I am the pwnage! Bitches!
This all codes are for . You can go there and make your own sig or modify it from ready templates.
Deranged Klown
awesome sigs guys!  it fun to see the creativity.  by the way most of my sig is random.  colors, awards, pictures, stats etc.  so hit reload to see a different version if want.

Last edited by -=DRACO-Krusty (2005-12-29 06:28:28)

well i signed up for and they dont feel like sending me an email. checked meh spam folder, meh inbox, and then i had em resend it and i checked again. too bad i wanted one of these things...
Dan Dassler
+0|6694|Darmstadt - Hessen - Germany
hmmm. got the same prob?! registered yesterday and got no e-mail to my account?
today i even cant reach the tehsig homepage?

i hope they gotta fix it and i still miss the excellent and easy to paste bf2s-sig (with no advertising on the sig

peace! Dan
Does anyone know why all the sigs hosted by are down?

today I have had no luck getting there home page to load..
Code poet
+1|6746|Branson, MO, USA

Dan Dassler wrote:

hmmm. got the same prob?! registered yesterday and got no e-mail to my account?
today i even cant reach the tehsig homepage?

i hope they gotta fix it and i still miss the excellent and easy to paste bf2s-sig (with no advertising on the sig

peace! Dan
Actually each of the 4 pieces of the BF2s sigs had advertising, and the top piece had ads for both BF2s and when it was showing online status...
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6696|Vancouver BC Canada
GameDrome is also uber easy
Thanks for the info
I had the same prob with tehsig but i finnaly got my email today
Death StatPadder
+228|6770|Human Meat Shield
they've been busier now....
Terror in the Skies
i registered to thesig weeks ago and never get a validation email - i also did the forgot password thing but nothing happens - my spam mail folder is also empty
now i tried it with a different mail-add but exactly the same happend
does anybody know what i can do???

thx in advance
Jet Rammer
+4|6728|Debris From Space
I might change mine...
+86|6775|New Zealand
Just Added Flag + Rankname to the Varenty 2


<?sigml version='1.0'?>
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    <text id="deaths" string="Deaths: " x="200" y="[?{sig:username:y}+15?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:username:size}" color="c8c8c8" angle="0" />
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    <text id="time" string="Time: " x="300" y="[?{sig:username:y}+15?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:username:size}" color="c8c8c8" angle="0" />
    <text id="time_h" string="{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%h}:[?{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%m}-({feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%h}*60)?]:[?{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%s}-({feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%m}*60)?]" x="[?{sig:time:x}+{sig:time:width}?]" y="[?{sig:username:y}+15?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:time:size}" color="2ec824" angle="0" />
    <text id="time" string="Time: " x="300" y="[?{sig:username:y}+15?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:username:size}" color="c8c8c8" angle="0" />
    <text id="time_h" string="{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%h}:[?{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%m}-({feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%h}*60)?]:[?{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%s}-({feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%m}*60)?]" x="[?{sig:time:x}+{sig:time:width}?]" y="[?{sig:username:y}+15?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:time:size}" color="2ec824" angle="0" />

    <!-- SPM line -->
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    <text id="kpm_n" string="[?{feed:bf2:kill}/{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%m}?]" x="[?{sig:kpm:x}+{sig:kpm:width}?]" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:kpm:size}" color="2ec824" angle="0" />

    <text id="dpm" string="DPM: " x="200" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:username:size}" color="c8c8c8" angle="0" />
    <text id="dpm_n" string="[?{feed:bf2:deth}/{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%m}?]" x="[?{sig:dpm:x}+{sig:dpm:width}?]" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:dpm:size}" color="2ec824" angle="0" />
    <text id="dpm" string="DPM: " x="200" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:username:size}" color="c8c8c8" angle="0" />
    <text id="dpm_n" string="[?{feed:bf2:deth}/{feed:bf2:time:to_elapsed:%m}?]" x="[?{sig:dpm:x}+{sig:dpm:width}?]" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:dpm:size}" color="2ec824" angle="0" />

    <text id="k_d_ratio" string="K/D: " x="300" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:username:size}" color="c8c8c8" angle="0" />
    <text id="k_d_ratio_n" string="{feed:bf2:f_kdrf}" x="[?{sig:k_d_ratio:x}+{sig:k_d_ratio:width}?]" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:k_d_ratio:size}" color="2ec824" angle="0" />
    <text id="k_d_ratio" string="K/D: " x="300" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:username:size}" color="c8c8c8" angle="0" />
    <text id="k_d_ratio_n" string="{feed:bf2:f_kdrf}" x="[?{sig:k_d_ratio:x}+{sig:k_d_ratio:width}?]" y="[?{sig:username:y}+30?]" font="arial.ttf" size="{sig:k_d_ratio:size}" color="2ec824" angle="0" />

    <!-- Awards -->
    <image render="bf2:ribbons" set="bf2:sf" x="0" y="55" rows="2" cols="14" all="true" uniform="false" id="ribbons" height="25" width="400" />
    <image render="bf2:awards" set="bf2:sf" x="0" y="[?{sig:ribbons:y}+{sig:ribbons:height}?]" rows="2" cols="15" all="true" uniform="false" id="awards" height="50" width="400" />
    <image render="bf2:medals" set="bf2:sf" x="0" y="[?{sig:awards:y}+{sig:awards:height}?]" rows="2" cols="12" all="true" uniform="false" id="medals" height="50" width="400" />
    <text id="gold_medals" string="x{feed:bf2:f_medal_count:2051907}" x="322" y="143" font="arial.ttf" size="8" color="FFFFFF00" angle="0" />
    <text id="silver_medals" string="x{feed:bf2:f_medal_count:2051919}" x="289" y="143" font="arial.ttf" size="8" color="FFFFFF00" angle="0" />
    <text id="bronze_medals" string="x{feed:bf2:f_medal_count:2051902}" x="355" y="143" font="arial.ttf" size="8" color="FFFFFF00" angle="0" />

    <copyright x="[?{sig:canvas:width}-{sig:this:width}?]" y="0" size="12" font="arial.ttf" color="FFFFFF00"/>
+8|6742|Long Island, NY
This is an awesome sticky.  Thanks for the info.!  I now have a sig again.
+86|6775|New Zealand
btw is there any possibility to SEPERATE the last part (radom kit stats + teamwork) for one little sig?

I aim at this one at the bottom

I actually tried to resize it but I failed
Code poet
+1|6746|Branson, MO, USA

MB.nZ wrote:

btw is there any possibility to SEPERATE the last part (radom kit stats + teamwork) for one little sig?

I aim at this one at the bottom

I actually tried to resize it but I failed
Well you technically could cut it to a second image, but you would have to put that hypernia logo on the small second sig somewhere too :-/
+86|6775|New Zealand

Sahasrahla wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

btw is there any possibility to SEPERATE the last part (radom kit stats + teamwork) for one little sig?

I aim at this one at the bottom

I actually tried to resize it but I failed
Well you technically could cut it to a second image, but you would have to put that hypernia logo on the small second sig somewhere too :-/
how about you put the teamwork + random kit stat box under my sig, that might be awesome to combine that

Edit: Is there any possibility to put another little black line above or under the Score line and the SPM  line where I can see a rankprogress bar + my Global Rank?

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-01-01 20:41:35)

Hey everyone, I made my own style, nice clean look.

Small: 400 x 100


Feel free to use them, you can get them here:

There is many differnt backgrounds, so take a look.

Also working on a style that includes Medals/Ribbons etc...

Last edited by FreekBoy (2006-01-02 12:24:12)

Sahasrahla  you da man , I vote you for President of BF2 Sigs !!! Excellent work by you here !!! Thanks mate from Down under !!
i didnt change enything in my one
Hey guys Thanks a lot!

I tried to get a descent sig with no result!!! and then i saw that topic;


(P.S.: I'll work it a bit, i made it in a few minutes before getting cought by my darling!!!!)
Does anyone play rated game on just bf2, not the expansion pack? if so could you help me out.... 1st time user.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6718|Riva, MD
I hope my gmail account doesn't see it as junkmail like my hotmail one does.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6718|Riva, MD
This sucks, they are listed as sending viruses and I can't get my registration code because the e-mail is being denied.  Edit: it looks like i'm the last person on this site to try to get one and it doesn't even work because god forbid I should EVER have any manner of good luck.  I really got screwed over.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-01-05 18:54:30)

Dreads & Bergers
+364|6718|Riva, MD
Just experimenting a bit.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-01-05 19:05:19)

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