A couple weeks ago I started keeping copies of my stats page to see how I'm doing recently as opposed to just the running totals from day 1.  Yesterday, I noticed that after playing 10 rounds I only had 37 kills more in total kills at the same time as having 60 shotgun kills, 19 AT kills and 11 misc. kills.  So 90 kills with various weapons and vehicles, but only 37 total.  Over the same period I only received credit for 74 combat points rather than 180.

Anyone have any idea what's going on?  Is it just me?

Only 2 TKs, 1 team damage and 1 vehicle damage, not that any of those seem to count against combat points anyway.

My earliest save, from Dec 15th, has a difference of only 19 between weapons + vehicle kills and total kills, but since then the difference has increased to 154.

It does not appear to be a BF2S problem, as BFHQ has the same numbers as BF2S.