pays of when you stick together unlike in BF2 where chopping grenades gets you lots of points.

Vehicles takes more skill and it actually tells people to flank them with Anti tank weapons. Imo this is close to real life than BF2.

Medic is like one of the most played classes in the game as it got a GREAT gun and anyone saying otherwise don't know how to use it and plain sucks. The Medic box is great to and it really prevent Medics going completely rambo.

I love all the toys you can get but some of them are either broken or just got the wrong message on it. Like the smoke grenade thingy or something, I don't get it.

Support does what it should for once and now you just can't chuck out those ammo bags here and there to instantly fill someones ammo supply. Still 2-3 boxes = full ammo pretty quick.

Air vehicles are balanced imo and they don't really own as much as Jets but they still do a lot of damage to tanks and APCs.

Even if it's in the Future it's still to close to our timeline in terms of science. Like come on, we already have made guns that take away lots of recoil and our arty actually kills stuff.

You got WAY MORE places to hide, so it's way more pointed towards the infantry part which I love.

I loved the new Jihad vehicle in the NS addon.

Oh and for those who still insist to think that BF2142 is a mod, well it's not. It's an entire new game. They remade everything in it and gave it new textures/animations/weapons and such.

Meh this rant is getting a bit to big just gonna cut to the end.

BF2 was good in the start but got pale once you played it like 100+ hours and the only real reason I kept playing it was because it was online and vs lots of players.

BF2142 was better and loaded faster, worked overall better and lots of more things to offer imo.

Could care less(or should it be couldn't care less?) if there are some maps are bad in BF2142 concidering that BF2 only good map was like Karkand.

Right now I don't play either of the two but mainly stick to my trusty MMORPG Ragnarok Online which STILL gets updates with new content and I still find it nice to play.
+163|6901|Odessa, Ukraine
Mostly right, but I cant understand your hatereed on BF2...it is okay, if you know how to play it. BF2142 is just a little bit more newb-friendly (note newb, not noob). I like both.
Grow up, or die

Longbow wrote:

I like both.
I concur....
bf2 > bf2142

just that simply guys...
462nd NSP653
Devout Moderate, Empty Head.

Ganko_06 wrote:

I quit because of rampant stat padders, hackers, and wall glitchers.  Hell, I found the server where the ADMIN were doing all three.  I gave up on the game after that.
Combined with the lag I get on Titan maps, which I totally love conceptually...just can't play.
16 more years
+877|6780|South Florida

GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:

I just reinstalled 2142 and NS
Not Satisfied.
15 more years! 15 more years!
damn ain't it great to be a laxer
i enjoy bf2 minus the lack of vehicle servers
You can't go around pulling the BF2 is realistic card. It's not as realistic as you say EX. it does NOT take 6 shots from an M16A2 to kill a terrorist and you can not bunny hop down a hill and live to tell about it. Granted 2142 is not as real per say but the kit customization is way better than 2 tbh. Oh look i unlocked a new weapon for my sniper kit in bf2 whoopie. Well I unlocked a freakin recon drone with machine guns on it and a shotgun that fires sticky C4. Honestly who doesnt love that? Yes battle walkers are cool and you know you wish you had the tank zoom function. I'll play 2142 till im the LAST one in the snow. So play on future soldiers play on!
Flamesuit essential

eaglecorps wrote:

You can't go around pulling the BF2 is realistic card. It's not as realistic as you say EX. it does NOT take 6 shots from an M16A2 to kill a terrorist and you can not bunny hop down a hill and live to tell about it. Granted 2142 is not as real per say but the kit customization is way better than 2 tbh. Oh look i unlocked a new weapon for my sniper kit in bf2 whoopie. Well I unlocked a freakin recon drone with machine guns on it and a shotgun that fires sticky C4. Honestly who doesnt love that? Yes battle walkers are cool and you know you wish you had the tank zoom function. I'll play 2142 till im the LAST one in the snow. So play on future soldiers play on!
+252|6959|Sextupling in Empire

In a few weeks when I get the Über high speed internæts back, this is the first online game I'm going to be hittin' up.
Northern strike/hachimoto/goliath > all. Though I heard they nerfed some shit in that last patch, like podding(DICE = lulz). Hopefully they didn't ruin that which I enjoyed the most.
+163|6901|Odessa, Ukraine

Volatile wrote:

I heard they nerfed some shit in that last patch, like podding(DICE = lulz). Hopefully they didn't ruin that which I enjoyed the most.
Actually they failed again...fucking podsurfers piss me off.
+1,010|6541|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Longbow wrote:

Volatile wrote:

I heard they nerfed some shit in that last patch, like podding(DICE = lulz). Hopefully they didn't ruin that which I enjoyed the most.
Actually they failed again...fucking podsurfers piss me off.
I don't get it, they nerfed the drop pods coming from the beacon too much

BTW: What do you specifically hate about pod surfers ?
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+163|6901|Odessa, Ukraine

FloppY_ wrote:

BTW: What do you specifically hate about pod surfers ?
They break normal fbf setting of NS maps. They baserape. They glitch into buildings. Need more? I may go on.
+244|6944|arica harbour
when Bf2142 came out, i was hoping to come back to the Battlefield series.. 2142 was a total let down. i mean look at how many more servers you have up for Bf2 than BF 2142.

after 1.3 patch for Bf2 came out with the CTD problem, i knew already than DICE does not give a rats ass anymore about "quality" .

i mean look at how many expansion packs that BF2+ Bf2142 has already. back in the 80's when atari came out, the videogame dinosaurs were releasing more games and at the same time the quality went down the shitbowl.
+163|6901|Odessa, Ukraine

specialistx2324 wrote:

when Bf2142 came out, i was hoping to come back to the Battlefield series.. 2142 was a total let down. i mean look at how many more servers you have up for Bf2 than BF 2142.

after 1.3 patch for Bf2 came out with the CTD problem, i knew already than DICE does not give a rats ass anymore about "quality" .

i mean look at how many expansion packs that BF2+ Bf2142 has already. back in the 80's when atari came out, the videogame dinosaurs were releasing more games and at the same time the quality went down the shitbowl.
It's all about money, who gives a fuck about good support or high quality as long as ppl buy it?
+244|6944|arica harbour

Longbow wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

when Bf2142 came out, i was hoping to come back to the Battlefield series.. 2142 was a total let down. i mean look at how many more servers you have up for Bf2 than BF 2142.

after 1.3 patch for Bf2 came out with the CTD problem, i knew already than DICE does not give a rats ass anymore about "quality" .

i mean look at how many expansion packs that BF2+ Bf2142 has already. back in the 80's when atari came out, the videogame dinosaurs were releasing more games and at the same time the quality went down the shitbowl.
It's all about money, who gives a fuck about good support or high quality as long as ppl buy it?
longbow, you missed the point m8. ill explain it to you

support and high quality games bring in more profit in the long term than 6-8 crappy games in a 3 year span . case in point: BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT. they dont release many games unlike those douchebags in Sweden ( DICE) and EA games. when they release games, they are masterpieces. and masterpieces is what makes money long after the technology has leaped 5-10X afterthe game has been released.

look at how well their genere has done, Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, and so on. IF Warcraft, and Starcraft were made in the "fast food " fashion that Battlefield was made, do you think that Blizzard would be the company that it is now???????? you think about that question M8

not only that, go play any blizzard game and you will see the countless morons who have hardware bans because of hacks. So you are saying Longbow, as long as people buy it , quality does not matter. well it does matter for good gamers like myself and several of my buddies who have been in the gaming business long before you. what good is it for me to buy a medium quality game like Bf2 that has won international respect only to have it trashed by hackers, administrators, and a crap load of bugs. i mean no game is perfect man. but to have Bf2 or 2142  go Crash to Desktop ( CTD) with one click of the start icon Scares the hell out of me.

yes Blizzard and EA/ DICE make two entirely different genres. What EA/ DICE fail to understand LONGBOW, is that although games with a shitload of bugs but wider fan base makes more money initially, they will loose money in the end because no one will buy any sequels after that.

i go to my local videogame store every saturday like Best Buy or EB games. I go to the PC gaming area and i see the same old bf2142 boxes standing there collecting dust. the most i have seen at one time is 2 people buying it. and ill agree with anyone here that Bf2 is a far superior game than 2142.

i dedicated a year and a half to Bf2 and the Special Forces XP, i know all the tricks and noob tactics that every one knows. i retired by Bf2 account with 1st Lt. i got almost every award there is.  right now my Bf2 cd is my cupholder.

now another question Longbow for you: are the people who buy these "awsome" games as you call it educated enough to make good decisions.
it seems to me these days that gamers now just run to the store and buy the "cool " games when they have not done one drop of research.
would you rather buy 15-20 games per year where only 1/3 of them are memorable , or buy 10 games where at least 7 of them are awsome?

now back to 2142 and Bf2. i swear on god's green earth that i am not going to buy anymore Battlefield games in the near future especially if EA/DICE is involved. i got my best friend into the BF2, he played it for a while, got to master sgt, and he will tell you the same shit i am saying to you. and he got pissed after asshats, morons, hackers were running around the ROX servers like theres no tomorrow.

you dont care about quality?, why dont you buy a ford Mustang and ill buy a BMW, and we will see who has the most problems after 10 years. you get what you pay for ..... and ill end my discussion with you on that note.  have a nice day

Last edited by specialistx2324 (2008-01-28 07:46:21)

+244|6944|arica harbour

specialistx2324 wrote:

Longbow wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

when Bf2142 came out, i was hoping to come back to the Battlefield series.. 2142 was a total let down. i mean look at how many more servers you have up for Bf2 than BF 2142.

after 1.3 patch for Bf2 came out with the CTD problem, i knew already than DICE does not give a rats ass anymore about "quality" .

i mean look at how many expansion packs that BF2+ Bf2142 has already. back in the 80's when atari came out, the videogame dinosaurs were releasing more games and at the same time the quality went down the shitbowl.
It's all about money, who gives a fuck about good support or high quality as long as ppl buy it?
longbow, you missed the point m8. ill explain it to you

support and high quality games bring in more profit in the long term than 6-8 crappy games in a 3 year span . case in point: BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT. they dont release many games unlike those douchebags in Sweden ( DICE) and EA games. when they release games, they are masterpieces. and masterpieces is what makes money long after the technology has leaped 5-10X afterthe game has been released.

look at how well their genere has done, Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, and so on. IF Warcraft, and Starcraft were made in the "fast food " fashion that Battlefield was made, do you think that Blizzard would be the company that it is now???????? you think about that question M8

not only that, go play any blizzard game and you will see the countless morons who have hardware bans because of hacks. So you are saying Longbow, as long as people buy it , quality does not matter. well it does matter for good gamers like myself and several of my buddies who have been in the gaming business long before you. what good is it for me to buy a medium quality game like Bf2 that has won international respect only to have it trashed by hackers, administrators, and a crap load of bugs. i mean no game is perfect man. but to have Bf2 or 2142  go Crash to Desktop ( CTD) with one click of the start icon Scares the hell out of me.

yes Blizzard and EA/ DICE make two entirely different genres. What EA/ DICE fail to understand LONGBOW, is that although games with a shitload of bugs but wider fan base makes more money initially, they will loose money in the end because no one will buy any sequels after that.

i go to my local videogame store every saturday like Best Buy or EB games. I go to the PC gaming area and i see the same old bf2142 boxes standing there collecting dust. the most i have seen at one time is 2 people buying it. and ill agree with anyone here that Bf2 is a far superior game than 2142.

i dedicated a year and a half to Bf2 and the Special Forces XP, i know all the tricks and noob tactics that every one knows. i retired by Bf2 account with 1st Lt. i got almost every award there is.  right now my Bf2 cd is my cupholder.  based on what you just said, people just buy shit these days. well that is why they get shit in return for $50 USD.

now another question Longbow for you: are the people who buy these "awsome" games as you call it educated enough to make good decisions.
it seems to me these days that gamers now just run to the store and buy the "cool " games when they have not done one drop of research.
would you rather buy 15-20 games per year where only 1/3 of them are memorable , or buy 10 games where at least 7 of them are awsome?

now back to 2142 and Bf2. i swear on god's green earth that i am not going to buy anymore Battlefield games in the near future especially if EA/DICE is involved. i got my best friend into the BF2, he played it for a while, got to master sgt, and he will tell you the same shit i am saying to you. and he got pissed after asshats, morons, hackers were running around the ROX servers like theres no tomorrow.

you dont care about quality?, why dont you buy a ford Mustang and ill buy a BMW, and we will see who has the most problems after 10 years. you get what you pay for ..... and ill end my discussion with you on that note.  have a nice day
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6403|San Antonio, Texas
Self-quoting WTF?

Longbow wrote:

xxCaptainBlackxx wrote:

No jets,no Helis (like in BF2)
Weapons suck+gaining points is slow
Another one who never played the game but say it sucks...pathetic.
My  bf2142 nickname dr.DM
And dont talk shit if you not sure 100%

Last edited by xxCaptainBlackxx (2008-01-28 08:59:30)

+163|6901|Odessa, Ukraine

specialistx2324 wrote:

you dont care about quality?, why dont you buy a ford Mustang and ill buy a BMW, and we will see who has the most problems after 10 years. you get what you pay for ..... and ill end my discussion with you on that note.  have a nice day
I care about quality, but if theres nothing better in the whole genre of squad-based fps - I do not complain about the best game in the genre. Sure it have '-' , but also it have much more '+'.
+1,230|7098|Alberta, Canada

2142 is glitchy, confusing, and slower than BF2.
imbad @ bf2
there is a reason that bf2142 is less popular than bf2.
and bf2142 is newer than bf2.
do the math, IT SUCKS!!!

Last edited by lxcpikiman (2008-01-28 10:08:42)

Imagine BF2, then imagine every aspect of gameplay has been dumbed down to the crybabies' needs. There you have BF2142.
+1,010|6541|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
*Fanboy-ism detected in past 3 posts*
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me

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