I'm in a karkand server running around with my jackhammer.  I come up on some n00b who also is using the jackhammer.  I'm pretty far away from him and try to unload my clip at him.  Only two of the shots made any contact.  So I say "screw it" and charge him with a knife.  I was having the toughest time hitting him (Maybe due to his excessive use of the space bar key).  Lucky for me he was a poor shot.  So first... he unloads every single round of jackhammer he has at me.  Guess what? He only took out 3 bars of my health.  Oh, then he wastes every single pistol round he has on me.  That only takes out 4 bars of health.  You can get the idea that I was having trouble hitting him with my knife.  So he pulls out his grenades while I'm chasing him.  He proceeds to lob them in my direction but overthrowing completely.  At this point, he just high tails it out of there.  I was having the darndest time hitting him with my knife.  Eventually he met somebody elses gun while I chased him.  Don't ask how we stayed in the area we were at without getting shot by other server participants.