You already get the tactical badge for using both the flashbang and gas grenade... That's enough.
#Tactical Support Combat Badge
('1260602_1', 'X1fbb', 1, object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_TACTICAL, 10)),
('1260602_2', 'X1fbb', 1, f_and( has_medal ('1260602_1'),
object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_TACTICAL, 1000))),
('1260602_3', 'X1fbb', 1, f_and( has_medal ('1260602_2'),
object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_TACTICAL, 3000))),
WEAPON_TYPE_TACTICAL = Gas Grenade & Flashbang
First off, the clients are separated so you can't get that badge in regular BF2 even if you used flashbangs.
So smoke grenades won't work there...
Second, the programmers would have to add the smoke grenade ID class to the (WEAPON_TYPE_TACTICAL) list in order for this to work. Perhaps the weapon isn't as useful as the others...
Personally I believe the badge is crap. It endorses spamming your arsenal so you can get your goody damn boyscout badge.
Last edited by Icleos (2005-12-21 11:56:34)