~Omen63~, the ultimate company man, lectures the_heart_attack without looking at him, typing at his computer continuously.
the_heart_attack stares at two window cleaners on a scaffolding outside, dragging their rubber squeegees down across the surface of the glass.
~Omen63~You have a problem, Mr. heart_attack
You think that you're special.
You believe that somehow the rules do not apply to you.
He stops, glancing over his glasses at the_heart_attack, and he turns in time.
~Omen63~Obviously, you are mistaken.
His long, bony fingers resume clicking the keyboard.
~Omen63~My company is one of the top software companies in the world because every single employee understands that they are a part of a whole. Thus, if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem.
He turns again.
~Omen63~The time has come to make a choice, Mr. heart_attack. Either you choose to buy every little program on your pc from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another pc. Do I make myself clear?
the_heart_attackYes, ~Omen63~ Perfectly clear.
Omen is perfectly correct that is illegal to find software, and it might be stealing from his wallet... But I doubt that Software would become that much cheaper when everybody will buy it. WOW has a pretty good system to force people into buying it, and sh.t it is probably the most expensive game out there (since you need to pay each month)...
I bought official software as student from the university because those licenses ARE cheap (€ 5 or so for windows/office). But in one of my previous educations I needed AutoCAD (full version)... take a look around and see what that would have cost me... as student... I think not. If it ain't affordable and it ain't to hard to find... My conscience is hard to find.
And I have a dream... I have a dream that my future children will one day live in a nation where everything is freeware and open source...
Last edited by =Robin-Hood= (2005-12-22 16:51:09)