Horseman and Erkut when will you stop with all this "we saved your asses in WW2 and now you should be grateful and admire us for everything we do no matter what it is".
Yeah and as if the middle east could easily invade Europe. You know we got some nukes over here too just in case....
Its more likely that the Chinese will come to you or to us someday and then we should better work together because they will be 99999999999999 people then.
1. I never said anything about WWII that I can remember. And I give a fuck if you admire me or not.
2. The invasion is already underway, it's just not happening with people in uniforms and tanks trying to storm your capitals.
3. Nukes mean nothing if they are mingled in your population already.
4. By the time the Chinese can invade, I will be long dead, and won't care.
Elzieki, that was a good one. Someone will prolly be offended, but, that was fuggin funny.
I just find it funny that people will always snap to fucking attention to piss on America, but never find fault with the shitholes they call home.
_____ (don't want to upset an atheist) bless everyone but the USA (Until you need our troops or money, of course)