Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
Double post sorry...

Last edited by mcminty (2006-01-24 16:37:52)

+4|7000|Irving Tx
The main problem that the world has with us is the fact that we live in the land of plenty. The rest of the world stuggles to feed itsself and our problem is we are over weight. We have freedoms that no one else has. We have resorces that no one else has. We have had leaders who had enough vision to take us to the forefront of the world issues. We as a nation affect and can affect so many world changes that the rest of the world can only dream of achieving. That is what the anot american bashers are about. They dont have the leardership dont have the resourses. The rest of the  world is bitter because we have what they want.
ops forgot one important thing:

May my country always be right weither it be right or wrong!

Last edited by Orion5413 (2006-01-24 17:03:04)


LaidBackNinja wrote:

You can shove it up your American ass.

My reasoning is this:
Bush sucks. Over half of you voted for bush. So over half of you suck.
That means, averagely speaking, that Americans suck.

But what really takes the biscuit is this:

You guys remember the international agreement where all countries would reduce their carbon-dioxide production by 7%?
America being the generous people they are volunteered to help poorer countries get to that 7% if they couldn't do so themselves. On the condition that every percent they helped another country do, they wouldn't have to do themselves. Yes, you got that right: if say they helped Nigeria reduce their CO2 production by 4%,
they would only have to do 3% in the US. In other words:
"Yeah sure, we'll help other countries change just so long as it means we don't have to change ourselves."

I could go on and on but frankly I'm getting depressed just thinking about the US too much.
God bless America and nobody else.
Did you know that less then 50% of people eligible to vote here in the U.S. actually do right? So out of the about 200 million people over the age of 18, 100 million of them vote. Which means that a little over 50 million people actually voted for him, therefor about 1/6 of Americans voted for him not half of us. So before you say that half of Americans voted for him and generalizing that into meaning that most Americans suck, GET YOUR FUCKING FACTS STRAIGHT!

Last edited by Jack_Danger (2006-01-27 23:17:38)


Spark wrote:

True. Kyoto is kinda redundant without any of the big developing countries signing.

-xDookiex- wrote:

All you anti-war hippy Euros are forgetting America saved your asses in WWII.  If it wasn't for us you'd all be marching around saying hail hitler... ungrateful bastards. You all need to get lives and stop hating America for no reason.  We're not near you and its none of your concern what our country does. I had some netherland guy telling me America was like russia and we have poor people all over the streets.... then some kid told me saddam was a CIA agent and the US was using him to take over Iraq.  I get a bunch of people telling me all this whacked out crap whenever i play with psychotic euros. Where the hell do you morons get your information?? Maybe you should visit the country before you start making up shit about it...
If you actually read a history book you'd know that it was the British who won the war. Holding out against continous German attacks and allowing the US to set up a base from which to conduct a coun ter-offenstive against Germany. Or, The Soviets won the war, tying up huge numbers of German troops, deep in the Eastern Front. So s.t.f.u. and go learn something before making such statements.

And are you blind? Or didn't you read the sources? Especially the declassified NSA doco? Or did you do the most convenient thing? Ignore it!

Anyway, here's a little clue to why people might hate America:

Remember that little US bomb in Pakistan aimed at al-Qaeda leaders?

Well, now theres lots of big demonstrations across Pakistan.

Pro al-Qaeda.

Anti US.

Because of this little bomb that killed people who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anything aoutside their little village.

Thanks. Thanks a fucking lot.
He said we "saved your asses" not we won the war. If America didn't come to help there Britain would have eventually fallen to nazi germany like the rest of Europe. All of the allied forces helped tremendiously so lets not go around saying "well we helped more because we did this" and "but we did this" just STFU about it because it was 60 effing years ago and if you have to bring up stuff like that to prove a point you should not be arguing in this thread.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
All these guys who hate 'anti-war' people I have a few questions.

1. Are you a soldier?

2. Have you been in war (I haven't, and I sure as hell never want to be)

3. Do you really want to be shooting and be shot?

4. Still like war?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

JaM3z wrote:

guys just like to say im from europe and big fucking deal whats the problem with americans or europeans, UK loves USA and the USA just dont give a shit so, what if they wanna kill the planet it aint gna bother me cause i aint gna be here to see it so fuk em, and yh USA did save our ass's in WWII big fucking deal u asked us to go iraq we went we dont bitch and moan well only the pussy's do, ive been there done my service came home and had a good time big fire fight broke out USA and UK kicked ass as we do, played poker with the american troops although they are better than me and there a good bunch of lads, so stop trying to flame each others countries its borring and pathetic who gives to shits, you dont like another country dont go there simple
and yes i am well aware that was one of the longest fucking sentances ever so flame me or something

grow up people go anf get women take her home and fuck her silly

end of

EDIT: Spelling & Grammer
I sincerely hope then that you never have children.

atlvolunteer wrote:

So I guess al Qaeda's master bomb maker and chemical weapons expert "had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anything aoutside their little village."
I'm talking about the kids and normal people, who probably were just in that restaurant (i think). Eating. Boom. Dead. You kill two al-Qaeda members. Great Job. And you make sure that the al-Qaeda Recruitment office is full for the next few years...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Agreed spark but war will always be around, even if we were a united planet there would still be those that fight back and who knows about teh aliens lol
She looked 18 to me officer

whittsend wrote:

Stealth42o wrote:

America (ns) are completly full of shit.
Some are.  Where did you say you were from?

USA... or did the "Maine" under my name not give it away?

Stealth42o wrote:

Case in point, tens of million of people have died in Africa within the last decade from poverty, deasiese, civil war and genocide.  However we do nothing about it and invade Iraq.  Why?  There is no money in helping Africa.
Not so.  We had a MAJOR mission in Somalia, the purpose of which was to ensure that the needy got food.  Unfortunately it turned into a military mission with real casualties and we cut and run (under the previous president - so please don't say this is a partisan issue).  Now, I'm sure plenty of folks will say America sucks because we should have stuck it out for a noble cause, but if that is true, why didn't all of the nations which are so much better pick up where the US left off?

Yup, Clinton's choice to withdraw the troops out of Somalia changed forgien policy a lot.  So much we had Bin Laden, however Clinton was to much of a pussy to pull the trigger after Mogadishu.

Stealth42o wrote:

We will do whatever the fuck we please because... we are Americans.

This includes invading your country if we just "think" you may be doing something bad. (EI: You have oil).
This is an incredible exaggeration.  I don't particularly like the fact that we invaded Iraq...but other than that instance, what information leads you to this ridiculous statement?  It is not a historical fact that we invade countries for shits and giggles.  Most of the Military actions of the past 50 years have been worthwhile.  The current one isn't particulary good but most Americans only know that in hindsight.  It is a failure of the administration, not the people (who were lead astray by a misplaced trust in their government).

Well I keep hearing "We are a goverment of the people"... so you do the math.  And the other simple fact is this country, within the last 200 years, has spilt more blood then any other in history.  WWII Was noble, everything else off the top of my head, we had something in it.  Wether it be land, oil, or installing goverments we sought fit.

Stealth42o wrote:

We are gluntonac, liars, and cheats.
Speak for yourself.

I do, 1st amendment.

Stealth42o wrote:

However what am I to do?  Voting doesn't help, they will elect who they want.
I'm not particularly thrilled with the clown we have now, but I won't give up trying to put good men in office.

You (we) do not put anyone in office.  You still think we have a democracy.

Stealth42o wrote:

That sounds dandy.

Yea it does.

Stealth42o wrote:

To where?  I hate planes, so across the pond is out.
Try swimming.

Don't think I could swim that far.

Stealth42o wrote:

Canada.. well at least I would get health care.
If you like lines and hate choices.

Have you read the new medicare health plan?  Probaly not, most people can't.

Stealth42o wrote:

So in closing, yea we do suck
You might.  I don't.

I do, I am an american.  This country embareses the shit outa me.  Have you heard what the rest of the world thinks about us? (Cept for are last allie the brits) You cannot tell me all there views are askew.

Stealth42o wrote:

I am sure I will get a flame for being "Non patriotic or Un American".
I don't consider this a flame (because you have heaped nothing but scorn and insults on your countrymen, it is a simple fact); you are both unpatriotic and anti-American.

I can assure you, I am nor unpatriotic nor anti-american.  Just because my goverement and country disapoints and embaresses me, and I speak out about it, does not by any stretch of the imagination make me unpatriotic or un-american.

Stealth42o wrote:

However we do need a few people to hold the goverment accountable for there actions.  They sure as hell do not.
I agree wholeheartedly...but I would prefer that those people thought that our country was worth the effort.  Clearly, you do not.

What people?  The congressmen being indited one after another for fraud?  I think they had THEMSELFS in mind and not the country.  And the list goes on and on.

Edit: 37 y/o American soldier.
32 year old american, son of a dead soldier.
Horseman 77
I know this is off the thread but a lot of people here seem to "know a lot "

So please explain......

Why do so many foreign Nationals Especially Canadians end up in NYC Hospitals

if America sucks?

That's all we have in New York hospitals is  people from abroad who come here God knows 

some are really Scum

why if its so bad.

One lady shit worms out,

Can you Imagine living in a country where people still get worms. lol

My dog doesn't get worms and he licks his ass?
Well I absolutly love Bush!! at least he has the balls to go out their and beat the shit out of a tyrant who in the past used chemical weapons, pretended to hide them, murdered his own people, attempted to assassinate a former president, and also made an announcement granting all terrorists protection in iraq.....Bush was totally right to go fuck him up.. and im glad he did! Who cares about some WMD's their were many more reasons that saddam needed an asskicking.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
Problem is that people don't like being lied to.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Horseman 77

Spark wrote:

Problem is that people don't like being leid to.
well you seem to know the truth. How did you come apon it. Some one E-mail you satilite photos?

Tell me, tell us..

If Bin Laden / Al Qieada wasn't connected to Iraq.. Then, why does he want to make a truce over the Ass whipping the insurgents are getting there.. ? Why did we find Airliners all set up in his country for terrorist to pratice on? did you forget that. Did you forget the Sarin gas?
Dead Meat
whittsend,       "What people?  The congressmen being indited one after another for fraud?  I think they had THEMSELFS in mind and not the country.  And the list goes on and on."

If it is the Republican congressmen you speak of in the past 6 months... Nothing has been found to prove they did anything wrong.

Everyone, I am American. I do not agree with eveything our government does. There is allot of corruption and backstabbing... useless spending... I think it's stupid that we have'nt found alternative energy sources that could make a positive impact on our nation and the world as a whole. Any innovations we have now are so expensive it's hard to get everyone on-board.

Those of you who "hate" Americans... You are entitled to your opinions... eeer maby. Depends on if you can have an opinion. Some countries you can be put to death for expressing your opinion. Not here.

There are some great nations around the world but... Some of the freedoms we take for granted are the very freedoms people in other countries long for. I wish everyone in the world could have these freedoms but they don't.
That's why in my opinion others are maby a little jealous and see us as arrogant or just plain assholes.
You can feel that way, it's fine but remember... when it comes down to the "little people" (any person not in a government position), we are all the same. We all have feelings, walk up-right, put our pants on one leg at a time (unless you are very tallented!), and work hard our whole lives just to feel like we accomplished something. (and to feed our families).
So, polititions make stupid policy, and do things we do or do not like... In my personal life the only people I care about is my family. If some Tard wants to come to my country and kill all of us... that makes me a little tense. People like that should be stopped before they have a chance to kill my wife and daughter... and my new one on the way.
Sorry for the long rant... I'm done!!!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

Horseman 77 wrote:

Spark wrote:

Problem is that people don't like being leid to.
well you seem to know the truth. How did you come apon it. Some one E-mail you satilite photos?

Tell me, tell us..

If Bin Laden / Al Qieada wasn't connected to Iraq.. Then, why does he want to make a truce over the Ass whipping the insurgents are getting there.. ? Why did we find Airliners all set up in his country for terrorist to pratice on? did you forget that. Did you forget the Sarin gas?
You misinterpreted me. My comment was in relation to the grumblings people are having about the war.

As for the al-Qaeda connection.

Saddam Hussein is one of bin Laden's chief enemies. The reason he is so involved in this conlfict is because once again, American troops (or 'infidels') are on arab ('sacred') territory. That's why he hates Saddam. That's why one of his top agents (al-Zarqawi) is conduction the Iraqi insurgency.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

Jack_Danger wrote:

Did you know that less then 50% of people eligible to vote here in the U.S. actually do right? So out of the about 2 million people over the age of 18, 1 million of them vote. Which means that a little over half a million people actually voted for him, therefor about 1/6 of Americans voted for him not half of us. So before you say that half of Americans voted for him and generalizing that into meaning that most Americans suck, GET YOUR FUCKING FACTS STRAIGHT!
No I didn't know that...

USA Census Data wrote:

Population, 2000.............................................281,421,906
Persons under 18 years old, percent, 2000........25.7%
281,241,906 x 25.7% = 72,279,170 persons under 18.


218,241,906 - 72,279,170  = 208,962,736 persons over 18, eligeble to vote.

Also look at this
Its about IQ in relation to Politics. Go here Well worth the look for those that hate bush.

Last edited by mcminty (2006-01-25 03:17:53)

Dead Meat

Spark wrote:

As for the al-Qaeda connection.

Saddam Hussein is one of bin Laden's chief enemies. The reason he is so involved in this conlfict is because once again, American troops (or 'infidels') are on arab ('sacred') territory. That's why he hates Saddam. That's why one of his top agents (al-Zarqawi) is conduction the Iraqi insurgency.
I'm sorry but that makes no since.
If bin ladin hates Hussein... why would he care if we went in to kill him?
Just the fact of us being there would'nt make bin ladin blame Hussein. I believe they are just exploiting the situation by taking advantage of picking a few of us off while they can.
Both Hussein and Bin ladin hate us and want us all dead. Why would'nt they work together for the same goal?
I'll even go a little further and sugest that Iraq, Al-Qaeda, Seria, and Iran are conspiring to take us out. As we continue to loose people over there, they want to weaken us and keep our attention on Iraq while Iran continues building wmd with supplies sneeked to Seria from Iraq!!!
Sound far fetched?
So did using airplanes as bombs.
i skipped over everything everyone said, cause in all actuality your opinions mean nothing...  You are all just the voice of one pebble of sand in a beach...  I am an american, proud to be an american...  I think every countries system is flawed in many many ways, personally i think the united states was the closest, but soo many freedoms allowed people to abuse that system.  I am a sailor, and every country i have been to i have been treated with the utmost respect.  Though i didnt port in tourist areas, which as everyone knows arent the same.  All i have to say to everyone is grow up, get along, play a lil more BF2, lay off the forums.  If you dont like someones country, keep it to yourself.  We are all people.  For all you know, you could meet your closest friend in a country that you despise.  So if you want to hate me cause im american, you might as well be a racist and hate blacks, and hate jews, hate chinese, and womanize too... fuck, hate everyone that isnt you. You all see where this is leading..... so ill stop
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA

Stealth42o wrote:

32 year old american, son of a dead soldier.
Truly sorry for your loss, but you post it as if it were a rebuttal.  It doesn't change anything I said.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA

Spark wrote:

Saddam Hussein is one of bin Laden's chief enemies. The reason he is so involved in this conlfict is because once again, American troops (or 'infidels') are on arab ('sacred') territory. That's why he hates Saddam. That's why one of his top agents (al-Zarqawi) is conduction the Iraqi insurgency.
This is more or less true.  Saddam was a secular the eyes of bin Laden, he is an apostate.  Almost as bad as the infidels.  Worse, because he should know better.  Any connection between bin Laden and Saddam was tenuous or manufactured.

Al Queda is in Iraq simply because we are in Iraq.  Unfortunately, if we leave Iraq, that will make it a very nice place for them to organize (as Afghanistan was when the Russians left).  Double edged sword.

Orion5413 wrote:

The rest of the world stuggles to feed itsself and our problem is we are over weight.
The rest of the world? Yeah maybe in Africa but I havent seen many Europeans struggling to feed themselves. So you see this argument is invalid for other developed countries.

Orion5413 wrote:

We have freedoms that no one else has.
No one else? Name me some of the freedoms you have but NO ONE else has. (the right to bear arms can be positive but also negative so try naming another one since you imply there d be a lot)

Orion5413 wrote:

We as a nation affect and can affect so many world changes that the rest of the world can only dream of achieving.
Yeah right you live in the largest industrialized country. I live in an industrialized and well developed country too. It might be smaller but therefore my influence on the nation as a whole will be bigger.

Orion5413 wrote:

That is what the anot american bashers are about. [...] The rest of the  world is bitter because we have what they want.
Yeah right..... It s not because of all the other factors mentioned in this thread (e.g. strong patriotism which is sometimes close to nationalism, a feeling of "we are the best country in the world" which you seem to have too, maybe a lack of environmental awareness, arrogant behavior of some....for example you) that "the rest of the world" doesnt like some aspects of America. It s just because your country is indeed so much better than any other country and everyone is just jealous......
If that s what you think.......

@ mcminty

Yeah but that s just a theory. To be honest it appears to be a little far fetched. But that s just me. If this is true you could say that we can do shit about reducing CO2 emissions and therefor should stop caring about it at all.

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-01-25 05:40:27)

1 bad thing about america is too much freedom, like u can sue anyone for anything and the jury will be on your side, read on sum other post that if illegal immagrants (mexicans) tresspass your propety (farm), when u pistol whip them they sue you, and if an armed robber comes into your ass and you shoot him w/ a pistol, he sues you. now thats just retarded
Keep em coming people, at least we're talking. Some making sense, some not.

As far as the kid who bitched about Bush winning, where the fuck was P Diddy? "Vote or Die". Maybe if all the 18 year olds were a little more concerned with their country, and less concerned about "Mary Jane Rottencrotch", and getting high, you could affect some things, instead of carrying dumb ass banners, acting liek you know shit about shit. Punk ass little kids who complain then don't do shit to change things. You make me fucking sick. If you don't like the status quo, do something to change it, or shut your fucking mouth.
Pony Slaystation
+343|7022|Charlie One Alpha

Erkut.hv wrote:

Keep em coming people, at least we're talking. Some making sense, some not.

As far as the kid who bitched about Bush winning, where the fuck was P Diddy? "Vote or Die". Maybe if all the 18 year olds were a little more concerned with their country, and less concerned about "Mary Jane Rottencrotch", and getting high, you could affect some things, instead of carrying dumb ass banners, acting liek you know shit about shit. Punk ass little kids who complain then don't do shit to change things. You make me fucking sick. If you don't like the status quo, do something to change it, or shut your fucking mouth.
Uhh yeah, I'll just zip over to the States, find some way to become an American citizen eligible to vote, and vote against Bush... Shut the fuck up.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Keep em coming people, at least we're talking. Some making sense, some not.

As far as the kid who bitched about Bush winning, where the fuck was P Diddy? "Vote or Die". Maybe if all the 18 year olds were a little more concerned with their country, and less concerned about "Mary Jane Rottencrotch", and getting high, you could affect some things, instead of carrying dumb ass banners, acting liek you know shit about shit. Punk ass little kids who complain then don't do shit to change things. You make me fucking sick. If you don't like the status quo, do something to change it, or shut your fucking mouth.
Uhh yeah, I'll just zip over to the States, find some way to become an American citizen eligible to vote, and vote against Bush... Shut the fuck up.
Sounds like a plan. You don't like our leader, try and affect the outcome. Roughly half of the eligible public voted in the last presidential election. With all of the complaining that people are doing, you would think it was more like 80-90%. Not my fault you hippies didn't get to the polls.

People are so quick to complain, yet they did nothing to try and elect "their man".

And LaidBack, I figured you were American the way you were bitching about my President. My mistake. Oh, and kiss my American ass.

Thank you.
Pony Slaystation
+343|7022|Charlie One Alpha
Lol, that was gold
I'm not actually American though. But if I was, you can bet your fat-ass that I would have voted.
But since I can't vote over there, pretty much the only option I have to actually do something is to assasinate Bush. Which I'm not gonna do because it would give you a perfect excuse to invade my poor little country in revenge
As for that ass-kissing, if you buy the airline tickets then we have a deal.

Last edited by LaidBackNinja (2006-01-25 08:53:57)

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

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