this game comes with some wonderful things installed into it. when a teamate places and explosive device, a red skull and cross bones appears over said object to all friendlys in the area. that symbol means its dangerous and should be avoided! claymores and anti tank mines have an additional warning of a skull in a red box on the right of your screen. this means stop moving and look around for the afore mentioned skull and crossbones marker on the explosive device. once identified where all the warning markers are located, choose a path to keep away from the explosives placed to avoid blowing yourself up and costing your team a ticket. if your climbing a ladder and a skull pops up on the right of your screen, STOP going up, ASSUME the top of the ladder is mined and choose another location to avoid getting yourself blown up!
for people using said explosive devices.... you must be smart in placement! dont put a AT mine at every single exit so your team can use the vehicles in that area. dont put mines in a line across the road, put them down the road in long intervals so you teamates can see them, avoid them and still get to where they want to go. snipers, dont put claymores out when you expect company from your team (like when capping a flag) use them when you are hiding and sniping to watch your 6 on tops of buildings, hills etc away from your team.
im writing this because in the BF2 world there seems to be a large number of players ignorant of these tidbits of information. they constantly run over mines even though there was plenty of room for them to avoid them and still arrive at their destination. and people for some reason are attracted to the pretty red skull and crossbones sign and they have to see what it is!
accidents happen, going to fast and cant stop when you see the mine/claymore, but dont be a tard and punish the innocent user of explosives. stay away from the skull and crossbones and kill the enemy, not get blown up by being stupid!
for the people that know the warning signs but choose to ignore them and then punish..... (insert censored paragraph here) you are the epitomy of a smacktard, and i will take your tk punishes like a man, then ban you from my server.
for people using said explosive devices.... you must be smart in placement! dont put a AT mine at every single exit so your team can use the vehicles in that area. dont put mines in a line across the road, put them down the road in long intervals so you teamates can see them, avoid them and still get to where they want to go. snipers, dont put claymores out when you expect company from your team (like when capping a flag) use them when you are hiding and sniping to watch your 6 on tops of buildings, hills etc away from your team.
im writing this because in the BF2 world there seems to be a large number of players ignorant of these tidbits of information. they constantly run over mines even though there was plenty of room for them to avoid them and still arrive at their destination. and people for some reason are attracted to the pretty red skull and crossbones sign and they have to see what it is!
accidents happen, going to fast and cant stop when you see the mine/claymore, but dont be a tard and punish the innocent user of explosives. stay away from the skull and crossbones and kill the enemy, not get blown up by being stupid!
for the people that know the warning signs but choose to ignore them and then punish..... (insert censored paragraph here) you are the epitomy of a smacktard, and i will take your tk punishes like a man, then ban you from my server.