
sergeriver wrote:

Deutschland wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

First off, nobody compared nazis to Stalin's regime.  They both sucked big time anyway.  And where the fuck did you get that Jews kiled millions in Russia?  And how can you call a very intelligent and productive society to a genocide regime?  I don't get you.
uhm... ? They were very productive, wealthy, intelligent, built many new machines and inventions which led to the developement of other items which other countries use.
But they killed 6 million Jews.  Do you acknowledge that Hitler and the Nazi regime killed a lot of people without any justification?  Answer this and we'll talk.
Im not even going to tell you what I think about that. Do you acknowledge that the americans murdered christians without any justification?
Cowboy from Hell

Bubbalo wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

First off, nobody compared nazis to Stalin's regime.  They both sucked big time anyway.  And where the fuck did you get that Jews killed millions in Russia?  And how can you call a very intelligent and productive society to a genocide regime?  I don't get you.
You're doing the same thing you did earlier!

Just because a regime is brutal and violent doesn't mean it isn't also intelligent and productive.  To be honest, that's the worst part about Hitler in my opinion.  If it weren't for the fact that he was a nutter who killed millions, he could have done so much for Germany.  On the other hand, if he hadn't started WWII Europe and co. might not have been dragged out of the depression...................
The point is I don't give a fuck if he did good things.  He fucked up things killing millions without justification.  For me Hitler was a wacko and there's nothing intelligent about him.
Cowboy from Hell

Deutschland wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Deutschland wrote:

uhm... ? They were very productive, wealthy, intelligent, built many new machines and inventions which led to the developement of other items which other countries use.
But they killed 6 million Jews.  Do you acknowledge that Hitler and the Nazi regime killed a lot of people without any justification?  Answer this and we'll talk.
Im not even going to tell you what I think about that. Do you acknowledge that the americans murdered christians without any justification?
Answer my question pls.
The Lizzard

sergeriver wrote:

The point is I don't give a fuck if he did good things.  He fucked up things killing millions without justification.  For me Hitler was a wacko and there's nothing intelligent about him.
Well then I pity your close mindedness.

sergeriver wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

First off, nobody compared nazis to Stalin's regime.  They both sucked big time anyway.  And where the fuck did you get that Jews killed millions in Russia?  And how can you call a very intelligent and productive society to a genocide regime?  I don't get you.
You're doing the same thing you did earlier!

Just because a regime is brutal and violent doesn't mean it isn't also intelligent and productive.  To be honest, that's the worst part about Hitler in my opinion.  If it weren't for the fact that he was a nutter who killed millions, he could have done so much for Germany.  On the other hand, if he hadn't started WWII Europe and co. might not have been dragged out of the depression...................
The point is I don't give a fuck if he did good things.  He fucked up things killing millions without justification.  For me Hitler was a wacko and there's nothing intelligent about him.
Well... Let me just lay this out for you. Back then the jewish community declared war on Germany, Which led to them sabotaging the German government, destroying trains, etc. you can look this up, they were put in the work camps for a period of a time until they were investigated by the gestapo to have no links to such activities, much like the japs in america after pearl harbor. Now, heres what I think about the deaths, some were purposely murdered for various reasons, nobody knows if they were justified or not, they may be or may not be, but I think most of them died because of starvation, not being able to supply food to the russian front and western front at the same time, led to a lack of food to prisoners. and when the germans retreated closer to germany, the camps were left without people to feed many, which led to them starving until another force came to take over.
The Lizzard

usmarine2005 wrote:

Brits?  Aussies?  Or just us?
Primarily US, as the US has taken over administrative functions.  If there aren't enough forces, the US needs to organise more, either by sending them or asking others to.  But yes, Australia, Britain and other nations also bear some responsibility.
Cowboy from Hell

Bubbalo wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

The point is I don't give a fuck if he did good things.  He fucked up things killing millions without justification.  For me Hitler was a wacko and there's nothing intelligent about him.
Well then I pity your close mindedness.
The difference between you and me is I condemn Israel coz what they are doing with Palestinians is wrong, but I'm starting to think you don't like Jews.  Am I close minded when I'm always condemning Israel being a Jew myself?  Who is the close minded here?  Sorry, but I can't appreciate anything coming from Hitler.  Of course, I like the Me109, but that doesn't mean he was not a wacko who killed 6 million Jews.

sergeriver wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

The point is I don't give a fuck if he did good things.  He fucked up things killing millions without justification.  For me Hitler was a wacko and there's nothing intelligent about him.
Well then I pity your close mindedness.
The difference between you and me is I condemn Israel coz what they are doing with Palestinians is wrong, but I'm starting to think you don't like Jews.  Am I close minded when I'm always condemning Israel being a Jew myself?  Who is the close minded here?  Sorry, but I can't appreciate anything coming from Hitler.  Of course, I like the Me109, but that doesn't mean he was not a wacko who killed 6 million Jews.
Funny thing is you dont even realize hitler ordered a stop to it, oh well.
Cowboy from Hell

Deutschland wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

You're doing the same thing you did earlier!

Just because a regime is brutal and violent doesn't mean it isn't also intelligent and productive.  To be honest, that's the worst part about Hitler in my opinion.  If it weren't for the fact that he was a nutter who killed millions, he could have done so much for Germany.  On the other hand, if he hadn't started WWII Europe and co. might not have been dragged out of the depression...................
The point is I don't give a fuck if he did good things.  He fucked up things killing millions without justification.  For me Hitler was a wacko and there's nothing intelligent about him.
Well... Let me just lay this out for you. Back then the jewish community declared war on Germany, Which led to them sabotaging the German government, destroying trains, etc. you can look this up, they were put in the work camps for a period of a time until they were investigated by the gestapo to have no links to such activities, much like the japs in america after pearl harbor. Now, heres what I think about the deaths, some were purposely murdered for various reasons, nobody knows if they were justified or not, they may be or may not be, but I think most of them died because of starvation, not being able to supply food to the russian front and western front at the same time, led to a lack of food to prisoners. and when the germans retreated closer to germany, the camps were left without people to feed many, which led to them starving until another force came to take over.
Please, go away.  You are justifying Hitler.

sergeriver wrote:

Deutschland wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

The point is I don't give a fuck if he did good things.  He fucked up things killing millions without justification.  For me Hitler was a wacko and there's nothing intelligent about him.
Well... Let me just lay this out for you. Back then the jewish community declared war on Germany, Which led to them sabotaging the German government, destroying trains, etc. you can look this up, they were put in the work camps for a period of a time until they were investigated by the gestapo to have no links to such activities, much like the japs in america after pearl harbor. Now, heres what I think about the deaths, some were purposely murdered for various reasons, nobody knows if they were justified or not, they may be or may not be, but I think most of them died because of starvation, not being able to supply food to the russian front and western front at the same time, led to a lack of food to prisoners. and when the germans retreated closer to germany, the camps were left without people to feed many, which led to them starving until another force came to take over.
Please, go away.  You are justifying Hitler.
Please go away, you are justifying murder.
The Lizzard

sergeriver wrote:

The difference between you and me is I condemn Israel coz what they are doing with Palestinians is wrong, but I'm starting to think you don't like Jews.  Am I close minded when I'm always condemning Israel being a Jew myself?  Who is the close minded here?  Sorry, but I can't appreciate anything coming from Hitler.  Of course, I like the Me109, but that doesn't mean he was not a wacko who killed 6 million Jews.
Yes, because saying that he pulled Germany out of a depressions is so totally false.........oh, wait.

History has proven time and again that some of the worst killers are highly intelligent people.  Is it any surprise that this includes mass-murderers?  Taking control of a country and setting up a dictatorship isn't exactly something you learn in 2nd grade.

Further, if I were anti-Semitic wouldn't I have gone along with Deutschland's claim that Jews killed millions in Russia?

No, the difference between you and me is that I view people as complex beings with multiple capabilities and parts.  I can acknowledge that some people are great on some levels and very definitely not on others.  In short, you come close to a black and white view of the world.

Deutschland, stfu.  I don't need your kind defending me.  Also, can we get a mod check on him?  He sounds a bit like that chainsaw88 dude or whatever his name is.

Bubbalo wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

The difference between you and me is I condemn Israel coz what they are doing with Palestinians is wrong, but I'm starting to think you don't like Jews.  Am I close minded when I'm always condemning Israel being a Jew myself?  Who is the close minded here?  Sorry, but I can't appreciate anything coming from Hitler.  Of course, I like the Me109, but that doesn't mean he was not a wacko who killed 6 million Jews.
Yes, because saying that he pulled Germany out of a depressions is so totally false.........oh, wait.

History has proven time and again that some of the worst killers are highly intelligent people.  Is it any surprise that this includes mass-murderers?  Taking control of a country and setting up a dictatorship isn't exactly something you learn in 2nd grade.

Further, if I were anti-Semitic wouldn't I have gone along with Deutschland's claim that Jews killed millions in Russia?

No, the difference between you and me is that I view people as complex beings with multiple capabilities and parts.  I can acknowledge that some people are great on some levels and very definitely not on others.  In short, you come close to a black and white view of the world.

Deutschland, stfu.  I don't need your kind defending me.  Also, can we get a mod check on him?  He sounds a bit like that chainsaw88 dude or whatever his name is.
I dont believe I ever defended you, nor would I care to by reading your stance to issues on these forums.

Unintelligence is the death of a society.

Last edited by Deutschland (2007-07-25 09:32:22)

The Lizzard
Well, serge, at least if I am an anti-semite I'm hated by Nazis.  That makes me some sort of an anti-semitic outcast, no?

Bubbalo wrote:

Well, serge, at least if I am an anti-semite I'm hated by Nazis.  That makes me some sort of an anti-semitic outcast, no?
Im not a Nazi nor anti-semetic, I judge people by how they act.
@DeathBecomesYu One hell of a point you have their.

@konfusion I really dont care about being agreed with. It's the principal of the thing, I bash the "Enemies of America" Because they bash us in their nation they can go and spread propaganda about how bad the US, How we Love Jews, How we exploit women, How we do all this shit which goes against their "Religious Laws" But i cant say in public Manner that i think Iran is bad, Islam needs reform, Chinese products are dangerous, or some Politically Correct asshole will try to stop me for being "discriminate"

See these pussy ass Liberals are so scared of another terrorists attack their method of fighting it is to "Give up and Give in" (In a manner of speaking) Does this really work? No! Look at Spain after the madrid train bombings they elected a party which was opposed to the war and gave in to the terrorists. I mean how the fuck! Are you going to cower in fear of them? No you dont! Thats why i applaud england so much, They lived through a train bombing and yet they have'nt pulled out, They know not to give into pressure from the outside(But sadly pressure from the inside is getting worse and worse)

I have no freedom of speech really thats why the i am the way i am. If you ask me my opinion and you dont like it too late you already asked dont try to shut me up with Punishment.(Also most liberals have an elitist attitude which pisses me off, They think they are the champions of equality, They try to make everyone happy, But really they are just whores i a way)

Hey what can I say bush and his butt buddies is addicted to oil. If we had gore in the Whitehouse we'd have flying cars that run on veggie oil.

David.P wrote:

See these pussy ass Liberals are so scared of another terrorists attack their method of fighting it is to "Give up and Give in" (In a manner of speaking) Does this really work? No! Look at Spain after the madrid train bombings they elected a party which was opposed to the war and gave in to the terrorists. I mean how the fuck! Are you going to cower in fear of them? No you dont! Thats why i applaud england so much, They lived through a train bombing and yet they have'nt pulled out, They know not to give into pressure from the outside(But sadly pressure from the inside is getting worse and worse)
lol. The populace of Spain was vehemently opposed to action in Iraq since the moment a sheepish Colin Powell brandished that ridiculous vial of anthrax in the UN. They were about to go to the polls when the Madrid bombings occurred and their then prime minister LIED to the people by trying to pin the blame on ETA (Eskatasuna Ta Askatasuna). They ditched his sorry lying ass as a consequence. I never realised many of these 'dumb ass conservatives' were so against democracy....

PS The Iraq war does nothing to deter or prevent terror, in fact CIA reports that global terrorism has increased as a result. If you think it's preventing an attack on US homeland soil then you're pretty deluded. How many Mexicans cross your southern border illegally every day?

PPS Gordon Brown is going to have to do something about Iraq because the British never supported the invasion of Iraq, the stupidest idea this decade making them look like total gimpazoid rent-bitches to the rest of the world. As an aside, the British army are pulling out of Northern Ireland as we speak following a 30 year conflict where they could not defeat the terrorist IRA.

David.P wrote:

I have no freedom of speech really thats why the i am the way i am. If you ask me my opinion and you dont like it too late you already asked dont try to shut me up with Punishment.(Also most liberals have an elitist attitude which pisses me off, They think they are the champions of equality, They try to make everyone happy, But really they are just whores i a way)
No we're not champions of equality, we're champions of rational thought.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-07-25 09:46:24)

Cowboy from Hell

Bubbalo wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

The difference between you and me is I condemn Israel coz what they are doing with Palestinians is wrong, but I'm starting to think you don't like Jews.  Am I close minded when I'm always condemning Israel being a Jew myself?  Who is the close minded here?  Sorry, but I can't appreciate anything coming from Hitler.  Of course, I like the Me109, but that doesn't mean he was not a wacko who killed 6 million Jews.
Yes, because saying that he pulled Germany out of a depressions is so totally false.........oh, wait.

History has proven time and again that some of the worst killers are highly intelligent people.  Is it any surprise that this includes mass-murderers?  Taking control of a country and setting up a dictatorship isn't exactly something you learn in 2nd grade.

Further, if I were anti-Semitic wouldn't I have gone along with Deutschland's claim that Jews killed millions in Russia?

No, the difference between you and me is that I view people as complex beings with multiple capabilities and parts.  I can acknowledge that some people are great on some levels and very definitely not on others.  In short, you come close to a black and white view of the world.

Deutschland, stfu.  I don't need your kind defending me.  Also, can we get a mod check on him?  He sounds a bit like that chainsaw88 dude or whatever his name is.
If Hitler wasn't an idiot he wouldn't have invaded Russia.  And I didn't mean you were anti-semite.  Sorry.
Cowboy from Hell

Deutschland wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Well, serge, at least if I am an anti-semite I'm hated by Nazis.  That makes me some sort of an anti-semitic outcast, no?
Im not a Nazi nor anti-semetic, I judge people by how they act.
Oh, is that so?  And how do you judge a guy who killed 6 million Jews?

ATG wrote:

As long as they only repress and murder Iranians the libs will say its alright.

There seems to be a basic lack of understanding about right and wrong with them.
Iranians killing Iranians is wrong, but Americans killing Iranians to stop them from killing Iranians is right? No sense of irony, eh?

CameronPoe wrote:

No we're not champions of equality, we're champions of rational thought.
Ding ding ding. We have a winner.
+5,233|6575|Global Command

Deutschland wrote:

I dont believe I ever defended you, nor would I care to by reading your stance to issues on these forums.

Unintelligence is the death of a society.
I hope you enjoy your stay, however brief it maybe.

Last edited by ATG (2007-07-25 10:17:45)


CameronPoe wrote:

lol. The populace of Spain was vehemently opposed to action in Iraq since the moment a sheepish Colin Powell brandished that ridiculous vial of anthrax in the UN. They were about to go to the polls when the Madrid bombings occurred and their then prime minister LIED to the people by trying to pin the blame on ETA (Eskatasuna Ta Askatasuna). They ditched his sorry lying ass as a consequence. I never realised many of these 'dumb ass conservatives' were so against democracy....
So you're saying those people deserved to be killed? They still gave into terror,They showed the terrorists they were easily influenced, Also did it stop any more attacks from happening? Uh No. I'm not against democracy just pussy's bending over(Kinda like they do in Hippie infested San Francisco)

CameronPoe wrote:

PS The Iraq war does nothing to deter or prevent terror, in fact CIA reports that global terrorism has increased as a result. If you think it's preventing an attack on US homeland soil then you're pretty deluded. How many Mexicans cross your southern border illegally every day?
I know the Iraq war is quagmire. I dont support it just the troops. It may not be preventing but atleast its buying us time.

CameronPoe wrote:

PPS Gordon Brown is going to have to do something about Iraq because the British never supported the invasion of Iraq, the stupidest idea this decade making them look like total gimpazoid rent-bitches to the rest of the world. As an aside, the British army are pulling out of Northern Ireland as we speak following a 30 year conflict where they could not defeat the terrorist IRA.
So your saying if they got attacked he would pull a spain on us? Btw they could'nt defeat the IRA because they did'nt know how to. Give back northern Ireland and let Ireland be whole again like germany after the wall fell.

CameronPoe wrote:

No we're not champions of equality, we're champions of rational thought.
Is'nt it rational to give everyone a say? Is'nt it rational to let people say what they want about who they want even if it offends them? I mean you can say so much shit about christians/jews/etc but not about muslims and communists. I guess the lib's want free speech for some and censorship for others.

I wish i could say this without being reprimanded for being racist/bigot/ignorant/closed minded by some asshole hippies.

1. Al sharpton is a race baiter using any chance he can get to further his power over people. And when he's wrong he does'nt apologize because he thinks he does'nt have to Aka duke lacrosse.

2. Homosexuals are  the group most infected with sexually transmitted disease's because of their lifestyles!

3. Mexico has Immigration laws that simply violate human rights and the US's laws are light compared to theirs(And we all know some hippie would come up and say you bastard! They are people that are suffering you dont know their plight)

4. Islam needs to stop this middle ages mentality and stop oppresing people based on sharia law and giving birth to a majority of the worlds terrorists because of what the prophet says.(Seriously i get most of my racist remarks from people by saying that)

Last edited by David.P (2007-07-25 10:18:34)


ATG wrote:

Deutschland wrote:

I dont believe I ever defended you, nor would I care to by reading your stance to issues on these forums.

Unintelligence is the death of a society.
Maybe you two should stop killing society.
+5,233|6575|Global Command

jonsimon wrote:

ATG wrote:

As long as they only repress and murder Iranians the libs will say its alright.

There seems to be a basic lack of understanding about right and wrong with them.
Iranians killing Iranians is wrong, but Americans killing Iranians to stop them from killing Iranians is right? No sense of irony, eh?
You are flirting with delusion.

Haven't I stated repeatedly that I feel for the Iranian people and want to assist them with regime change if they want it, which they seem to do.

I did say I would evacuate Mecca before I leveled it.

I have disclaimers about military action too as I think idealistically and have distanced  myself from the Bush Admin.

ATG wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

ATG wrote:

As long as they only repress and murder Iranians the libs will say its alright.

There seems to be a basic lack of understanding about right and wrong with them.
Iranians killing Iranians is wrong, but Americans killing Iranians to stop them from killing Iranians is right? No sense of irony, eh?
You are flirting with delusion.

Haven't I stated repeatedly that I feel for the Iranian people and want to assist them with regime change if they want it, which they seem to do.
Regime change = violent coup. "Assisting" in removing the government means providing guns and military aid so that rebels can more effeciently fight. Supporting a regime change means supporting violence. You're the one that seems to be deluded.

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