Ok just so all of you know where im comming from. Im an American, 18 years ols, I graduate High School in 2 days. My political stance is that of a moderate repbulican, I like alot of bushes domestic policies, and some of his foreign ones. I was born here, then me and my family moved to SAUDI ARABIA for 7 years, now im back in america, and I have been for the past 8 years. Now nobody tell me I have no right to say anything about america because Ive seen alot more shit than most of you.
Now im going to answer each of your questions raph[BOSS], and im going to light up your world (Toby Keith).
1. You may not know this, but American children are required by law to attend school untill they're 18 years old. Once they legally become adults, they can fuck up their lives as they see fit. You can also choose to enlist in the military at that time, which some do. Now an incentive to join the military is FREE MONEY FOR COLLEGE. So after those people serve their time, they can go to college basically for free, or with alot of it paid for. So this statement is void. Oh and if your quoting the statistics of american school children vs. other european countries, for example Germany, those are also void. I have taken 3 years of german in school, and I visited there for 3 weeks last summer. They have 3 levels of school, the lowest being the kids who will grow up to be ditch diggers, the second is for kids who will be blue collar workers, and mabey go to college, and the 3rd and highest is the Gymnasium, these are the doctors, lawyrs, scientists, etc, all of whom will go to college. The statistics are taken from their highest level students. Now here in America, everone is equal when it comes to school. So our statistics are the average of everyone, while Germany's for example is the statistics from the smartest of the smart there. Its an unfair and void arguement.
2.Really, we're psychos? Thats why we're the becon of freedom and equality in the world? Thats why Americans are some of the most patriotic people in the world? Thats why we send the most aid money to all the people in need in the world? And thats why we do the most of any other country in the world to spread equal and fair rights in the world hugh? Yes we are the only country to have used nuclear weapons in the world, twice. But do you know what Japan's planns were for the US west coast? If we hadent stoped them, and if they had got carriers within range of the west coast, they were making biological weapons to use. Those bombs carried millions of flea's that carried the plague, you likley being a european should know what that does, considering far more than 50% of your contenent died from it. They wanted to infect America with a horrible, slow, painful, death. Yes the cancer and radiation poisoning from our bombs did the same thing to those japanese who survived the blasts, but it was a far far less amount of people that died that way then would have been if they carried out their plan. Oh and when the surrendered, we went in and helped those people, and we helped them them re-build those cities, along with all of europe.
Now as for making people live and be governed the "American Way" I agree with you to a degree. But im sorry, the way it was in Iraq, and Afganastan was in humane. A democracy like we have in America would never work there, It cant. But what ever they get, if we follow through and its done right, will fit their country and culture, and be 110% better than what they had before.
3.Because we're not an unstable country controlled my a psychotic government who might use them in the name of genocide. Hey mabey we should also attack you should attack Russia, England, France, China, India, Pakastan, Isreal, North Korea, soon Iran. I'll bet money your from one of those countries, mabey I should attack you?
4.Nope, Its American policy. Im not saying that nothing violating that policy has never happened, because it has. But do we beat and torture our prisionrs daily? Do we give them enough food and water to barely live? Do we put 20 dying people in a 10x10 concrete cell? Do our prisiors not see day light for years at a time? You really should just shut up because your an idiot.
5.I dont really understand your bad grammer, so ill just generalize about the UN. The UN is worthless, it once had power, and today it still does give us a place to have countries talk and make some decisions in a democratic way. But it really has no power anymore. Oh and where is the headquarters? New York City, USA. What country is the single largest contrubuter of money and military hardware to it? The US. Shut your damn mouth.
6.HAHAHAHAHAHA, this makes me laugh out loud. Because if there was a global embargo aginst the US the world economy would shut down. There would be almost no comercal launches into space (communications satilites and such) Countries would'nt have new airplanes, excpt for Air Bus since there located in France I believe, but that would take out Boing, Lockheed Martin, MacDonald Douglass, the list goes on and on. I really could go on for pages but I wont.
7.This is true, but he actually didnt kill anyone. Yes he ordered the war, and thus is responsible. But answer this, is it possible for really anyone not sin according to christian beliefs? I mean the second your born there something aginst you. It really is a bit riddiclous. So everyone is going to hell. I mean ive cured a few times here, so im going to hell right now. You are too for your speech. Thats what repentment is for. You repent your sins to God and Jesus, and he takes them for you and forgives you so that you may go to heaven. He dosnent discriminate aginst people, as long as you do what is required to repent, and if you've lived a good life in general, which most peole do.
I hope i've enlightend you a little, since you really have no arguement. All of what you said is void, have a nice fucking day. Oh and you can kiss my big fat, SUV driving (yes I have one), polluting, godless (alot of the world thinks this, but its false), American ass.