got awesome pirate avatar
teh pr0 @ css yeZ
Can pull off Eric Forman for Halloween pretty well and get lots of poosy.
1337 admin
Is an Aussie, and is thus awesomely awesome. Also has and awesome name. Awesome.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Rogues are the baddest o the bad. That's a compliment.
Nice sig
Nice avatar
d'ohCammRobb wrote:
Nice avatar
Last edited by Stimey (2009-09-22 08:28:08)
He likes to "wheel and deal"
Is my partner in Bf2.
Is my partner and my lover "said in a Dutch accent"
I Friggin Love The Nhs
Makes the best homoerotic beauty pageant threads.
is the graviest
is my evil twin.
Leads the Hell's Satans
makes a movie
is tappin some fine ass
The most quoted person in the history of bf2s.
Has abs you could grate cheese on
I Friggin Love The Nhs
Likes turning his car around...
is a decent bf2 player
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Scrubs up not too bad
has the abbey road avvy