DrunkFace wrote:
I think their are lots more variables involved in determining a 'good' player. I have said it before and I'll have to say it again, no 1 stat can give you an indication of how good a player is and either can stats in general. All stats can be misleading and warped, depending on many many factors. I have got purple hearts, yet won gold medals and been the main reason our team won in that round and have gone 50-0 in a jet or tank and still lost the match.
Depending on the map, the number of people in that game and how things are getting played out determines how a good player will react (play). The great players are the ones who can turn a match and do what is required to win, not the ones who can kill the most.
KD ratio mean very little, and with the introduction of IO they mean even less. There are and were always stat padders who can have great looking stats, but this hardly makes them a good player. You can have people who prefer to stay safe and rack up a good KD ratio but wont do the hard work required to capture an important flag.
Stats can be used as a very simple guide, but don't be fooled into comparing people, it just can't be done.
At least, it is the question, which personal goals you have in game. Do you prefer to watch your stats, so you camp on spawns and use cheap tactics to get the easiest kills, or do you enjoy to fight alongside your team and try to win the match at all costs, even when this means, that you have to die more, just to get an important flag?
i know "good" players of stats, who would only fly the j10 or switch to the winning team, or would leave the server, if the opponent is too strong. those guys have nice stats - cause they keep them out of very challenging situations - so are they good players, only because they try to fight more noobs, than experienced players and leave the server if their k/d is in danger?
or is the good player some guy, who tries to work with and for his team? and what about the medals and badges and stuff? is someone a good player, who tries to get experience in all kits and vehicles and maps, or is it the infantry only karkand medic whore with the 1337 k/d ratio?
the k/d of my main account isnĀ“t very well with 1,69, but i have nearly all badges and had a lot of fun in earning them. it gives you many more perspectives on gameplay, then just throwing nades and medpacks onto the dusty streets of karkand...