Earlier, police said a young black man was being sought as the suspected shooter. A description of the shooter, broadcast over scanners, was that he was in an Army-green vest and was holding a rifle. The viewer's photo showed a young black man in fatigues surrounded by police and apparently in handcuffs. Police have not yet confirmed an arrest. It was reported by KETV crews that the man in fatigues was found under a bus bench.
KETV NewsWatch 7's Carol Kloss said she could see a man in cuffs and a black, hooded sweatshirt surrounded by police.
Witness reports vary widely. Jennifer Kramer, a witness, said she heard 35 to 40 shots as she was taking cover inside the mall. A Westroads kiosk worker, Kathy, told KETV NewsWatch 7 that she heard three pops. She said a Bath and Body Works manager approached her and told her to get out of the mall hallway as there was a situation, and a shooter had not been located.
Another witness said he heard four or five shots in rapid succession. Shawn Vidlak said he was told while he was inside the mall that as many as five people had been injured.
Earlier, police said a young black man was being sought as the suspected shooter. A description of the shooter, broadcast over scanners, was that he was in an Army-green vest and was holding a rifle. The viewer's photo showed a young black man in fatigues surrounded by police and apparently in handcuffs. Police have not yet confirmed an arrest. It was reported by KETV crews that the man in fatigues was found under a bus bench.
KETV NewsWatch 7's Carol Kloss said she could see a man in cuffs and a black, hooded sweatshirt surrounded by police.
Witness reports vary widely. Jennifer Kramer, a witness, said she heard 35 to 40 shots as she was taking cover inside the mall. A Westroads kiosk worker, Kathy, told KETV NewsWatch 7 that she heard three pops. She said a Bath and Body Works manager approached her and told her to get out of the mall hallway as there was a situation, and a shooter had not been located.
Another witness said he heard four or five shots in rapid succession. Shawn Vidlak said he was told while he was inside the mall that as many as five people had been injured.
Tis the season.Omaha, NE - One person is confirmed dead in a shooting at Westroads Mall. Up to 10 people may have been shot - Action 3 News has learned 4 people may have been taken to the hospital. Witnesses report hearing up to 20 shots and seeing people fall to the ground.
There are possibly two suspects. One of them may be among the dead. Radio reports indicate one person has a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Another suspect may be in custody - according to police reports. Police are asking everyone to stay away from the area. The neighborhoods around the mall are believed to be safe. Police are asking anyone in their cars outside the mall to stay inside their cars.
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