Don't be that guy
List all of the console commands/tweaks for COD4 you know, I'll try and edit to keep up with everyone else's

The following are console commands that may help improve network and gaming performance. If you do not know what the “console” is, then go read the COD public forums. The console is opened from your game by hitting the ~ key below the ESC key. All console command start with a “\” key (above the enter key)

1) Reduce number of failed connections to server:
- \cl_connectsattempts 30 (or 60) ( Bird posted this to the shout box. I tried it and have had much better success connecting to the server.)
- \cl_connectiontimeout 500 (increases the amount of time that you PC attempts to connect to a server before it quits trying.)

Performance or gaming improvements

1) Punkbuster Sleep setting
\pb_sleep 500 (tells punkbuster client software to wait longer before awakening and sending info to PB)
\pb_writecfg (makes the above setting permanent so you don’t have to do it each time you log in)
- The above changes the frequency that your PC reports to the server and thus reduced frequency of network spikes and the associated latency.

2) Packet transfer setting:
\cl_maxpackets 100
- This setting helps smooth out data transfer and should help if you have a cable or other high speed connection. I got a 20ms ping improvement and other FMJ members have seen the same improvement with many indicating they are getting better hit registration.

3) Manage whether or not extra or duplicate packets are sent to the server
\cl_packetdup 0 or 1
(1 is default and this sends an extra packet of data in case the first one is lost. If you enable the lagometer (see tools below), then you can see if you are losing any packets. If yes, then leave this at 1. If no, you can consider changing to 0.

4) Enable higher Frames Per Secon (FPS):
\com_maxfps 125 (Default is 60 so this may help overall FPS. Some say this should be set at or just above your average FPS to smooth things out) (Others say the eye can only see 60FPS so who knows)
- This allows your game to go allow higher frame rates that the default. Set it to a value you want based on the capabilities of you machines…can go as high as 1000

5) Field of View (FOV): \cg_fov 80
- If you want to widen your field of view from 65 degrees to 80 degrees, use this command. NOTE: This basically “backs you up” to give you a larger viewing area at the sides but it does make user/soldiers/enemies slightly smaller at the same time. This command does not affect machine performance and is merely a preference to give you the ability to see more.

In game tools

1) Show framerate so you can see how your PC is performing.
\cg_drawFPS 1 (choices are 0,1,2,or 3 where 0 = off)
- At a minimum, you need to try to be above 60FPS so that you have not visual choppiness. Reduce textures, shadows, lighting etc. to get above 60 if possible:

2) Show network connection quality:
\cg_drawlagometer 1 (puts a graph just above your grenades)
- Top meter on graph. If blue, (or blue with small amounts of yellow) then you system is in synch and you screen/system is refreshing in synch with the server’s perspective of the game world. If Yellow, then you are having issues and your screen/system may not be in synch with what the server thinks is happeing.. in blue shows how well your graphics card is staying in synch with the server as it relates to rendering the gaming environment. A few yellow items is OK but you want the vast majority to be blue. If you have a lot of yellow, this means that your graphics rendering and server rendering of the gameworld is out of synch. lost packets and you need to make sure you he smoother the flow on this meter, the better.
- Bottom meter should be all or mostly green. Lots of yellow or red means there are issues. When you spawn or die, you can sometimes see lots of RED , this seems to be OK. If you are all green, then you can consider changing your cl_packetdup to 0 and you can increase your cl_maxpackets
conservative hatemonger
so the lagometer has proven that my internet connection has packet loss
it is steadily green but there are constant bits of yellow

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